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Everything posted by satinkira

  1. Beyond doubt it would speedily verify the proverb that a nation must ravage itself before foreigners can ravage it, that a a man must despise himself before others can despise him.

  2. THE NOMUR ———«»————————————«»————————————«»——— The Nomur are spiders of flesh and bone, parasites originating from deep below the earth. They possess the layer of skin covering the face, supported by six bone-like legs. They clasp onto the faces of their victims, fitting their false face onto them, the legs cutting into the flesh and instantly healing it with an unnatural aphrodisiac, akin to a bat - thus passing as normal descendants. Their interests are entirely self-serving. They are, to be simplistic, intelligent parasites, and therefore seek only to survive for as long as possible. (It is unknown how these creatures replicate - the process is done deep in the earth, far away from Descendant-kind). Their origins from the underground grant them a natural affinity towards the cold and damp; stray Nomur without a host are usually found in caves and sewers. When these creatures depart from the host, their digits unclasp, the face unravels, and the creature falls to the floor - scuttling to try to make its escape. The victim is either dead or close to death, and left as a man (or a corpse) without a face. ———«»————————————«»————————————«»——— The victims of the Nomur undergo a truly surreal experience. The parasitic claim of the Nomur over the victim is absolute, and unbreakable by the victim. As the Nomur have no need to eat, drink, sleep or rest, the unfortunate Descendant can starve to death or die of exhaustion long before their natural time. This is, however, inconvenient to the Nomur; a walking corpse is far more noticeable than a living being (the skin rots all the same). They are therefore incentivized to keep their victim alive for as long as is feasibly possible. The Nomur are, too, a separate entity from the being they possess. Injuries sustained by the Descendant whilst under the hold of the Nomur will not harm the Nomur, nor will pain be felt. This gives them an edge in combat, as wounds sustained in combat mean nothing so long as the bones and muscles are in place to make the body move. Pain, too, is foreign to the Nomur - torture is quite ineffective on them. Though the Nomur are immune to all of these things, the Descendant is not. Any feelings of pain or agony caused by wounds or agony are felt by the Descendant - but not, of course, displayed by the Nomur. They truly have no control over their own body, leaving many who are fortunate enough to survive the encounter as madmen. ———«»————————————«»————————————«»——— - The Nomur are ET-only. - The Nomur cannot be domesticated or tamed. They are as intelligent as Descendants, if not more so. - The Nomur inherit the natural strength of the Descendants they possess. - The Nomur can be expelled from the body through the usage of Holy Magicks as the ET lead sees fit. - The Nomur are incapable of all and any forms of romance. - The Nomur can possess animals, too, though that will result in a talking animal with a human face - a no doubt unnatural sight. ———«»————————————«»————————————«»———
  3. Deep in the bowels of Hallowcliffe, Serwa lay flat against the marble floor - pondering that golden elf. "To what extent," she asked the broken altar, "can vengeance be justified?" Prophecy was infectious. No doubt Aeolus would soon realise this.
  4. I've a free persona slot, what's available?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Benleft


      Play a monky

    3. ClassyDryad


      Make a hou-zi and turn them into a ghoul then make them join the church

    4. MaltaMoss


      play an actual human character (not a raev)

  5. is it only me who gets tons of these javasocket resets nowdays

  6. our problems would be solved if the church was reformed
  7. "So true. Haense, fulfil your destiny." Yandel said.
  8. it's sunday still borin, even for us brits - 23:40 by my time
  9. when's the rot coming back
  10. excuse me some time around january, the following was posted by hogo in what I presume was the CT section of the staff discord: it's also important to note that after this was published, several members of CT were kicked due to Hogo placing a limit on the number of people who could join CT i have a few questions about this. a year on, the effects of it haven't been obvious and CT seems to have continued, from outside player perception, as normal, with their tiktoks and YT vids and seasonal events. therefore, I ask: what was the purpose of setting a maximum number of CT? from what I can tell the people you kicked from the team weren't exactly inactive, and were doing their applications like anyone else. what benefits has this yielded? in your purposes, you list things like 'encouraging the community to produce new and awesome content' and 'empowering the community to take action [to make the ideal rp experience happen]'. how have you gone about this and would you say you've succeeded? these questions are to Hogo: how have you gone about being more proactive as an admin? would you say the reform was successful? why didn't you tell the players about the reform? thx, i look forward to seeing the player retention data
  11. shaman earthmovers were not enough

    1. _RoyalCrafter_


      they need to buff animism

  12. A Corrupted Nephilim: An Azdrazi who has been overtaken by the magicks of darkspawn and Iblees. Is this not, then, the state of Azdromoth? To the Nephilim I ask - why be apart from your father? Azdromoth, your 'Prophet' claims, is burdened, tormented by his being held by Iblees, but I would say otherwise. I would say that Nephilim who find themselves corrupted by the Ibleesians find themselves freed from the whims of pity and tolerance. None of us deny that our purpose - our true purpose - is the razing of the earth, the burning of the soil, the annihilation of all things. We work towards the destruction of all but ourselves, and delude our followers into thinking that we serve mankind a mercy through our Horenic Pact. We deny our own nature. This is obvious folly. If we win, if our goals are realised, then all of mankind will burn in the heat of our fires. We offer the Descendants no mercy, only temporary reprieve - and even then, why? Are we somehow so foolish to think that if we spare them, they will spare us? No. The simple truth, as said in the Black Books, is ever thus: The Weak Are Meat, and the Strong Do Eat. Mankind will not pause in its killing us, and why should it? We are Darkspawn. I, myself, am a mere Herald, but I speak truths that your Prophet refuses to face. Why spare mankind if they will not spare us? If our long-term goal is their extermination, why hesitate now? Why condemn Iblees? Do we not share the same goal? Should we not work together to the aim we both share - the end of all life beyond our own? The Nephilim must embrace their true nature. Through corruption, you grow closer to your father than even the false Prophet - you become like him in body and mind. True Asioth is achieved not through meditating and politicking in distant, far-off lairs, but instead through the hiss of burning blood on the edge of your blade. Give yourself to Iblees, in worship of Azdromoth.
  13. OOC: MC Name: satinkira Discord: satinkira IC: Name: Yandel Age: Information about yourself: I want to kill monsters.
  14. does anyone know how to remove backgrounds from gifs

  15. what about making a rule stating that people cannot recruit pvpers from other servers during wartime in an attempt to to win wars



    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. creamynoteblock


      ban all pinktags. close applications during wartime. ban all players that have >20hrs playtime. ban players with inadequate emotes. 

    3. Laeonathan


      this is one of the most harmful things to the server Ive ever heard...


      Let people recruit, if the other side does it as well - EVEN BETTER!

    4. Acostrob


      ban ALL players. close the server


    1. Chorale__


      Get 2fa friend!

    2. Tabby64


      @Chorale__To be honest with you 2fa isn't all that good

    3. satinkira


      I've gotten it back huzzah

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