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Pikel Boldshoulder

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Pikel Boldshoulder

  1. Well I have far to many dota 2 keys... what to do with them?

    1. Polgrath


      Post a status like this on LOTC to get people like me to beg for them? :P

    2. Eleatic


      borgtrek7 in steam,

      I can haz?

    3. Cracker


      bullsticks is my steam account

      if you don't mind :#

  2. just had a dream that the antagonist lands were actually the ruins of Aegis... wtf

    1. AmK


      What if it is... After we abandoned Aegis, continental shifts moved it and it collided with the south to form what we call Anthos. The mountain range in Hanseti is where the two collided and due to its new position on the globe it's become snowy. Now that we've arrived, the Undead are reawakening and emerging from the ruins of the old CT.

    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      My god I hope so.

    3. Pikel Boldshoulder
  3. Happily delving through the Druid's Library

  4. Lord Knox's one weakness, shovels http://i.imgur.com/vLm3PXh.png

    1. Samoblivion


      Still your tongue, heretic.

    2. susitsu
    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      I'm putting it down on my resume I killed Knox

  5. http://www.pcgamer.com/minecraft-to-let-players-change-their-in-game-name/ Not going to know who any of you are by the end of this
    1. Ender_Panda13


      obviously LOTC shold create a kind of app for name changes. or at least make sure they know who you are if you do change your name. I think if you change your username without alerting lotc staff you should be banned. its kinda like alting afterall.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      If you are banned changing your username won't solve the issue! Lucky that Mojang thought of that.

    3. Ender_Panda13


      I meant, say like, someone changes their name. How will we be able to tell who they were? A Strelt would clear his cards, change his name, and become a spy to his enemies. We wont know because of the name change.

  6. Plot twist, GM team aren't placing new plots and just said it to make you waste your diamonds and iron

    1. AGiantPie


      GET IT??!?!?!

      "PLOT TWIST"


    2. Travista


      *kills pie while he's laughing, taking his swump, haha!*

    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      Indeed I made a pun

  7. why do I have a 50% hit rate with a diamond axe at level 100?

    1. Austin


      It's a diamond axe. It's how it works, it has less hitrate but we do waaay more damage.

    2. bungo


      I read that as diamond shovel first. ._.

  8. anyone seen a guide for using falsebook and npc's?

  9. is stuck in a tent with Miss Hapsi because of the lightening

    1. Ever


      Glad ya ain't sum'un worse, else I'd have to shank you with somethin' sharp :P

    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      I don't want to be shanked....

  10. looks like a tornado went through the Alras Farms

    1. everblue2er101
    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      never mind it was just a dragon

  11. why is the lotc world war have to be when auzzies are at school. no fair

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      Because the aussies would be an unfair advantage in the war, they already have numbers... :P

    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      that's a poor excuse to cut us out

  12. I will fight for this bar with everything I have. No stomach will be left empty, no thirst unquenched. Come to the Viridian Bar free drinks for all!

    1. Sultan



      If ur there right now we can do the meeting?

    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      can't I'm gmt +10 and have exams now, I'll tell WOOSH10001 to try find you to RP it out.

  13. Back in the day when lightening sent a shiver down your spine and usually meant one thing http://vimeo.com/27530362

    1. Drelik
    2. Redbaron™


      I REMEMBER THAT, I found the way in when len was screaming about it.

  14. whats the command to see whos online

  15. Can you copy books anymore?

    1. Nug


      I think you can get a GM to do eet.

    2. everblue2er101


      Yes, submit a modreq.

  16. Server being dodgy or is that my internet?

    1. Imperial Legion Soldier
    2. Bucky_24


      :'( I was having a great philosophical conversation... This aint something you can just 'pick up' in the middle!

  17. Oh dear my three horses are left wandering the wild because of these crashes

    1. VonAulus


      normally if crash they despawn if you are riding them

    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      found that out after two goes this time they are just standing out there

  18. What version we running on atm?

  19. One of my favorite places ever built on LotC, ArmaLuna. I dug up an old video

    1. Samoblivion


      Damn, I remember that. The Flay attack and the chaos it caused was great.

    2. HuskyPuppy


      Oh god I completely forgot about this place! I used to love it dearly.

  20. Buy some horses, wait hours for server to stop being retarded, go to sit on one, server dies

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      man I hate you LotC sometimes

    2. osumanduas


      Nobody uses horses for that reason though?

  21. Real life edgy archer
    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      That isn't edgy.

    2. James


      I have a video of someone splitting bbs in half with a katana as they come to him :P

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