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Everything posted by ColonelKuehl1

  1. MC Name: ColonelKuehl1 RP Name: Netseth Loa'chil Nation: Nor'asath
  2. Netseth recalled his initial meeting with the Prince of Fenn, "This is the best step for our future, to be among Mali whom share our values." the lord of the Loa'chil grew comfortable in his warm caves, prepared for the challenges ahead.
  3. Take care dude, had little chances to hang out hopefully we get more in the future, see ya when I see ya.
  4. A Ker looks to the missive, not often one to display much emotion he was pleased by the unity forming as an affront to the Silver State. He recalls having met the subjugated children and remains disturbed by what he had seen as clear brainwashing. "It grows worse, they even tried convincing the children to believe themselves lesser, though for a true son or daughter of Malin this is simply impossible." the Ker nods proudly to the action taken against Haelunor.
  5. "Hopefully they dont leave me out of this" speaks a Ker from Nor'asath
  6. A Goblin looks from the spirit realm having recalled how Pok let what many saw as a runt into a clan of Orcs and all the mayhem that followed, he pondered if his Poncho clad descendant could follow in his footsteps.
  7. In what was but a blink of an eye, they looked upon the sky. Ruin was all anyone could describe such a night. Prince Vival, the young heir of clan Velulaei’onn, stood valiantly upon the frontlines of the evacuation of Elvenese many of elven kind having looked to the skies toward their doom. The Young Ker found himself, brought to an abrupt end by a single slash of a hellish construct. In an attempt to fight for his life, the Prince found himself in the company of Elven lords. His life ended in the company of Sevrel Valindar, who took the honor of delivering the young Lord to his beloved home of the Stygian Hollow. Vival lived as the reclusive young son of the Velulaei’onn line of Renelia born to the first lord of the lands Aroen; Vival was a solitary boy having shared blood and practice within the clan Ravexi, having been raised upon the ideals of the Ironfist of the Ker. His time would have proven a brief one for the young reclusive scholarly warrior as the end brought only exodus. Having been separated by his kin, Vival found himself alone. As was true for many Ker at the time, survival turned into a priority, many integrating into other communities and many more turning toward ill reputable criminal acts. Vival, as he grew up, remained within the criminal underworld, having taken part in piracy at a young age following a less than a prestigious career in thievery. Within time the young Ker, having been forced to live under an alias and disguise based upon his heritage, after an untimely end to his criminal career, Vival lived among scholars in Sutica. Vival spent much time learning about more peculiar elements of the world. Through his knowledge, he earned a grander perspective. As Vival hungered for more, his studies had found an end with the sudden loss of the academy; Vival moved from place to place, continuing his studies and moving from place to place until the destruction of Arcas where old passions reignited though were cut short. Having lived and helped found the city of Freeport, Vival would find himself in a moment of conflict. He had learned some of his family had yet lived in the Holy Orenian Empire. From there, Vivals path became one of walking among a pack, a growing horde of Ker tribes seeking a dream preached by his predecessor of a new Renelia. In hindsight, the goal was perhaps a fool's dream; what he wanted may not have been the best for his people, yet perhaps not one whose ends proved without merit. Vival was not meant to lead, yet upon the stagnation of his predecessor, he was the one left to find a home for his people. During a moment of desperation, Vival led his people toward various potential homes, his sight inevitably falling upon the mountainous ravines in Urguan after his dealings with the Grand King. Through what seemed to be a strenuous effort, the lands of Stygian Hollow formed. Despite the struggles, many found within the city, the Prince grew accustomed to a family, friends, and the trials that even a smaller city may provide. The Young Prince in his final moments fulfilled with his life. ”Aelia, Pardek, and my youngest Ahzekk and the rest of my kin do not weep for eternity simply be better than I.” “To those who remain in the Hollow, our new dream shall not end with me. Carry on for all of our sakes.” “However I may be remembered, I only hope ill be remembered as a llir to all of you; we will meet again among the Ancestors.” “Velulaei, watch over each of you as I now go to join her.”
  8. Vival having been lost in a endless cycle of being lost in thought among his darkened valley. Moments of contemplation and meditation. For a moment as Vival craved answers and wisdom he looked to a Northern star thinking of his Aunt his last known tie too his Mothers clan of Ravexi as the Silver eyed Ker felt a suspicious chill down his spine as if losing something else in his time. From the Stygian Hollow, Vival returned to his study returning to whichever task he left for himself.
  9. The local Ker lord lingered within his home of perpetual night and deep fog he sat within the halls of the Velu'Asath. The entrance now coated in Aurum as he sharpened various daggers and weapons in eternal vigilance during this war of the unnatural. Vival would silently lament the struggle of finding a new home with each blade sharpened. The thought of how far his clans have finally come having founded the Hollow and to all he had already lost upon his journey as he muttered to himself "We shall let them know the Hollow will not fall too specters." the Lord of the Hollow moved to the highest balcony of his home eyeing the city below, wondering if it were time for his peoples resolve to be tested.
  10. I see LOTC as a creative outlet, one with an onslaught of options and opportunities immersion that most other roleplay groups in say mmos or even DnD lack. The challenge of running a society or being but a piece of a larger picture makes for a compelling narrative that I frankly cant keep away from.
  11. A young yet mistrustful Ker looked upon the missive curiously as he lingered within mountainous depths. Despite his introverted nature he found many a Mali'Ker looking to him for something to call their own. He looked toward the missive having felt he had been beholden to many a Mali calling for this dream of unity. Vival stood alongside Alyndel as he tore the missive "A Velulaei'onn you say?" He looked curiously though with a clear hint of distain, he never had any love for his Mar'malronn nor his Mal'maronn finding more admiration for the divided clans he came to befriend in his travels, seeking their own way. "Hrm a worthless name of a bygone era... still I will attend and in peace." He tips his head pondering what this city of mages would have to offer.
  12. "Rest well Llir I will never forget the kindness and respect you showed my clan and my people." The Mali'Ker thought to his time in Haelun'or remembering his friendship with High Elves. Vival Velu'Asath thought for a moment of how far he had come in his ambitions as he thought of his old ally.
  13. "Damnable Ocean! Failing too kill me before was your first mistake!" The Dark Elf shouts as he proceeds to pollute the ocean with various substances seeming a bit drunk.
  14. "Reprobates..." The normally introverted Velu'Asath clan head looked to the letter; his Velulaei'onn and Ravexi blood boiling beneath a methodical surface. The Mali'ker Prince looked as his architects worked and his clan lived freely and defiantly the so called State of Elven kind. Vival grinned thinking on the author of the letter "I quite like this ones enthusiasm." He grinned as he moved on preparing for the coming storm.
  15. Vival hummed as he signed his name; the Velu'Asath clan head, typically one prone too pragmatism had a moment of childish excitement. He knew full well he could finally have a home to call his own.
  16. ColonelKuehl1


    Felix grew up your typical Oren Empire citizen, the sort one would likely not notice or pay and mind to. Felix grew up in a more or less middle class self-made merchant family selling the pelts to those in need of them. Living easy Felix loved and desired simplicity to its core down to his detriment hardly paying attention to the world around him. At the age of eighteen, Felix found himself dumbfounded into something of a rushed through at the moment a loving not so approved marriage by those around him including his family Felix taking a large number of funds sought to prove them wrong. Felix desired a happy independent life with one he believed he loved using various resources to build a home outside of the Empire and directly under the not so dense woods under the shadow of Hael’unor. Both Husband and wife overestimated each other greatly, Felix thinking his experience in the pelt trade made him a proper survivalist and his Wife Ashlan believing to highly in the power of money only to find a shoddily built cabin and days of occasional starvation. Felix found himself carried by pure hubris, his spirits were carried along by boast, and his temper sated by shouting what he thought were High Elves mocking him... despite likely not being paid any mind. As was an inevitability of one’s pure stubbornness and the sudden failings of his shoddily built home, Felix found himself left alone, Ashlan seeming vanished from the area, Felix decided to not believe it tracked her down having told himself she must have been taken or eaten. Fancying himself a survivalist hero he followed the nonexistent trail wandering back into civilization to find any potential home to fall back to burnt to the ground both place of business as well as any family members remaining within the Empire having both died of natural causes several years prior. Still stubborn and with scarcely a coin to his name; Haff’es now ventures about with some hope of finding his missing lover… or to simply find some form of self worth, despite not realizing how desperately he desires it.
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