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Everything posted by satinkira

  1. Taevas slams his hands against the arm rests of his wheelchair, causing several people to glance over concernedly. "I'VE TOLD EVERYONE! EVERYONE WHO ASKS! I'M NOT A FUC- flipping SLAVE! HOW MANY TIMES!" He wheels out of the tavern in quite a state, resolving to listen to a music disc to calm him down.
  2. Taevas squints. "Wait. So Ivarielle never actually contradicted Braxus.. what is this council doing? I'm not a bloody slave."
  3. This is incredibly based, love it
  4. A cynical cripple inspects the missive, mouth drawn into a saddened frown. "And then they wonder why Haelun'or dislikes outsiders."
  5. Going offline for a month, see you on the other side

  6. A crippled child watches her leave, speaking. "It's almost like she has no respect for the traditions for the people that she claims right over."
  7. ChildTea would definitely attend, if it wasn't for his newfound love for descendant flesh. Or perhaps that'll encourage him to go.
  8. Those who refute facts are little more then twats

    1. Salvo


      Do you have a single source to back that up

    2. rukio


      If you're gonna chat shit at least use the right than.

    3. satinkira
  9. Taevas, a great fan of poetry, grins. "I'll ask around!"
  10. I don't see why not A difficult thing to enforce though, not quite sure how'd you go around stopping people
  11. ChildTea looks upon the missive, concerned for whoever this person is. He resolves to help if he can.
  12. “This was the person who saved my arm. I’ll be sure to check it out!” says ChildTea.
  13. I love this I need this We need this
  14. ChildTea frowns. "Norland is a lot more interesting then I thought it was. I'll head back."
  15. A thin, sallow looking man enters Zach's room. "Oisin's bastard son is dead." Zach glances up from his desk. Stacks upon stacks of papers line the table around him, and he doesn't even raise his head. "I was under the impression that no one was to enter the room without important reason." ". .Sir, this is quite important. Oisin was an extremely influential figure in the downfall of Rozania, and-" Zach cuts across, looking back at the figure.. "Rozania is long gone. Why should I care about it now?" "At least send your condolences. It's what your father would have done." Zach looks back to his desk . "Thanks to Peralien, I'll never know what my father would have wanted, because he's dead. Buffoon." "Zach. Just do it, please." Zach grumbles. "Fine. Just leave me be already." The man closes the door, chuckling. And so Zach pens a letter to the Roza estate, intending for Oisin to receive the letter. Dear Oisin O'Breathnach; Condolences to the death of your son. He was a good man, from what I have heard of him. I hope that he is in a better place. Sincerely; Zacharias Calding II
  16. ChildTea nods. "It is better to resolve this without further bloodshed."
  17. one day I will gain self esteem

    But it is not this day.

  18. ChildTea reads the missive, smiling. He pours himself some tea.
  19. My question is why you're able to buy Admin position with twenty bucks #Justice4Breeni
  20. Taevas reads the missive, frowning slightly. "A ruler who is supposed to be the rightful one shouldn't have to prove themselves like this."
  21. ChildTea receives the missive. He delicately pours himself a steaming cup of tea, sitting down in Haelun'or's tavern. Reading over the missive, he groans to himself. "I'm not a slave anymore. Why are they dragging Braxus into this? It wasn't him who set me to work. He's been nothing but kind to me." He shrugs. "I guess adults are too prickly to be called lesser." He thinks no more on the matter, calling out to the tavern; "Anyone want some tea?"
  22. Zach Calding vows to speak to Tobias again.
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