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Everything posted by JustAngel69

  1. Philip Laurent helped carry the Prince's body to Merryweather, seeking solace from the chaos he climbed the mountain looking out over the landscape ahead of him. "And now a dilemma."
  2. Will the old commands still work? Or will those commands be depreciated?
  3. I've been trying to do Merchant RP for the past three days to sell my wares. To be honest I find that for every person willing or interesting in looking at my wares I get three people who I'm just interrupting their roleplay. And that kind of sucks.
  4. Ill give you food buddy. Dont leave Us :(
  5. Philip Laurent Halcourt sighed as he heard the news of the court. The words flowing off the paper as he bowed his head. "She did Petra a great service, and I am glad to call her my friend. I hope her retirement is a successful as her reign."
  6. Philip Laurent the squire read over the news with a heavy heart. He had only met Louis on occasion but from every encounter, he deemed the man GOOD. "Blood... Will be spilt over this." He commented to his historian friend Adelheid. @cherrybud "Let us hope this section of the history books is short."
  7. Philip Laurent sat quietly in his home mulling over the advice given to him. Sir Hannibal had been one of the finest, and he was for as far as Philip was concerned....a man in every sense that compliment paid. Regardless of what was killed within that throneroom of Veletz.
  8. Philip Laurent shed a tear as he read of good Cunimunds death. "I had wronged the man and he forgave me, now my friend is lost..."
  9. Philip Laurent Halcourt grabbed his crossbow off the wall slipping a bolt into it as he shook his head. "Shame....Damn shame."
  10. Ign: JustAngel69 Discord: JustAngel69 Northern Front: Brita Bid: 260 mina
  11. Ign: JustAngel69 Discord: JustAngel69 Northern Front: Brita Bid: 220 mina
  12. Ign: JustAngel69 Discord: JustAngel69 Northern Front: Brita Bid: 170 mina
  13. MC Name: JustAngel69 Discord: justangel69 Image: Description of Image: Panting of a landscape in Veletz Dimensions: 2 wide 1 high. ((PLEASE do not crop to center))
  14. Philip Laurent a squire himself sent Tylos Basrid a copy of his book. So that he could hopefully find a Knight easier.
  15. Philip Laurent frowned deeply as he heard the news remembering his few but memorable encounters with the Knight. "He was a good man, one deserving of a better end..."
  16. Philip Laurent of House Halcourt penned a letter in return to his dear friend Amelya. Dear Amelya, It is tragic to hear that you were subject to such searches and seizures by those "O-People" It is not very good at all and when all is said and done they took the picture that I had given you a while ago. That is mean of them. I will do my best to try and get it back for you my friend. Or I will create a new one. You should have said something when we stormed into the room and we could have made him give it back. But oh well. Yours sincerely, Philip Laurent Halcourt @bickando
  17. Philip Laurent claps for the new Knights and prepares to add them to the list!
  18. Philip Laurent Halcourt munched on a piece of cake as he read the missive. "Oh boy, this is gonna get good."
  19. PERSONA NAME: Philip Laurent IGN: Justangel69 DISCORD: JustAngel69 APPLYING FOR? (self, family, company, etc.): Self WHAT WILL THE FUNDING BE USED FOR? (food, housing, medical pay, etc.): Production Costs for paintings of an important canonist and humanity centric theme. REFERENCE (provide the name and information of someone who can verify your trustworthiness): Queen Renilde of the Petra, The Baron of Brasca Georg Marc, The Baroness of Brasca Viktoria, Adelheid Klara The Princess of Merryweather.
  20. MC Name: JustAngel69 Discord: justangel69 Image: Description of Image: Panting of a landscape in Aaun Dimensions: 2 wide 1 high. ((PLEASE do not crop to center))
  21. Philip Laurent looked at the missive in his room gulping. "I hope Laurens does not hate me..."
  22. – THE KNIGHTS OF THE REALMS – Spread throughout the Realms of Man, a class of men and women exist who hold themselves to a standard above all others, one of chivalric honour, a duty to protect the innocent and undying loyalty unto GOD. These men and women, these Knights, are spread throughout Aaun, Haense, Petra, Numendil and Balian. Despite this distance and separation they uphold the same values and although they bear allegiances to different nations, they stand together as beacons of justice, these are... The Knights of the Realms The Honourable Philip Laurent Halcourt d’Artois, Squire to Sir Gaspard Sir Stanton Stroheim of Kanunsberg Year of accolade 1939 | Embarked on a pilgrimage of Aaun visiting numerous holy sites over the course of a year praying deeply upon each one. "I would tell every Knight, no matter the order, to understand that we are more than just warriors. We are symbols and must set the example of Humanity and strength.” Ser Alwyn Glennmaer of Numenost Year of accolade 1906 | A member of the original Hedge Knights who founded the Kingdom of the Barrowlands. "Knighthood isn't a privilege, it's a duty” Ser Adrielle Glennmaer ‘The Badger Knight’ of Numenost Year of accolade 1906 | A member of the original Hedge Knights who founded the Kingdom of the Barrowlands. "You're never alone in your trials” Ser Demetrius ‘The Valiant’ var Ruthern of Balian Year of accolade 1938 | Martial service to the Kingdom of Balian since the age of fourteen. "Devotion is through action” Ser Robyn Joseph de Lyons of Balian Year of accolade 1938 | For civil service to the Kingdom of Balian, serving as Magister of the Kingdom, responsible for the rewrite of the Kingdoms laws. As well as military service in battle against the Mori. "Any man may use a blade, many can use it well… But what separates a knight from a common soldier is his honour, his duty, his bound. A soldier knows how to use a blade, a Knight knows when to use it.” Sir Peter Stroheim of Minitz, The Flame of Waldenia, The Stallion of Reinmar, Kastellan of Turm Langhod, Harrenmeister of Minitz Year of accolade 1918 | Completion of squire trials culminating in the trial of justice in which Sir Stroheim oversaw the trial of a prisoner of war. "Control your emotions.” Ser Elerrion Seregon of Caladras Year of accolade 1930 | Knighted for stalwart service to the Kingdom of Numendil and defense of the Royal House of Numenost, as well as continued efforts in the fight against the Mori and the Darkspawn. "Knighthood is something that goes beyond the tests of time. A life that does not thrive on fame, but rather the deeds of those who live it.” Sir Darius ‘The Cut-Throat’ Mareno of Myrine Year of accolade 1915 | Knighted for actions during the Adrian Rebellion against the Kingdom of Aaun. "Follow GOD and the Canonist law will lead to wherever one might dream of, many of us are the bright example” Sir Ferdinand Alexander Barclay of Reinmar, Grand Prince of Minitz, Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Tylos, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Hussen, Lord of Durres, Warden of the Franklands Year of accolade 1938 | Completed the Pilgrimage of Saint Tylos, traveled the entire continent to every church spending time and reflection of prayer within each. "If one doth bear the visage of a sorcerer cloaked in shadows, more often than not, they are indeed such a mystic practitioner.” Sir Brandt Barclay of Gelimar, Knight of Black Sepulchre, Knight of the Order of Saint Tylos, Knight Immortal of the Order of Emperor Henry the Lion. Year of accolade 1904 | Completion of the trial of Saint Tylos through victory in a duel against Sir Yvian in single combat. "Maintain your devotion to your faith. Seek guidance and strength from the Lord, and let your faith guide you in your quest for righteousness” Sir Leopold Alexander Haverlock Year of accolade 1934 | For devoted leal service over the years to King James and the Crown Prince of the United Kingdom of Aaun. "You will be offered much wealth, much fame, much opportunity. You should however not take such benefits at the loss of your character.” Ser Gawyn Alexander Tiber of Ponce, Prince of Beaufort, Grandmaster of the Royal Order of Saint Godwin of Aaun Year of accolade 1934 | Knighted for continued leal service to the Crown Prince Henry of Aaun and establishment of the Royal Order of Saint Godwin of Aaun "Knights need not my advice, but to you, remain faithful to GOD, your oaths, and trust your gut.” Ser Morgan ‘Caius’ of Angren Year of accolade 1918 | Knighted for completion of his squire trials which concluded with navigating his daily life and the world blindfolded for a year. "For the fruit of virtue cannot rot.” Ser Philip The Righteous of Tuvia Year of accolade 1905 | Knighted for valour during the Defense of Adria. "Remain chivalrous in all of your actions, and follow GOD without cessation” Sir Ephrem Kervallen of Tuvia, Viscount of Tuvia, Procurator of Balian Year of accolade 1900 | Knighted for valour during the siege of Cloudbreaker, joined the party that sallied out to destroy the phylactery. "Whatever your acts are, do them in the name of GOD, may HE be your first and last thought of every day for only that way you may aspire to his glory” Ser Bedwyr of Numenost Year of accolade 1934 | Knighted for commitment of service to the Kingdom of Numendil and valour against the Mori. "Be patient, don't let yourself be seduced by redhead ladies, and make sure to bring two sets of pants wherever you go.” Ser Andrik var Ruthern of the Marian Retinue Year of accolade 1929 | Knighted for Steadfast service and devotion to the Dual Monarchy of Hanseti-Ruska. "Not one step back.” Ser Istvan Matyas Ivanovich, Rhyster of The Knights of Blessed Istvan, Duke of Stran Year of accolade 1929 | Knighted for the defense of the Godaniswood from barbarian forces. "Stick true to your ideals, never fall from chivalry and never compromise your beliefs.” Ser Rassvet Senko, Baron of Rika Year of accolade 1929 | Knighted for service to the Duchy of Stran and loyalty to the Ivanovich family. "Do your duty for your lord, and for the people of your realm” Ser Waclaw Jazloviecki, Count of Warsovia Year of accolade 1934 | Knighted for defense of the United Kingdom of Aaun and over fifteen years of military service. "Never be afraid of a fight. It's a Knight’s duty to face conflict for Crown and Country.” Ser Philip Tiberian Stassion of Stassion Year of Accolade 1929 | Knighted for steadfast service to the Kingdom of Petra and an overhaul of the Commonwealth's Military structure. "The military isn't the only way to get knighted. Becoming a Knight is more of a bonus than something one should pursue. Go with your dreams that make you happy, rather than impressing others. Even if it means disappointing the ladies. Ser Reinolt von Draco of Winburgh Year of accolade 1923 | Knighted for actions during the Adria War for Independence and leading numerous successful raiding parties. "Be truthful to what you raise your blade for, and never return on your word for it's all a knight has.” Sir Gaspard van Aert of Veletz, Captain-General of the League of Veletz, Duke of Middelan, Bull of Middelan, First Citizen, Protector of Midlanders, Defender of Dumacracy Year of accolade 1936 | Knighted for completion of his final trials and besting Duke Sarkozic three times in a single combat duel. "Inaction is still an action, no matter the situation. Men are to be men - as GOD intended. Your duties to your people will not drift from the course because one man offered to grow your purse or purchase your honour with titleage. Integrity a trait which defines our souls, should never be put up for sale.” Sir Godric ap Easworth of Bonby Year of accolade 1943 | Knighted for steadfast service to Veletz and courage displayed during the flood of Whitespire. "Desire for chivalry, honour, the creed of others, and when a bundle of hay is delivered to your door. Cherish the final days.” Sir Hannibal de Nialiv of Ostfeld Year of accolade 1923 | Knighted for service to the King of Oren and service as Lord-Commander of the royal forces. "Serve GOD and country, do not be selfish - break bread with the common man.” Ser Viktor Ratispora of Stran Year of accolade 1919 | Knighted for completion of his final knightly trial, slaying three wolves within the forests of Aaun. "Humility. Be humble in all of it and in your knighthood, seek to serve and protect. Do not flaunt around the term, but do as you swore, and do it faithfully, to the point of death.” Sir Ethan Irons of Winburgh Year of accolade 1943 | Knighted for long years of service to the Duchy of Adria. "Do what must be done and when it is required.” Ser Tar-Caraneth Aryantë Numentariel of the House Arthalionath, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Númenedain, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath, Protector of the Adunians, Master of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm Year of accolade 1938 | Knighted for steadfast service to the Kingdom of Numendil and defense of the realm. "A Knight is a Knight, wheresoever he may be. One’s Oaths do not end at their liege’s borders.” I will surely endeavour to update this list of Knights as I come across more through my trials and travels. To those Knights not upon this list, or any with questions, please do not hesitate to write to me at the Petra Aviary. ((JustAngel69))
  23. Philip Laurent smiled fiercley within his home planning to get his younger cousins into MUCH trouble. "I knew George could do it!"
  24. Philip Laurent flashes that winning politician smile.
  25. – ON THE DEFEAT OF THE UNDEAD– [!] A paper report would be deposited on the desk of Sir Gaspard within his library, quickly several copies of the squire's report would begin to make their way across the realms of man. The Undead also known as darkspawn or agents of Iblees continue to prove a plague on the existence of the universal peace of man. Far too often in recent years have villages been razed in the night, entire families and farms snuffed out of existence before the alert can even be raised. For every defeat we deal the darkspawn they take two fold victories where we simply do not even know they occurred. The best way to defeat the darkspawn can be summarized into three categories; Intelligence, knowledge, and preparation. Intelligence is the manner in which we identify darkspawn attacks, where they might strike next and in what numbers, more often than not the darkspawn attacks on human settlements come as a surprise, these surprises must be limited if we are to gain the upper hand. Constant patrols of the countryside, effective watchtowers and signal warning systems should be instituted across the lands of Humanity to more properly collaborate and establish a first line of defense against darkspawn before they ever even strike. Knowledge is one that holds importance to the common folk. While military and knightly orders have a vast amount of information on the threat of darkspawn, their tactics and behaviour, that same information rarely gets passed on to the common man. Information is kept between individuals and groups when it should be freely spread. It should be practice for any group who does battle with the darkspawn to publicize the engagement, the location and circumstances behind it so all are aware of the current state of this war, for we are at war. Preparation is the final category which can be counted towards the defeat of the undead. When dueling a man in single combat a certain degree of honour is expected and courtesy extended. When fighting the undead the cause of chivalry must not be applied. To fight the undead fairly is to give them an advantage. To remove this sense of fairness all must be prepared to do battle, all adults of fighting capability should arm themselves during these trying times and take those arms up in the defense of their lands, any undead attacks should be met with an overwhelming swarm of human ambition aiming for their destruction; cannons, trebuchets, ballistae and potions must be used enmasse to end the fight in short order. For the darkspawn, its average fight must involve its imminent destruction through overwhelming means. I have come to these conclusions through three sources, my own experiences observing and combating the darkspawn, questions asked of various Knights and soldiers of the realms, and historical tomes dating back to the War on the Undead. The implementation of these three strategies do not guarantee victory. But they guarantee us better odds. The Honourable Philip Laurent Halcourt d’Artois, Squire to Sir Gaspard
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