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Status Updates posted by Joe_Blackman

  1. "Tier 4 - small bear" never forget



      NUVR FRGT joe blukmn

  2. "tier 4 small bear" vs "tier 4 teleport like goku" **** this server

    1. Parkins


      "Original lore, magic, and creatures."

    2. Fitermon
    3. monkeypoacher
  3. "Tssss" and all the names were gone...

  4. "Wait, my son, the planet or me?"

    1. Tayelikel
    2. Joe_Blackman


      *Laser beam*

      "Friggin' smartass."

    3. Tayelikel


      hey...vegeta!...vegeata!...............Are we there yet


      Hey! hey vegita!....i can fffllyyy

  5. "Yeah, that's right. I'm not a Dragon's ***** like you."

  6. "You are temporarily banned from the server for one day." Ha, ha ha... Heh heh... WHAT?!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tentoa


      OR We just use worldgaurd to turn on leaf decay in Malinor and THE REST OF THE SEVER WILL BE OKAY.

    3. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      If that was the cause, then you probably should have left a sign nearby on a place you have perms to that details why you can't remove the leaves. Aside from that, there is not much else you can do.

    4. Joe_Blackman


      I cut the tree afront me, which was the very first one before the wilds. Somehow, the first three leaves were protected. /modreq never came to mind. I'm not holding a great repugnance for the ban... It's just... "Ain't that a kick in the head?"

  7. "You can't spell 'assassin' without sin and twice the ass!"

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Oh-hoh-hoh! Joe, you forget how bad I am at spelling it seems.

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Altair puts the 'ass' in assassin.

  8. (Sorry about the omega long status update...) Why is this generation of teenagers (a hefty majority) so obsessed with looking like/becomming the( wannabe) alpha male of group -bleh-, it's weird how they find degrading their so called "friends" appropiate as a way to prove themselves "worthy"? I wonder if they see the sadness in that other teen's eye, rather than just accepting the victim's fake laughter as their true emotion being expressed, upon the ammount of em...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Religious_Pie


      Maybe there is a few that do, but sadly, they're the inferior ones, not like most of us.

    3. Cappy


      I know exactly what you mean, Joe. I've wondered it myself, and given up trying to understand it. People are the most wicked and cruel things on the planet, don't forget it.

    4. Samoblivion


      I completely agree. This hs happened to me in the past, though not anymore. Perhaps beause I've rolled over and accepted my niche at the bottom of the pecking order. *Polishes crowbar*

  9. *Cough* *cough* *tumbleweed*

  10. *Gets a "no" in his lore and is not explained why it's a "no"*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      A bit more than no.

    3. Joe_Blackman


      Apart form Megu though, she at least put a reason why, which I appreciate. Then again, I did say "a", indicating it was just one "no". Maybe I didn't make it clear enough. My apologies.

    4. Space


      ANNNND everyone is getting all offended now. Ban all.

  11. *Kacks the double barrelled shotgun* C'mon babes! Let's rock these Ddosers!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      *jumps out of the explosion with a giant rainbow lollipop*

    3. Kaiser


      *Picks up soon*


    4. Joe_Blackman


      You dare come out with lollipop!?

  12. *Sigh* No underwear in my draw... Time to go cammando.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      So unresisting c:

  13. *Skeleton walks in" "WAZZ GUUD NI**A!!!"

    1. ConnorMagill


      I found your joke momentarily racist. I now support your joke.

    2. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Incoming white folks trying to 'feel offended'. By the way, Im guessing you watch Boondocks and your referring to Stinkmeaner right?

  14. /Endtrend :D

    1. Nug


      /restarttrend :D

  15. #WhoIsSteven?

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      A great guy who doesn't deserve to be banned.

    2. Archbishop


      Prince of oren who was banned for alting.


  17. 3VN for best character name.

    1. 3VN


      Nah Witchdoctor Dre

  18. 4-5 years of roleplaying.... *sigh* BEAT THAT!

    1. Desires


      Currently 21 and have been roleplaying since I was around.. Mmm, 4, LARPING. For..The..Win.

    2. Joe_Blackman
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