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Everything posted by Spoopy_Duck

  1. Kaito would be handed the missive in the middle of the summit. The 'ame would briefly read it over before glancing up to all those in the room before him, tearing the paper in half and letting it fall to the floor with a faint grin. "What a war this shall be."
  2. A golden eyed elf would come across the notice, pausing whatever he was doing. He would find his bandana and blade and make haste towards the tower to meet with his companions.
  3. Man, I willingly dc'd and have my funny scars now. I like this post though will we get a part 3?
  4. I like this! Though I will put up the argument that I think a SINGLE citizen door is fine. Some people like myself will be on at very off hours and just being straight up locked out of my city until someone wakes up definitely would suck sometimes. I also think that the second citizen door should be the only alternative way in no making 20 iron door secret backdoor tunnels with one way lift signs.
  5. If I see one more TNT post I am going to lose it.

  6. Another Critter post to restore faith in LOTC for a good day.
  7. Hours after the bell had rung, an 'ame would sit down staring out a window in silence. A quill in hand as he tapped idly against a blank page. He finally turned his attention to the page scribbling down a single phrase, Send me the head when it's over. With that he set threw the page to the ground, grabbed his blade and headed off to see where the world would take him next
  8. Dear [Name], Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We appreciate your willingness to offer a financial incentive to help support this cause. We understand your concerns about the portrayal of Elves in literature and media and agree that it can be harmful and stereotype-reinforcing. We also agree that the concept of Elves excludes those who do not fit the narrow definition of what an Elf is supposed to be and reinforces harmful ideas about what is "normal" or "acceptable." However, we must also consider the impact of completely removing the concept of Elves from our community. While the idea of Elves may not be rooted in reality, it has been a part of our culture and literature for many years. Removing it completely could have unintended consequences and may not be the most effective solution. Instead, we believe that the better approach is to promote inclusivity and understanding while also acknowledging and respecting the historical and cultural significance of the concept of Elves. We can do this by promoting diverse and inclusive representations of Elves in literature and media, and by encouraging open and respectful dialogue about the issue. We appreciate your offer and will take it into consideration as we continue to work towards promoting inclusivity and understanding in our community. Sincerely, [ST]
  9. Worlds first self aware LOTC player. Enjoy the break however long it lasts though!
  10. A masked figure sat atop the walls staring off into the desert. "Why propose a challenge if one is to not show up when it is accepted?" the figure would voice aloud as sharpened a dagger against the stone.
  11. MaltaMoss is a serious issue on LOTC that needs to be purged
  12. Halfling, I forget they exist until I remember they do.
  13. I am ready for all the friendly fire blasting potion kills
  14. Miguel sat in his small room, looking over the paper "Atleast I can remember what he put me through..." he lamented to himself as he finished reading.
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