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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by E__V__O

  1. So many BR's on "No Rp Killing" why is this such a problem now?

  2. Apprently saying Macbeth at an play is bad luck *Evil Glare*

    1. Mephistophelian


      It is? Wehehe, I will say that everytime I go to a play not. Also, *a play

  3. I wonder if the necromancers would be better if there characters where all ginger/red heads...

    1. Divinae


      ... and I'm an ******* for giggling.

  4. Who would I need to speak to so I can update the Wiki?

  5. Take a look at this idea.




      Now look at this net

  6. Congrats America

    1. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      nothing 2 be proud of

  7. http://imgur.com/vt0aEYF Finally done! Time to make a army.
    1. Aagaron


      I will help you fight said army.

  8. Where would someone post a suggestion to remove a thread and replace it?

    1. Crowbill


      I suggest summoning a FM...usually simple statuses do the trick!

  9. Can we improve rules on the BR system regarding the "Proof you attempted to solve the issue" by actually enforcing it.... You see ban reports come up with little issues that could be solved by attempting to talk to the player and discuss without the need for GM interference. 


    I suggest that if you don't attempt to solve the issue the ban report has to be dropped.

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      There's a lot of changes we should make to ban reports like full size screenshots and no tabby chat as well. 

  10. Aether VIP has the best colour.

  11. @Kowaman Will the maintenance also include fishing rods to be inept crafting?


    It was stated that Jistuma was going to do this bug-fix but it hasn't happened in the latest restarts so I was wondering if it will be implemented on this update.



    1. Llir


      If we remember, yes.

  12. Check out my event to win VIP for the server! 


    1. HedgeHug


      Already have vip - gib magix

  13. @Lyonharted™ Can you make that the "Store" tab is one of the main selections rather then being under 'other' it will be hard to find and doesn't get me excited to see about donating.

    1. forwhatpvrpose


      Maybe! I'll mess with it tonight. Thanks for the suggestion.

  14. Oh my, I just realised status updates are back!

    1. Slayy


      But now I must go to your profile and like LOOK AT IT.

  15. I remember when you donated all ads on the forums where disabled. I guess that isn't the case anymore as I have seen a dramatic increase in them when not using adblocker on LoTC webpage, even though i'm Aether VIP.

    1. Space


      no reason to not use adblock

  16. Dwarven City Video Posted!


    1. JokerLow


      nice recording ?

  17. Anyone able to give me some in-depth feedback out a lore piece i'm working on - please comment or send a PM.

  18. Why can I not reply to posts in the Remove nexus Forum? 

    1. E__V__O


      I need to be apart of a club to comment on certain topics I have an opinion on?


      That's odd...

  19. Is this what a hostage situation is like?

  20. @_Hexe_ Didn’t you have diamond VIP?

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      no i respect myself and my paychecks

  21. Oh hey, congrats on admin tag.

    1. rukio


      What the ****

  22. Hey LoTC - Blobiverse fans! 

    I wanted to update you that a new patch has been released and it's a long awaited one including many requested features! I'll allow @Telanirto speak on them himself.


    Play today! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blobiverse-virtual-life/id485233267



    1. Abyssus


      when are you adding the battle pass

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