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Everything posted by PrimnyaQuorum

  1. On some less-travelled path somewhere, a copy makes its way into the hands of the Master Of the Abstract. He squints at the title of the Author before reading through the publications contents. He folds it neatly and stows it away as he finishes - resolving to speak more with this Court Astronomer when he has the time, and isn't a sinner.
  2. A Watcher scans over the missive tiredly in the dimly lit recesses of his office - struggling to read through the publication past the turbulent thoughts that swarm his mind and the spots that dance over his vision. Lies. he believes. Utter nonsense written by someone pretending to serve GOD, the penned ramblings of someone who has gone unheard, and nothing more - until that cosmic gaze scans the author's signature. Blue-tinged mist weave around that highlander, and in a few heartbeats the parchment is nothing but ash, resting atop a now-scorched desk. As that man sets off, his thoughts clear for but a moment, and his recollection wanders to words spoken by a Bard, and by a Storyteller. He wonders how much more he will take - that they had both been correct and he had been a fool to hope otherwise. Then that chaotic symphony of turbulent thoughts washes over him, and he finds himself in isolation, once more.
  3. I don't think mass testing contributes anything, though. Sure, you can cut every person who comes by with some aurum blade and pour a little salt - where are you getting the salt from? How often is that aurum blade being cleaned and sharpened? Are people willing to spread a infection after getting a cut infected from a uncleaned blade? There are several reasons any rational person might not want to be tested that are ignored because, frankly, they're more of a inconvenience then something relevant - no one cares how sharp a blade is or where the salt is sourced from, and plague's don't happen on LoTC so who cares about infections? In essence, there is take and no give - Corcs can be discovered can be discovered by a simple, 2 emote test preformed by every poor city guard armed with a aurum blade and a endless supply of salt, with no way to work around it except... not roleplaying in these places. It feels like such a poor argument to say "Don't like it? Don't RP here" or "This is how X ought to be"- and this all assumes a perfect universe, where no one holds a OOC grudge to justify a "random" test in the middle of a road out in nowhere land. Why is the burden placed on darkspawn players to provide good roleplay when shortcuts are taken at every possible turn to out them IRPly, nevermind whatever happens OOCly? The change, in my opinion, doesn't make corcs harder to test - it does absolutely nothing to address the OOC/Discord VC mindset that creates this bad faith RP, though little can - it simply increases the risk of killing or seriously wounding a innocent character in the name of mass testing, and requires a larger investment of resources IRPly to test in that you have to treat people who are tested, unless you intend to leave them to die. If it's so important to human canonist communities that they get their darkspawn test in, then it should be no problem to build the IRP networks needed to keep it going. This change simply forces the give and take onto the otherwise minimized and shortcut darkspawn test. Other's earlier have suggested pretty good ideas, in my opinion, and I don't think they should all be mutually exclusive. In Example: What's to say the artery cutting + salt testing works, but over time Corcs build up a passive resistance to salt in blood - thus explaining why such a large amount of blood is needed to show results and why new corcs can still be found by a shallow cut and salt test? Why not say, as with other magics, that things like Thanium could 'reveal' a corc, thus rendering them vulnerable to a salt in blood test? Both of these are options that require the tester to do more then just make a minor cut and poor a little salt - again, a nothingburger of 2 emotes that lack the most basic of give and take. In short, you cant have the cake and eat it too - you cant demand to keep a simple test that is all of 2 emotes and 1 minute and expect corcs to simply provide good roleplay around you. The test either needs to become more difficult to preform, or less effective on a corc.
  4. Haus Weiss-Vuiller scanned through the publication, nodding his head in appreciation of a scholar. A chuckle escaped from him as he read the footnotes, as he set the papers down on his desk, planning to give them a more in-depth read in the future.
  5. A Blonde scanned over the missive as it crossed his desk, his brow furrowing. After all he had seen and heard, the only surprise was that it took so long. His mind wandered towards the memory, of a bandit donning Mogg insignia attacking a pregnant woman - and losing. He scoffed, a tired smile growing as he tossed the publication onto his desk, it joining the mound of missives and documents. Peace in his time, at last. His attention could finally relay towards more pressing concerns.
  6. A Watcher, not yet enlightened to the gift of a Vision, crashed to the tavern floor in Veldev. Cries and whimpers of suffering rang throughout the tavern and into the nearby square, as agony gripped every inch of his small form. Tavern-Onlookers came to his aid, unable to See as Haus Weiss-Vuiller saw, not understanding. As his senses returned to him, untainted by the forces that had gripped him - for what felt like a endless eternity - the Highlander shakily made his way to a nearby clinic, almost unable to speak as his mind raced, and a sense of fear and dread overwhelmed him.
  7. A tired Weiss-Vuiller lifted his head from his desk to find yet another missive he hadn't read. Tired eyes scanned through the document as he muttered something about him being a Doctor, to his empty office. Arcane prowess may have been a bit of a overstatement, but mop the dirt with a Mogg he had. In truth, Oksana had down most of the work - The blonde silently resolving to never stand between a pregnant woman and anything for as long as he lived. Still - a problem remained. He sighed, standing from his desk as he grabbed his coat. More meetings to be had - truly, the bane of his existance.
  8. A Blonde Court Mage tosses the missive on his desk, as he leans forward and lays his head down on the desk. Regardless if he's skeptical of what he's reading, he's curious enough to consider following up. First, however - he really needs a secretary to handle the mound of paperwork that hides the room from his sight. it's equally comical and ridiculous.
  9. A Certain Hauchkhazya stares at the portrait that is supposed to be of himself, his brow twitching slightly. He places a hand over the offending image as he reads through the rest, a tired smile spreading over his expression. The Queen - and the unsleeping Grand Lord - have outdone themselves once again. Haus is overjoyed to be aid in this court - satisfied, for once, with his place in life. Though - he resolves that he shall burn down the stand of the artist who draws his portrait a third time. They never seen to capture all the details.
  10. The Master Of The Abstract read tiredly through the missive, setting it atop the growing pile of blueprints and building paperwork that were haphazardly scattered over his desk. He grabbed it, half folding and half crumpling it into a ball before tossing it into the wastebin. Certainly, a bold course of action, albeit one unlikely to go anywhere. He didn't consider himself a leader of any magical order, nor did he feel inclined to share what he knew with the same folks who had said such unsavory things of him, just months prior. Still, a thought nagged him at the back of his mind - if not him, who? With a tired roll of his wrist, he finished the last of his glass - the remnants of a bottle of Petran Wine. He stood, snatching and uncrumpling the paper from his waste. He pinned the creased missive - carefully - to the door of the one person he figured would know how to handle such a request. The Grand Lord had a way with words, after all.
  11. Haus Weiss-Vuiller beams with happiness at the work of his dear friend, the Grand Lord.
  12. I think it's a neat tell depending on the magic - though I believe some of the stuff under Heralds of Azdromoth requires it to be spoken aloud. Would need further citation on that, not something I've read a lot of I think magic tells and auras, to a extent, should be whatever, provided it's a clearly notable tell and it's not providing a advantage to someone in the encounter. My only concern is about making it mandatory - that would kinda prevent any mute character from picking up the magic for little reason.
  13. Sat at his desk, Haus Weiss-Vuiller picks up the missive and reads through it. A tired smile graces his features as he reads through it, proud of the work of his dearest friends Fabian and Amaya - a smile that promptly fading as he reaches the section concerning his office, and a particular alchemist. In a near panic, he grabs the nearest scraps of parchment he can and pens letters to the Court Alchemist and Court Astrologer - quickly sending them off with birds as he sits back down at his desk. He runs his hands over his face, silently debating how he's going to handle this new organization, as a laugh sounds from just over his shoulder. He hefts the nearest thing of weight - a paperweight - over his shoulder. It clatters to the floor - nothing was there. Nothing ever is.
  14. The current sole Jovenaar reads the publication with captured interests, nodding in silent appreciation to the Candidate's dedication towards Justice and the long-neglected Legal System. In particular, his attention is drawn to a mention to a system to report crime - a long standing issue. Haus resolves to his show support for the candidate, now the second Novikov he backs.
  15. The Master of the Abstract squints as he reads the candidates proposal's regarding magic. He was under the impression the then-Queen Sofia of Hyspia had created the office and position he currently occupied, as part of her work on the Courts. Nevertheless, the man had some points - though he wondered just how much the candidate knew about what he spoke of. Regardless - to the blonde, Ryba had some good suggestions. He produced a small parchment square, and began writing. Perhaps a conversation with the hopeful candidate would be a good idea.
  16. Haus scans the missive with a unamused expression, shaking his head "Where was my help when I stared down a orc trying to kill me, and the Brotherhood not only stood by and watched, but forced it to happen?" He ponders, bitterly recalling how his own comrades-in-arms nearly cost him his life. "Wait- The Jorenic Rights were tradition before Arthur came into his role. And the Haeseni people have never been forsaken from carrying weapons - who is this man's source?"
  17. The Master of The Abstract read through the publication several times - at some point several hours later waking up at his desk, the elegantly-written publication now creased and crumbled slightly. He smooths it out as he briefly ponders why he was waking up at his desk, before scanning the document once more. He scoffs in amusement as he notes the several references to fire, and warmth. He resoundingly agrees - idleness does not suit the Courts at all. Of course, a careless fanning of fire can leave poor results - though if ever anyone was suited for this task, it had to be his dearest friends Sofia, and Fabian - and now Amaya, too. Tired eyes, filled with scenes of a distant night sky, pondered over the last tenet. He scribbled a note next to the finely written heading, to speak with the Grand Lord - perhaps not everything ought require a grand demonstration. The short blonde soon flipped the document over, adding it to one pile among many on the clustered desk. The next time he saw Fabian, The highlander mused, He ought to buy him a drink. Truly, Fabian had outdone himself. Haus had no question that whatever his Grand Lord wanted, he would see it through and to its end. On that note, his gaze wandered towards half written and crossed out versions of a publication, and he wondered when he would try aga- A shadow lurched forward, just in the corner of his vision - for the briefest of moments, fear gripped the blonde as he tumbled up and out of his seat - to find his room empty, as always. With a exasperated, tired expression and made-up mind, he trudged off and away from that dimly lit room - heading out of Veldev with that ever present cloth over his eyes, and the best and strongest bottle of Haeseni Vodka he could find in his bag. He had a Pale Elf to talk to. Though he really ought to speak with Fabian about his role in the Courts. The blonde had been silent for far too long.
  18. Between overseeing construction on a new hospital and wandering the new lands in search of something, a Blonde Doctor finally find the time to sit down at his desk and sort through the growing mound of missives, announcements, and other assorted paperwork. As he sifted and read, a particular notice caught his eye, and for once enveloped his full attention. It had been some time since Haus had seen the Retired Chief Jovenaar, yes - but never had he expected him to be gone so soon. His heart sank as he recounted how many had slipped away, since the Mori'Quessir invasion had began several years ago. In truth, he hadn't spoken much with the late Stafyr - not that much had to be said, though. Haus admired the man's expertise on the law, his work on the desperately needed reforms of the Aulic Court, and his commitment to see Justice upheld. It did not make it any easier, however, to stomach the fact that he was gone. His head lowered and his eyes closed, as he prayed for the Souls of Adele Ludovar and now, Arthur Stafyr , and for GOD to grant them the rest they had earned through their work. A moment of silence - until a whisper from just over his shoulder tore the moment from the tired Jovenaar. Of course, nothing was there - though he had no doubts that it had been. He ran a hand through his hair as he shook his head, grumbling to himself. He took a deep breath as he returned to his paperwork, the words of a mentor and Pale Elfess reaching the front of his thoughts - and he forced his thoughts back to the job at hand. Perhaps it was time for him to take up the mantle, or perhaps it would be passed to someone else more worthy. Either way - There was still work to do, and neither Lady Justicar nor Chief Jovenaar would approve of stagnation. He would not dishonor their memory by starting now.
  19. A Starry-eyed Doctor stopped dead in his tracks as the news reached him...[R]
  20. A Stressed, Blonde Doctor runs his hands through his hair as he sets the invite on his desk down, it joining the growing pile of paperwork on his desk. Of course, he's overjoyed that his friend not only is getting married, but also having her honor restored - still, his dwindling mina balance in his bank is a ever-nagging concern, and the blonde wonders if he gets paid for working in the Clinic.
  21. A Tired, Blonde Weiss-Vuiller feels a grin grow as he reads the invitation - a grin that soon vanishes as he mentally recalls his bank account's balance after taxes. His shoulders slump down and he resigns himself to acquiring a gift fit for his fellow Blonde after the wedding - perhaps something to do with Beets?
  22. A Blonde Haeseni butchers the instructions, struggling to understand how he simultaneously made Chicken and Tomato Basil Soup.
  23. Haus Weiss-Vuiller, Local Deputy Surgeon-General, approves of this new code of conduct
  24. A Blonde Weiss-Vuiller had just wrapped up a particularly long medical procedure - silently cursing the lack of a established central medical site on Failor - when the soon-to-be wed Amaya Colborn entered his makeshift workspace. He accepted the ornately wrapped invitation in a confused silence, carefully opening the golden parchment and reading. Among the many questions Haus asked and his friend Amaya answered, one statement stood out "Come as you are, Haus" Those words resonated with Haus as he inspected the olive cloth he had worn over his eyes for the months prior, overlooking his Beet Fields. Perhaps for one day, for a friend - he could put it aside. There could be no harm, right?
  25. Love the piece - very clearly written spells and redlines and neatly formatted, +1 Absolutely dig this - I was working on a similar idea, but I think you said it best, naturally occurring phenomenon should be able to be recreated within The Void and used in Evocations similar to this. Hope this passes and hope to see more poking into Voidal stuff like this!
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