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Everything posted by satinkira

  1. "Ooooh, drama," said Yandel, who was completely uninvolved but found amusement in reading missives that he had nothing to do with.
  2. Serwa prayed for salvation. "The only true deity is GOD."
  3. Only two truths are known; The Canonist ‘God’ is the Devil, who has tricked mankind into worshipping him, And the True GOD, the Absolute, the Creator, is in everything, passive, eternal, and uncaring. The Absolute is within us. But GOD is effectively dead, splintered into a million-million pieces, scattered out across everything, being everything, seeing everything - and thus rendered inconsequential. He is in us, acting as what we would call the ‘soul’ - our most essential part is a piece of the GOD. We therefore know that all Descendant-Kind is holy; elves, dwarves, orcs, and man. The children of the Four Brothers each carry the spark of GOD within them - as do the little offshoots, too, and they are no less important. Therefore, how are we to remake the GOD if He exists within every one of us? The answer is simple: everyone must die. No, reader, do not slit your throat upon hearing this. Think of it this way; if you're an elf, this may simply mean waiting to the end of days, but for the rest of us, we are not so lucky - we must silently work to orchestrate and bring about great slaughters, cataclysmic magickal events, so forth. We will never achieve our goal - the resurrection of the GOD - through consistent murder of individuals; such only serves to distress those carriers of the GOD. No, we must not murder the King but instead destroy the city through pre-planned war. Thus, we know that we are all Holy, that the GOD is dead - that murder is blasphemous, and slaughter is Holy, for it brings about His return. Of course, what little I know of the GOD can never be enough. We must work to learn more of Him - to become closer to the Absolute. Permit me a brief explanation as to why. Many think of the AengulDaemonicks as something to rally behind - some even go so far as to devote themselves to a particular Aengul or Daemon or other. But this is mistaken; the AengulDaemonicks are not motivated by rightenoussness, they are motivated by greed. They are motivated by power. They devour what souls they can - and bear in mind, these souls they claim are parts of the GOD. They devour as much of Him as they can to become as much like Him as they can manage, for each desires ultimate, total power. They are as tapeworms. Individuals who know this and still devote themselves to the AengulDaemonicks are simply powerhungry and sinful, and deserve death - they tarnish the GOD. It therefore goes without saying that true worshippers of the GOD should have no truck with the AengulDaemonicks. We must break the heavens that they, themselves, have built - for the heavens are on earth; the green grass is paradise, and the hard rock is the most comforting bed, for GOD is in all these things. We must strive to know GOD; we must devote ourselves to Him. And as the GOD is, by definition, in all faiths and none, we must construct a great Temple to Him, one where we must construct an altar for every faith, a place of worship for every belief. We must do this, lest we die ignorant of the truth - for it is prophecied that when man, elf, dwarf, or orc realises the truth of the GOD, he will become as GOD, a part of the world, yet seperate - that is the Absolute that we must all strive for. We therefore conclude that the AengulDaemonicks are as tapeworms, that their followers are sinners, and that we must work to know the GOD, and construct a great Temple in his worship, with an altar for every faith. I conclude by saying thus - if the above intrigues you, if you wish to know more, perhaps even to help, simply send a letter of reply, and we can no doubt meet and speak - perhaps you can even help in my constructing the Temple. I intend to write more, but the Absolute is grasped through doing, not writing, and through many, and not one. The Black Priestess
  4. satinkira


    My living waters, I have found thee; How thou hast turned to truth, to hide me from myself and display my absence. I foretold thee and prayed at the Blessed Lorraine, And will build a Stone Chapel for thy worship.
  5. gentlemen, this is democrrracy manifest.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laeonathan



    3. Netphreak


      Get in a Hell Pod and get ready to dish out the taste of democracy.

    4. Amayonnaise


      @ScreamingDingo You beat me to it

  6. nothing will change if no-one speaks out about the specific flaws and methods of repair. tell us what occurs in the basement of tythus LTD moderation offices co. limited smmer on the topic of the post, whether or not timers to bans should be added depends heavily on whether one trusts moderation to not give short ban times to their friends (they've changed as a person, trust me bros). such a system is easily abusable - and yes, so is the current one, but would we rather have an abused system where folks get banned for a few months longer than they should (and such doesn't always happen) or a system where folks can drastically reduce ban lengths for their friends who really shouldn't be unbanned so promptly? idk the answer to that but that's really what this boils down to
  7. is folks getting nsfw art of lotc chars banned or no
  8. To Lord Ruthern, My name is Serwa. I have attempted to find and reach you in person, but such has unfortunately proved unsuccessful - so now I write to you. I am an acolyte to Cardinal Callahan, and I have a request; that the hill opposite your fort bearing the glowing Lorraine upon it be used as a site for the construction of a Chapel - the Stone Chapel. My reasons for this are twofold. One, when we made pilgrimage to the site, we found the Lorraine bloodied and dirtied, chunks of meat and other viscera tied to it by rope. We knelt in sorrowful prayer - and when we raised our heads, we found it not only clean, but glowing; verily, proof of His approval. The place is Holy, the site of a divine miracle. Two, I - and others - have been having visions and dreams of the Stone Chapel, sent by Him, we can only presume. The dreams are not dark nor blasphemous in nature; verily, they show of the Stone Chapel, the detail and the makeup of it. The building is entirely made out of stone, and bears no windows - the space for them, certainly, but no glass keeps the elements out. Everything, down to the pews, is constructed from rock. Only the door is made of spruce, and above the entrance are inscribed the words: We, the sons of ancient glory, We, the heirs of ancient trow, We shall bring GOD to the morrow And deliver Him to the now.. I ask your permission for this pious building to be constructed because you own the land upon which we would build it. I do not want to start without your permission - I do not want to cause undue offense. I cannot see how it would cause you much trouble (we will build it ourselves; if you do not wish to help, you need not). I would like to state, too, that this project has the approval of Cardinal Callahan - all I desire is your approval, and then we can begin this Holy work. GOD be, - Serwa
  9. why do we even have forced /d20ing upon killing someone as a concept tbf. I've only ever seen arguments for it from folks saying 'it inflicts consequence' which is silly because it's bad-faith consequence that the other side won't enjoy and inecentivises boring *kills instantly* rp. also lootgoblins are bad. always happy to have my mind changed but I just don't see the logic

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aengoth


      typically you only get /d20'd if you annoyed the person fighting you by being a whiner

    3. PrinceJose270


      Not all the time. Some do it regardless. I e, do d20 or give me your head type of thing


      Its more common than what is assumed  

    4. DrakeHaze.


      what incentivizes poor faith, instant killing or whatever villainy rp is when players don't report it and mods not handing out villainy blacklists while actively witnessing it during modreqs. The /d20 thing isn't much of anything, relic of the past and with soulbinds being what they are nothing is gained or lost aside from respect between two parties.

  10. First Report [A drawing of a statue.] I have spent a brief time in Kaethul so far - having investigated the being known as 'Zaqiel', I can confirm, Father Callahan, that the being did really appear, and has apparently done so multiple times. According to locals, it travels the world over in search of something, though it refuses to say what. It is therefore not unreasonable to conclude that Kaethul bears no special interest to the being. Those who saw it believed it to be an Aengul; indeed, they have gone so far as to erect a statue in the square, with the below inscription recorded upon it: 'On the 20th of the Deep Cold, Year 171 SAI, Kaethul was blessed with the presence of a divine Aengul. This Aengul was a being of pure beauty, and graced our citizens with not only its mere presence, but its ancient wisdom. This monument now stands as a testiment to the grace and eloquence of that Aengul. Let all bask in its radient glow.' I have been told that this Zaqiel regularly visits - I will wait for it, then relay the experience.
  11. little Paul, Paul the mouse, I call him, wants to rule Arrakis. many are saying this, but we can't let that happen, folks, can we? no, we'll make Arrakis great again and Paul and his worm riders—they're riding the worms now, many such cases. but we won't let them stop us

    1. Malins Welcome

      Malins Welcome

      some people would identify with the harkonnens

    2. alexmagus


      they're riding shaitan???

  12. Sat on a grassy hill, Serwa hummed a little hymn to herself, notes tinged with thought. That unsigned letter - 'The Eye still watches' - had unnerved her, severely so. Father Callahan had called it a 'curse', and indeed, she had felt a deep paranoia ever since, after it had been slipped to her pocket by the gates of Celia'nor... She prayed, and then stood. She had always given thanks to the GOD, no matter the circumstance - perhaps she might send out a pious letter or two, an offered chance at redemption.
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