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Status Updates posted by Blundermore

  1. That feeling when you know the steam sale is going on but you don't actually have an idea of what you want to get, and don't want to waste money on something you won't play.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Sins of a Solar Empire

    3. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer


      I have the exact same feel

    4. Mankaar


      tbh my whole steam album is full of games I barely play.. it's a struggle.

  2. This is a bucket.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Samoblivion
    3. Blundermore


      There's more...

    4. Amorphbutt


      oh how scandalous blundermore. how dare you show images of such DEPRAVITY! OH! THE CHILDREN MIGHT SEE!

  3. "Question." "What's your question, soldier" "I have teleported bread."

  4. I don't suppose anyone can help me with determining what kind of Human my character was, I'm thinking maybe he was a Northerner though I'm not quite sure, not very well acquainted with the Humans anymore, which is funny seeing how I'm one of them lol.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Be Russian! Be Russian!

    3. SodaiKamikaze


      Be raevir. That would make you cooler IMO.

    4. Raptorious


      Yeah Patrick is a really raevir name.

  5. Why is it night time?
    1. Dtrik


      It's not, it is day time.

  6. *continues wander, bringing aid to those he can... but the Old wizard knows that a more permanent solution will need to be found...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Parading


      Have you seen most thread posts these days? This is more than enough.

    3. Bircalin


      Nuke Fringe.

    4. D A N N Y

      D A N N Y

      yes, make it a thread. pls.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      I thought you would've liked the fact that I am no longer apart of the server at large if I was to be honest skiddles. Many people are as it stands.

    3. Amorphbutt
    4. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Good writing, and very interesting (potential) lore. Reading this and Zebanamana's writings, I definitely feel as if historians are not frequently enough roleplayed.

  7. I did say this would all end in tears if it was allowed to continue for both sides, I won't be petty and say I told you so but perhaps now will you consider my idea of blanket white peace? it's really the only way to resolve this without further ooc dispute. shake hands and go your separate ways.

    1. Amorphbutt


      I was honestly expecting the Harry Potter Puppet Pals Dumbledor or something.

  8. pretty cool song, apparently the lyrics that go with it is about Europe's history, but the instrumental version is much better

  9. Pretty much Dark Souls in a nutshell :P
    1. Stevie


      whats dark shills?

    2. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      dork souls 2 isnt a good hard like dark souls 1, its a cheap kill you with my unfair tracking hard.

  10. http://imgur.com/Ahqhwcb what I've been doing lately
    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      You're just wasting time here. Better get back to it!

    2. Rassidic


      ^ Wasting minutes of you life Blundy.

  11. Here's the finished piece that was posted in the Lore forums for the story https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EhEEzGvlrrbbNMCFdkbAX71vBsVM7w1mapYkCzo6rH8/edit

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Blundermore


      ICC? Internet Chess Club? What?

    3. TeaLulu


      First rule of internet chess club is we don't talk about internet chess club?

    4. Joe_Blackman
  12. Here's a question on behalf of some of my friends and for my own personal curiosity for all of you Oren gents inclined to "the Faith". Aeriel Worship, Heretical or an Extension of the Church (Meaning they do still accept the overall believe but subscribe to a very particular part of it).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. big narstie
    3. Eleatic


      Didn't you say you were leaving until LOTC stopped being a few obscenities?

    4. Blundermore


      Have I logged in lately? No I have not. Does not stop me acting on behalf of some friends of mine.

  13. Feeling paticularly evil after rewriting some of the old trials yesterday. Can't wait to see how people cope through the mind bending puzzles :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Fair enough.

    3. El_Hwaldaro
    4. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      The trials that you need to complete to become a part of The Mongoose Order aften having recieved a golden scroll, Hwal. :P

  14. Karel (Syth) is more of a butt-guy though. -Quoted.

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      He is a pedo hiding in the bushes

  15. "Apples and grapes" -Jontron

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      I've always preferred him over Dan.

    3. Joe_Blackman


      Barry's the best.

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Blundye, i stalking yu.

  16. *isn't a mage -he reminds after seeing the mistake for the 80th time...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Blundermore


      That logic is flawed heero, for many useagic and are not considered or called mages. Anguels themselves in fact use magic and yet we do not call them mages. Nor do we call priests and clerics mages. Necromancers, conjurers, Druids and Ascended alike.

    3. Heero
    4. Blundermore


      Wasn't much of a case to begin with... :p

  17. About bloody time to be frank. I don't know why we kept that thing after the whiners who originally made it allowed to begin with left the server.

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