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Everything posted by AGiantPie

  1. "Why in the world does a damned /militia/ have ranks and divisions?!" shouts Bertrand.
  2. "Why does the Uruk accent persist in writing?" ponders Bertrand.
  3. Name: Bertrand [Mc Name]: AGiantPie Race: Human Magics known: Electrical Evocation Magics you can teach: I am a poor teacher - none. Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? My lord Constantine taught me electrical evocation whilst I squired for him. Which position do you feel most suited for? Adeptus Minor
  4. "If it's not white, it's not right," states Bertrand, advertising for the guild.
  5. hey hot stuff

    1. gab


      i never even saw this **** **** u pie

  6. Name: Jeracraft Link to channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Jeremy1992craft Genre: Minecraft Building Subscriber Count: 84k Average Video Count: 5-20k Explanation as to why you've chosen to nominate the following: Has done videos for Rp servers before and is likely to have an audience more in line with our interests than other MC channels.
  7. This poll on youtube advertising was taken yesterday, might give some people some ideas;
  8. Matt was banned so yeah.
  9. Shout out to Pandann for giving legitimate answers to feedback threads. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TeaLulu


      shout out to pandann for being terrible as island naming.

    3. TeaLulu
    4. Pandan


      Shout out to lulu for awful grammar. 

  10. As if this trait is generation-specific. Great guide, fantastic work.
  11. When I think about you I touch myself.

    1. Harri


      I'm glad the feeling's mutual.

    2. Kim


      oh you shouldnt have

  12. I'm guessing that lore submissions is not the proper forum for this.
  13. "There is a shop in Felsen selling enchanting tables for around four hundred minas, if I am remembering correctly!" shouts Bertrand.
  14. I don't like the idea of magical honesty at all really. In a black and white scenario I guess it could work, but there are way too many real-world situations where you could be considered lying by one person and not lying by another. When you then add in the OOC element that this requires in order to work properly, it makes things very messy.
  15. Do Canadian girls like Trump?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drelik


      Canadian women have creamy pale skin and thick thighs though

    3. KarmaDelta


      Trump girls Canadian do like?

    4. AGiantPie


      csalzz can you stop getting me aroused? thanks

  16. Noticed these rules are rarely (if ever) adhered to. Might want to update/remove or enforce the rules that aren

    1. AGiantPie


      *aren't followed. 


    2. KarmaDelta


      They're only used when needed probably.

  17. The thundercrash bomb was a thrown grenade that had a timed fuse, not an impact explosive. They were not used in the exact same manner as the explosive arrows on LotC, as they were timed fuse grenades that did not explode as soon as they hit (no chance for the person being attacked to avoid the explosion), were not guaranteed to explode (As the fuse might get snuffed out, or the bomb may have been a dud or w/e as opposed to 100% perfect explosion rate from explosive arrows), had much more limited range because they were thrown instead of launched from a bow. Really, the only similarities that our explosive arrows share with this weapon is that they are both explosive weapons. There are no other similarities. I also take care to note that hand guns and basic cannons came into existence around the same time that thundercrash bombs did. To say that a weapon significantly more advanced than a thundercrash bomb is A-ok in terms of technological development whereas a weapon that existed at the same time as a thundercrash bomb is too advanced and ruins our theme is dumb. Regardless of whether or not this weapon existed is irrelevant. Cannons also existed historically, yet we've put a lock on that weapon. What matters is whether or not a weapon makes sense in our lore and is balanced, fun, and fair to use in Pvp (A weapon that one shots through any armor no matter what is stupid and should not exist, for example). Explosive arrows don't make sense if other (and simpler) explosive weapons aren't allowed, and explosive arrows are extremely stupid for Pvp. Biased eye on the Dwarves? What? We're not even talking about Dwarven lore here, we're talking about explosive arrows, which anybody can make/use. I am OK with cannons existing, though I think locking cannon making to one race is dumb, but I also think that explosive arrows are stupid and should not exist. P.S. - I like how you assume I did a quick google search whilst simultaneously quoting Wikipedia, then fail to label your source.
  18. Lmao. There are ways to attach explosives to an arrowhead, but just 'strapping some explosives' to an arrow will not make an effective missile.
  19. Can it? Please cite historical examples of where impact explosives were used, particularly ones where cannons are not also simultaneously in use. Also, "A quick google search" is not research, my friend. Regardless, a safe impact explosive is not an easy thing to create (Neither is a cannon tbf, but its not like a cannon is super duper hard and impact explosives are easy peasy), and an impact explosive that can travel through the air attached to an arrow but not explode until it hits the ground or a target is even harder. Explosive weapons such as black powder grenades (Not impact explosives though!) and incendiary weapons like greek fire are historical, but so are cannons and guns. You also seem to be mistaken on what "fire arrows" actually were. They used explosives to propel themselves (they were basically arrows with rockets on the back), but they were not impact explosives like our explosive arrows are. Also, they had to be fired from an actual "siege" machine, they could not be delivered via any hand held bow. (Well I suppose they COULD but then they would just be normal arrows, the rocket part is irrelevant if it is being fired via a bow). The explosive arrows we have on the server currently are basically handheld RPGs that can be fired with the same weapon that fires every other kind of arrow... though I suppose the name 'APG' is better, given that they are propelled by an arrow. Regardless, the idea that we can make advanced impact grenades but are incapable of manufacturing a weapon that uses explosives as propellant is ludicrously stupid to me, especially since the only reason for why we can't is that the LMs think cannons are outside our "theme." Dumb as **** tbh.
  20. Strapping a bomb onto an arrow (especially if it is an impact bomb) will make firing the arrow impossible. Strapping a bomb to an arrow and having it be an effective military device is not easy and simple. The idea that ranged impact explosives (basically RPGs via arrow delivery) are ok and readily available whereas cannons are absolutely not permitted via tech lock is really quite stupid to me. "Simple bombs" aren't very simple. Making an impact bomb is very complicated (If a cannon is complicated then an impact bomb is complicated too) - especially if you want your impact bomb to only explode when it hits the enemy and not when it hits you. And, as I mentioned above, you can't just strap something heavy and not very aerodynamic onto the end of an arrow and expect it to be an effective weapon.
  21. Simple guns aren't that complicated, and explosive arrows are ludicrously illogical. The point is that the supposed "fantasy" tech-lock is fickle at best. I would rather all ranged explosives be simply disallowed.
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