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Status Updates posted by shiftnative

  1. http://i.imgur.com/ZSR1SFG.jpg 4.0 from a different angle, the area circled /may/ be up for grabs. With so many different factions there may just have to be a battle royal..
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tethras


      ^Or that. But we need a shroom forest on this map.

    3. Bircalin


      Can't wait to see all the little nick-nacks being put on it ^^

    4. Dukester


      Perhaps a ruin city, something for the event team to host mob battles and evil events etc

  2. 4.0 So far http://i.imgur.com/tfkbGxC.jpg looks like it'll be done this week, I'll fight for the in-game building phase to be done in 60 days or so /flex

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      I will conquer everything

    3. Lago


      How are we controlling how the default terrain is made? The west needs to be void no matter how far north or south you go, (otherwise you could generate chunks /around/ the void part) and we'll probably want to generate more water on the south edge or the sea will be rather narrow.

    4. Mankaar


      The faster its done the better Shift, looks awesome btw!

  3. Here's 4.0's biome diversity so far - http://i.imgur.com/0BMLEYh.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shiftnative


      ^ It looks like minecraft's canyon biome, for the most part!

      @hoodmaster - Ready and willing >;p

    3. JtPv


      Wait...prebuilt or nation built?

    4. shiftnative


      Cities won't be completely prebuilt, probably going to allow them to make a tent camp ahead of time - maybe !

  4. The 4.0 canyon that seperates the worldpainted side of the map from the minecraft side is just about done - http://i.imgur.com/G9ZR8DA.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hanrahan


      Shift y u so perfect

    3. hoodmaster906



    4. shiftnative
  5. http://i.imgur.com/sm2FVag.jpg The canyon biome blocks look really wicked, going to try to recreate minecraft's canyons - If I can't we'll just MC edit it in or somethin'
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lago


      Can we make it do endless desert after the canyons?

    3. CountJuno88


      That's some wicked awesome canyon you got there.

    4. shiftnative


      @ Lago So far the idea was to have it be minecraft generated, a giant desert could be pretty awesome but some may not like the lack of diversity =/

  6. The 4.0 Worldpaint /should/ be finished this week, w00t !

    1. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      Do a livestream. :)

    2. Pinsir99


      Then we can get to Busy-Bee work? :3

    3. Dukester


      Livestream <3

  7. 4.0 After today's livestream - http://i.imgur.com/wxEQZpV.jpg (click to enlarge!)

    1. Redbaron™


      The north is MC generated correct? Or any other direction? I hope it's sorta like Aegis where the rP is centralised yet the land is massive.

    2. shiftnative


      Aye redbaron, North / NorthEast will be Minecraft Generated and (hopefully) twice as large or more ;p

    3. Redbaron™
  8. The 4.0 worldpaint livestream was a lot of fun, if you'd like to re-watch it they're saved on my livestream @ www.livestream.com/shiftnative

  9. 10 minutes until the 4.0 Worldpaint livestream, tune in and help out

  10. 45 minutes until the 4.0 worldpaint livestream - www.livestream.com/shiftnative

  11. Pushing back the Worldpaint to 2 hours from now (Sorry! still at the ms's!)

  12. 4.0 Worldpaint tommorow, 11/24/2013 at 3PM cst feel free to watch previous streams @ www.livestream.com/shiftnative

  13. 4.0 Worldpaint livestream this Sunday / Monday - I'll post again tommorow with times

    1. DruinsBane


      I'll be waiting.

  14. The GM's, Admins and Developers are motivated, we want to make Anthos and 4.0 easier to get into, less restrictive and more fun. Do all the things!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AgentSunny


      Thing good a always not is difficult less.

      Yeah I dunno >.>

    3. shiftnative


      More so just easier to grasp - even if it's signs that encourage them not to be discouraged.. ;p

    4. BrandNewKitten


      Let's do what we gotta do.

  15. The Elven area in 4.0 so far http://i.imgur.com/RvzUDOs.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Blundermore


      Pretty suitable then to the race that gets raided every day then wouldn't you agree?

    3. Baconthief


      Don't listen to the native, it's perfect. Don't go crazy on the trees, and don't make trees that would be impossible to remove if needed.

    4. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Oi! Defendableness is good! It seems like we tend to get the stick sometimes when it comes to fortifications and whatnot. Except for Normandor.

  16. The dwarven lands in 4.0 so far - http://i.imgur.com/9ztRJdD.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      How do you make mountains like that in worldpainter?

    3. Benny_Fool
    4. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Very Good! Space for the capital, i hope the dwarves will do well!

  17. The area that hangs over the void (so far) - http://i.imgur.com/7DEswbe.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ski_king3


      Something tells me the Heero and the rest of the college are really going to dig that area :P

    3. shiftnative


      Don't worry Bly, like Freya said - this is just the canvas! It can be leveled in a matter of moments and it will definitely end up looking great ;]

    4. gabriel101x1
    1. Wocket


      Can't wait to see what people will do with stained glass

    2. Heero


      Yet the server needs to update to 1.6.4 so the world can actually swap over to 1.7 properly.

  18. 4.0 Worldpainting Livestream is about to begin www.livestream.com/shiftnative

  19. 4.0 Worldpaint Livestream in 1 hour www.livestream.com/shiftnative

  20. 4 Hours until I livestream the 4.0 worldpaint - www.livestream.com/shiftnative

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