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Everything posted by Orphvius

  1. A sister made way, eager to request her ceremonial bone shard from the master smith; should they be willing?
  2. A witch craves tomato soup, as does her skygod..
  3. A young Adiler selects a fiery satin cape for the gallant Druid wedding..
  4. A young Edlynne stirs woefully in her dark and dreary quarters within the glory of the Swan Keep, thoroughly unaware of the ongoings of her dearest cousin but sure to feel some pang of joy upon hearing the news in a few years time..
  5. Memories and vestiges of heat swelled in soft pink brands that lay upon a witch’s porcelain white skin as she scratched feverishly at them, the echo of sight a not so distant howl in her mind’s eyes; hues now black and riven as the sky..
  6. A pale witch smiles softly at the crumpled parchment before her, solemn white gaze stained and red rimmed with ash as they crinkled in a not so secret knowing at the sight of her Ladyship Auriel’s promotion..
  7. Edlynne murmurs her pride to any ears that might stop by the Swan Keep..
  8. Miss Edlynne Mara Amador only wished she could be so sheek..
  9. Edlynne Mara Amador carried her bunches of thread barren toys through the cavernous corridors of the Underdark, tears dappling her cheeks as she searched for her House
  10. An elven witch scowls fondly at her new duck plushie gifted to her by the generous Lady Vend. Only now had she come to realize that she was being called ‘elderly’; the audacity..
  11. A witch dons her newest veil, melding the dark fabric to her skull, her stark silver tresses shaded beneath the freshly laundered mesh smelling faintly of soap and the sickly sweet perfume of rotten leaves..
  12. A fellow Adiler makes plans to welcome the newest captain of the guard, albeit sorely reminiscing about the last one..
  13. Grayson Adiler lay beneath his creaking mattress, the groves in the wood cradling his hollow frame as he rested his crimson haired head unto the treated floorboards. In his arms, pages already crooked from use, sat his Uncle’s book of stories; book of Nine Tales. There, the cold ground jarring into his spine, was a solemn reminder of his Uncle’s forsaken presence, that kind, sweet tone of his still thrumming distantly in his ears..
  14. Almost joined the family at one point, alas, my mistake but different timezone rp availability.. very based family!
  15. A Tennallar daughter welcomes the alliance with a smile..
  16. Edlynne Mara Amador is ever proud of her cousin for succeeding in her dearest mother’s place as the grand court astronomer!
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