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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. I am speechless oh my god THIS IS BEAUTIFUL crying on god ALSO GIVE ME BACK MY ******* RAT DOG >:(
  2. Liridona doesn’t know what this is about. The brave Timofei Petrovich rescued her queen, and her children had rescued her <3
  3. Juniper squints. "...The hell is this?" She quickly takes to writing her old friend.
  4. ─── From Ashes, We Rise EST 143 E.S. - Present | 1590 A.H. - Present ⋅ ───⊱༺⠀☨⠀༻⊰─── ⋅ The House of Amador officially proclaims this as a Rat Dog Smirk moment. This is the highest honor an Amador can bestow upon someone. Thanks, Jerry :)
  5. Poppiya's aedymamej weeps. Her little girl was finally getting married!! Liridona happily takes to preparing only the best gifts for her niece and soon to be nephew-in-law.
  6. Juniper reads over the missive, and her response is similar to most of Emir’s actions. ”What the hell is he thinking?”
  7. Liridona mourned in silence, as she usually did. She prayed for her aunt’s soul, and prepared to don her black gown. ”Rest well, aedymamej… by deserve it,” she uttered within the chapel of Mondstadt.
  8. Liridona once again prepared to don her pink cape. "This is our peace," She vowed. Juniper, however, chewed at her fingernails anxiously. She paced her room almost maniacally, clutching a heart-shaped necklace to her chest.
  9. Liridona is very proud of her son, and filled with nothing but relief that he returned safely.
  10. Juniper looked upon the paper with surprise, and perhaps some distaste. Nonetheless, she read it in its entirety before tossing it into a stack of other crumpled missives. Then, she sought to bird her old friend, the author, so that they could continue catching up on lost time.
  11. 1350 A.H. - Present NOD PEPEL, ASERE PODNIMAT’SYA From Ashes, We Rise — INTRODUCTION It is with great distress that the House of Amador must announce another forced entry into our sacred family home. An orc was seen to have been approaching the Barony of Mondstadt while the Baron, Henrik Amador III, was meeting with Marquis Sterling Whitewood. The pair managed to chase off the fiend, but in the process several valuable artifacts of the Amadors’ were stolen in the process. The valuables stolen include the Blueflame of Devotion, the wedding ring belonging to the late Baroness Nataliya Amador, and The Captain’s Chain, a pendant gifted to Henrik Amador for his coming of age. The person who returns these heirlooms to their rightful owners will receive a reward of 500 mina, and a personal commission of jewelry if they should so wish. If any of these items are recovered, please bird Liridona Amador. Her Ladyship, Liridona Ingrid Amador, The Gem of Amador, Palace Custodian of Hanseti-Ruska
  12. Liridona smiles, glad to welcome her cousin home.
  13. After the siege, Liridona returned home. Upon entering her room within Mondstadt, she stopped and faced a portrait- one of her deceased son, Arn. "Ea will avenge vy, mea dearest. Rest easy, mea sweet Arn, we are one step closer to our peace." With little more than a moment's rest, the Amador took to preparing for the next battle.
  14. TO BO NIKULDOV 1350 A.H. - Present NOD PEPEL, ASERE PODNIMAT’SYA From Ashes, We Rise — BO. It has brought me nothing but great distress and the most heartfelt grief to hear that you have taken the side of the Veletzians. To side with the men who slaughtered my son, your cousin- you may as well have taken my boy’s head yourself. I had forgiven your residence in Veletz, under the assumption that you were true to your mercantile roots. I had prepared to welcome your Carrion woman to Mondstadt. I was ready to accept her as an in-law and a niece, should you have brought her to Haense. I entrusted you with my youngest child’s care because he loved you, despite your questionable fealty. You swore loyalty to the anathema men who murdered my Benedict’s brother. Allow me to swear on my name as an Amador, for I will never be so tolerant again. Should you ever try to speak to one of my children, of blood or adoption, again, I will not rest until your head has been taken and personally presented to me. You are no Amador. You will not rise. You will remain ash. Her Ladyship, Liridona Ingrid Amador, The Gem of Amador
  15. Liridona did not come out of her room that night. She did not even allow her children in as she wept for the son she lost, and the nephew she believed she failed.
  16. A grieving mother prays at her bedside, rosary in hand. Then, she rises and turns to her freshly polished armor and sword. "For Arn," Liridona breathed; a vow of vengeance for her fallen son.
  17. Liridona wonders how such a ship was able to dock in the harbor of a landlocked nation.
  18. After hearing the news in Valdev, Arn's mother let out a choked sob as tears filled her eyes. Unable to hold herself up in the realization that her beloved child was dead, Liridona crumpled to her knees in the snow and let out a wail. That night, the cries of a heartbroken mother carried out throughout Mondstadt.... Liridona was not seen for several days.
  19. Hi I don't know who u are but what has motivated you to stay on this accursed server for so long
  20. Juniper, who now has to pay expensive taxes for a really small house, considers sending the Baroness a letter....
  21. Colette, the third of her full-blooded siblings, weeps upon finding out the passing of her youngest sister’s passing. Finally, after years of traveling, she returns home for a time to grieve with her family.
  22. The Gem of Amador, though no seamstress, considers publishing a writing on how she crafts her jewelry. She takes to her niece to seek Poppiya’s advice on such.
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