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Everything posted by Yagi_Kamisama

  1. sooo are we all gonna just pretend that didn’t just happen?

  2. If two people are constantly arguing about the same point of contention in a CRP for more than five or ten minutes, it does seem like a very reasonable solution to agree to simply rolling and going from there for the overall sake of creating a narrative. This is a game, it is not life or death. Just have fun with it and roll with what happens rather than just trying to min-max another CRP encounter the next time you have one :)
  3. Ystifae had a herald to disconnect and behead.
  4. A clawed hand traced at the words, before a smile crept on her face. This call would be answered in earnest.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SethWolf



      WORLD IS A ****

      神様 Kill ‘em all 1989

      I am Azdrazi woman

      410,757,864,530 DEAD PALADINS

    3. NotEvilAtAll
    4. creamynoteblock


      go haense to buy fire salts ,. not require poly morph ., egirl with temper of olog 妖怪 scream me ,. i spit large dragon flame her brow ., last photo before final assault ,. i escape , **** you 去你的 !


  7. of course sleep token!! Ystifae this is super cool omg thank you for doing this
  8. # of characters 1! -Ill send everything via discord on a google doc! IGN: AZAYAGARYU Discord: Yagi_kamisama
  9. Somewhere a drake smiled. Rows of fanged teeth broke that once seemingly innocent countenance. Humanity thus far had proven an interesting sight to spectate. However, the time for her merely to be a ‘bystander’ was ending. The path of war was clear, and so would be her own into this fray.
  10. I put the KING in king kong. I put the GOD in godzilla. You can’t touch me man. I am really on this shit.

    1. alexmagus


      please stop status posting

    2. Yagi_Kamisama
  11. call me amazon because i be straight delivering BOMBS in these warzones. i really do this shit AND free shipping.

  12. Ambiance - [X] I see with eyes, already fixated. I move with bones blackened with char. I speak with a mouth full of words, devoid of all meaning. I touch with flesh, already transformed to stone. I slice with blunted steel. Within unwavering eternity, there is still yet ashes which shift. I weep for my beloved, which I never had. I hear her words, which flutter as molten wings. A tug, a pull, a yearning for what will never be. Memories that cannot be silenced. It is a voice, which remains silent aside from whispering taunts. A rage takes the place of confusion. A conflagration that has no direction, only the promise of destruction. A self-immolation, left only to sorrow. Burnt, are those pale hands. Burnt, are those brown eyes that beheld me. She is naught, but ashes. Yet the flames still rise. . . .
  13. at the bank, boutta withdraw ALL of it

    1. exogens


      That’s right. Give us that LC MULAH

  14. A horned creature leaned over a small, cramped table as black slits peered over the parchment. There remained an explanation, an answer finally given to one of their questions. Ystifae gave a time of pause to rest in the satisfaction that came with an answer finally. It was fleeting though, and soon gave rise to a deep rage withiin her form... Was retribution was at hand for the deceased woman?
  15. “I do wonder what any X*nnite has done that has been productive to their oh-so ‘noble’ cause.” A creature rasped as they read over the penned message. She prepared to send their own message in the coming days and weeks.
  16. A newborn drake hissed in rage at the battle that had taken place and the defeat that followed. They had licked their wounds and helped her sole kindred in the conflict do the same. Disappointment muddled with a newfound anger, of whose depths had not been felt yet in the short months after their birth. A talon bearing hand was lifted, and smashed into the blackened stone of the wall adjacent to the dragon. Preparations had been made, and they joined the Hordes of the Serpent in their search...
  17. As someone who has been involved with the conflict and RP that had been generated from this, I can 100% agree with everything said. This lair being accepted would only bring about more conflict and a positive RP narrative.
  18. "Are they intent on repeating this, running in this same circle?" Two draconic eyes peered over what had been written. A sigh then followed and a plume of smoke arose from that creature. Ystifae then closed her eyes, and words rasped from her in a quiet threat. "A threat." "A tongue lost." "Another threat." "Charred marble." "Yet another threat." "More to be immolated."
  19. How do you reconcile that the Anti-Christ and Basilisk are almost upon us?
  20. so who wants to make an empire of all the new random realms with me?

  21. ((I am going to clarify that this post/letter is only visible to those in the court leadership of the Viceroyal of Hyspia, until it is shared by that upper leadership.)) Also edited post to reflect this.
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