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About Anderssn

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    Dogan of the Steppes

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  1. "In order to engage in PvP you must have sufficient roleplay to do so, even if a player is running from ‘Halt!’ you may not PvP them." Can this be ignored  if you're attacking someone who is banished/KOS or a common enemy? This isn't an attempt to be salty or anything, I'm honestly curious. How much rp do you actually need in these situations? If you start emoting, they'll easily get away by running mcly, but the rule states a "Halt" isn't enough.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zaezae


      It does, but you can't execute them. 

    3. Jistuma


      Running away does not start PVP default, it just allows for the other side to down you (you can't turn around and fight back if you are running away). On the other hand, the KOS, banished stuff, if the KOS person is just running around the area, shout for your friends to gather. You need to roleplay to attack him, but it doesn't actually have to be directly to the person. You can roleplay gathering your forces and telling them to apprehend the person which is KOS or banished. Then you need to talk or emote towards the KOS person, but if you have been rp'ing about him before, you don't need more than a line or two before you down them to then revive them and continue rp. If they are banished in a place and are there, then they are roleplaying being there even if they don't emote or talk.

    4. Anderssn


      Yeah it just seems like that was completely ignored in the recent ban report. Feels like they punished the reported players only because they've had an ugly background.


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