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Status Updates posted by Thatpyrodude

  1. God bless Christopher Columbus, a hero to the modern world

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Endovelicus


      Ok then go back to hunt and gather living in a shitty tippy without modernity, western values or anything of the sort, see it how you like it lmao

    3. Ducklingator


      I don't see why you think they wouldn't develop and adjust to the modern world as Americans did, lol

    4. Endovelicus


      Then they'd become "violent invaders with mediocre+ technology that is very likely to devolp and take whatever the hell they want and demolish whoever dares say a word" so I don't understand why you exalt their culture so much

  2. God save the king 

  3. good counter raid!!!

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      On us or on them?

    2. Thatpyrodude


      When we counter-raided them, was a close fight

  4. Good fight

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Destroyer_Bravo
    3. drfate786


      Aside from @HB_'s bias intervention it was a fun fight.

    4. TankM1A2


      @Teegah excuse me, wheres your fortress again?

  5. good fight brothers

    One final plus one:


  6. good fight, that was enjoyable

  7. heard @Tsuyose is in a homosexual relationship with @Officer Freedom

    1. argonian


      reliable sources have informed us @Tsuyose had him mistaken for a sheep, and @Officer Freedom was in no hurry to correct him.

    2. Zhulik


      i did not have sexual relations with that woman

    3. nordicg_d
  8. Hostile mob spawning in the mines has been turned off, enjoy your safe mining!

    1. FlemishSupremacy



      Wait. They still spawn...

    2. Hiebe
  9. How do you find time to rp between being a welsh nationalist and shagging sheep?

    1. Guest


      pyro when I confirmed this info to u I didn’t want u to publically post it dude..

  10. I need to test something, please plus one this post

  11. I wish I got all the hot takes like Drfate

  12. I'm back to 0 warns i can finally shitpost again 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thatpyrodude


      Zhulik killing my dreams

    3. Sultan


      yea they aint **** huckleberry


    4. AlphaMoist


      It’s the thought that counts 

  13. if you post one more treaty ill excom you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. kevin is a sad man, he needs lotc in his life, please free him

  15. King of Lorraine when?

  16. Knox got gm, italianassassin got gm, drfate got et and poor german is still a coder

  17. m-muh immersion!

  18. oh god this is something else

  19. Please donate your rep to a rep starved gm

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Sorry, I would, but distributing wealth/rep to the poorer citizenry is Sanoism, and that's illegal now.



    3. argonian


      Charity isn't communism.

    4. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Neither is Sanoism

  20. really glad the war team got in contact with the devs and got the proper changes done :D

  21. Region Owners have rights too!!!

    1. Heero


      but apparently nation leader gms dont

    2. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      Yo bro it's all about the people yo!

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