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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Little Esfir wails loudly and incessantly unless her parents were paying attention to her. A little drama queen in the making….
  2. Liridona stares at her nephew, and shakes her head. "We do niet do that here."
  3. Have a good rest of your sunday :)
  4. They did, this map is significantly smaller than Almaris and probably has double the realms. And as I mentioned in my painkiller-induced plan for world peace, there are currently 8 realms with touching borders.
  5. I got you I made this while very sick and on like. 8 billion painkillers https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ESH3Y2sQRB6Mm35LUJZebA4p2eL4Z_jfRadVoq02yqo/edit?usp=sharing
  6. I don't think I could be a mod for many reasons but one of them is that if I ranked low on this list I would cry
  7. Liridona held the brooch she had made for her dear Poppiya, running over its gems delicately. Eleven of my children should be here with me, Liridona thought to herself. But here I only have nine. Tears dripped onto the brooch. Where did everything go wrong?
  8. ((On mobile so I can’t spoiler this properly BUT CANNON 20 ATE))
  9. For days, Liridona stared out the window. She didn’t eat. She didn’t sleep. She only thought of her niece, whom she had been stationed with at cannon 20. Whenever someone talked to her, she was silent, save for the meek, hopeful question she echoed every time the door opened. ”….Poppy?”
  10. Liridona mourned the Grand King whom had been connected to her family for many decades… and then, she sought to prepare a gift and letter for her dear friend, Princess Amber
  11. “Ah…. Ea never thought Ea’d see the day..” Liridona clutched the missive to her chest, overjoyed that her eldest was to finally be wed!
  12. no way it is also my anniversary of joining this server! anniversary twins!!!! Your characters’ names are so creative, how do you choose them? :)
  13. Liridona quickly took to Koravia with many snacks, blankets, and other necessities her daughter in law would need while she cooed over her newest grandbabies
  14. A copy of the missive that had found its way to Juniper was ripped to shreds. And then she leaned over her desk, head in her hands. Everything was going wrong.
  15. Liridona weeps as one of her grandchildren is named after her. She takes to visit her niece and nephew-in-law as soon as possible, and coos fondly over the twins!
  16. The Gem of Amador reads thoroughly to prepare for her future creations….
  17. Juniper considers moving after such pumpkin blood was shed....
  18. Liridona, who owns a rather large collection of kokoshniks herself, is incredibly proud of her best friend's daughter's missive. "What ein clever girl!" The Amador exclaimed to herself. "Ah, Marian is such ein dobry mamej."
  19. Liridona excitedly prepares wedding gifts for her nephew and soon-to-be niece! A few happy tears are shed in the process.
  20. For several days, Juniper locks herself in her room, refusing any and all food and company as she could only cry for her fallen brother. She thinks about the thing Emir explicitly told her to think about. On the other hand, a traveling Colette breaks into utter places in foreign lands. “Papa..” She uttered aloud through her tears. “Forgive me for not being there in your last moments….”
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