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Status Updates posted by Blundermore

  1. Hmm... When it comes to September 11th I would've hit the 2 year mark.

    1. Ibn Khaldun
    2. Ivran


      I hit mah 2 year mark about a month ago. :D

  2. I don't mean to alarm anyone but I saw Riolan in Asulon Alras. when I spoke to him he said " your souls shall be mine one day..."

  3. Damn it all, people who call me a mage really grind my Gears ICly. Simply because technically a "Mage" Would mean I was apart of an institution like the Mages Guild when I am not, which makes it awkward when people make that connection and ask me about joining the mages guild.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Dizzy771


      Yer a wizard Blundy

    3. Dizzy771


      totally didnt see benbo's picture before I said that ^ XP

    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      To me, if you have white hair and a beard you're a wizard. Else you're whatever.

  4. www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93147-looking-for-wizard-robeskin-maker/

  5. Bored and slightly depressed today... most of my ingame chat today has just been "Teach me magic" and "I have another lore question for you", just gets me down a bit sometimes.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bethykinss


      Go around hooded and start rp mysteriously!

    3. Tethras


      Blundi it's fine, let's just get twelve Dwarves. And go to the haflings...

    4. yekim8


      It might be worth giving Blundermore a little break and becoming a Halfling farmer for a little while. Halflings are the best.

  6. I just... I was trying to cure the man made of cake and then... BLAM. And I was covered in cake... D:

    1. MonkeyCoffee
    2. Lym




      And Forever.

      Dalek348 AKA cakeman <3

    3. Redbaron™


      Cakeman will always remain in our arteries <3

  7. Anyone care to give me an update on political events to do with Oren on server over the last two days? From how I see it there are five different claims to the crown of Oren along with some extra rebellions from house flay and all that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lago


      The King of Oren is William III (Kais), with Goddard serving as Regent while William III is ill. Pius Silverblade has declared the most of the lands of Oren to be the independant nation of Galahar. The Kingdom of Oren refuses to acknowledge the existence of Galahar, let alone its legitimacy, and the stage is set for a civil war.

    3. Lago


      The former Rose lands are now Adunia, and Salvus is once again controlled by the Hightowers. Both are "vassal states" to Urguan.

    4. V0idsoldier


      Pius is currently king because no other person is capable and Kais left.

  8. 100 internets to the one who can find the Chewbacca in the video.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rilath


      It's at like 58 seconds

    3. Dyn



      There was. It was amazing.

    4. Lark



  9. [21:00:05] blundermore: Old minecraft bow in a nutshell. [21:00:05] blundermore:

    1. Lark


      Ready the gatling bows!

  10. Looking at all the leaving posts and posts about people saying how they've lost their friends and things are falling apart for them I can only stop and think to myself in this time "I wonder if people now start to understand how the Ascended and Undead felt now, after all those times of telling us that our RP didn't matter much to them only now to have something similar happen to them as well?".

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I still say that everyone's expendable, but when you lose a dozen or so beloved expendables in one blow, its pretty rough building back up from that.

    3. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Undead never forget....

    4. Lym


      I never really got into LotC again after being stripped off my usual RP environment.

      R.I.P. good old times

  11. I don't quite understand... who is the new Emperor? Italian Assassin or someone else? (Really does not know so don't pull him up for getting names wrong)

  12. oh dear I have 911 rep...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Deal with it Bashar. It's cool!

    3. Gunner


      "yes my rep is fantastic I love it"

    4. Blundermore


      9/11 the infamous day Americans keep reminding us of.

  13. jokes on Franky Boil. "Unlikely things to hear at Wimbledon"
    1. Blundermore


      (Andy Murray is Scottish)

    2. Agnub


      Frankie Boyle is great. Shame he's not on Mock the Week anymore.

  14. www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86619-wizard-looking-for-work/page-5 anyone looking for hiring at all... :/ there must be some rp out there that doesn't revolve around me teaching people (to which I'm already teaching anyways)

    1. V0idsoldier


      You're one of the most powerful mages in Anthos, instead of asking others for rp, just make some :P

    2. Bucky_24


      I will get past that door! You just wait till I break Aegis down! Then you will have some RP, though it might consist of blasting me right back out the door, or even back to Asulon :P

    3. Blundermore


      I may be considered "powerful" but I am also very restricted ic as well from a bunch of different things like the gold scroll and all manner of stuff. Making it difficult to go off a whim and make rp. Usually because when I try it all falls back to the "will you teach me magic" harassment as usual.

  15. www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86619-wizard-looking-for-work/page-5 I was hoping to get a tad bit more response than what I got so far.

    1. BrandNewKitten


      If I had something I would. You think people would want to contact a wizard about dealing with all this monsters...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      ^ Help him dig dem graves!

    3. DruinsBane


      Help me kidnap and torture people, it'll be fun I swear.

    4. Dun_Irongut


      Soon... Soon you'll know of the mysterious job I have in store for you...

  16. www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86619-wizard-looking-for-work/page-4 started thread back up (and fixed the link in the status)

    1. Blundermore


      {Mentor} Tom


      Because I'm bored as hell.

  17. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86619-wizard-looking-for-work/page-4#entry812771 Looking for work and ranting at the idiots that keep on harrassing me off the server for the advancement of their own characters
    1. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      I should take out my costums and make you more work :3

    2. BrandNewKitten
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