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Status Updates posted by Danny

  1. Why am I up at this time on LotC... D:

  2. Why are you so pretty?

  3. Why do you make me stay up so late LotC...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucas


      Silly LordPixel, thats the status down there! V :P

      Because... *looks around nervously* It's a conspiracy man! Native and Vaq have this thing going on which connects to your brain and makes you not be able to leave for ages! A CONSPIRACY I TELLS YOU!

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Yea, that's gotta be it. Now, I gotta go recharge. Vaq and Naive just gae me this neat new device, which I can connect to my brain, and charges my powers.

      *plugs in*

      Now it is time for moar LotC

      *speaks in robot voice and sits on the forums*

    4. Danny
  4. Why does my Skype enjoy crashing so often... :/

  5. Why is it you guys don't make use of the blog system? http://lotc.co/page/blogs Would we better off using that set-up for something else? e.g. News / Updates / Media or something?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Maybe if it were setup as a subforum it'd be used. ATM it just looks like a less-organized sorta-forum.

    3. IrishPerson


      These are still a thing? I:

    4. Samsan99


      we did ask if it could be a media thing months ago but nothing happened

  6. Wiggle. Wiggle. Wiggle. Wiggle. Wiggle. Yeah.

    1. Aryon


      I'm sexy and I know it...

    2. Distuth


      I've never met you, and yet, somehow, I'm really disappointed in you.

    3. Swgrclan


      Just looked that up.

      My eyes. They burn.

  7. With regards to website content, what do you consider more of a priority? A gallery or a page outlining the features of LotC?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. gam


      we need you being an admin again that's what we need

    3. Birdwhisperer


      A how to with all the plugins and commands.

    4. Helbolt


      Features with instructions on how to use them, such as plugins/commands

  8. wll u smell liek cow breath

  9. Woah-oh-oh, you don't know your beautiful, woah-oh, that's what makes you beautiful.

  10. Woman in Black is rather fine.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VonAulus


      via Mobile App? where do i get this?

    3. Nummy


      ..that movie still gives me nightmares

    4. gingernut97


      Dayum she be fiiiiiiine

  11. Won't be around until Sunday night - if you need an Admin, grab another one!

    1. Aislin


      Sadly I don't have an MA for Admin Conjuration.

    2. Gemmylou
    3. Lark


      There are other admins?!

  12. Wonderful. :3

  13. Woof.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CTap


      Gareahhhhh Gareahhhh (sloth sound)

    3. MartinDaMartian


      Sloths don't say "Woof" what has become of you!

    4. _SteelMemes_
  14. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

  15. Working now?

  16. Working on a new Skyrim mod - never actually put this amount of thought into anything before...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      *wants to be beta-tester*

    3. Danny


      @Aryon - Skyrim modding doesn't require much coding, it's mainly just scripting with Papyrus.


      @Lago - essentially Robin Hood, with different characters and a different storyline. The basic concept of a hero 'stealing from the rich to give to the poor' and fighting against a tyrant Sheriff, except quite a lot different. I've actually begun to transfer all the information from my notebook onto a wiki so I can easily ensure that it actually works - instead of ju...

    4. Danny
  17. Would you like the server to move more towards a Aegis-esque style of restrictions, map control, roleplay, etc or move back towards an Asulon-esque style? Would like to gauge opinion, although I think I have a good idea already!

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. gingernut97


      People are only saying Aegis for its nostalgia value. Pick a new system that the staff think best.

    3. Pinsir99


      If we are talking about the map itself, I think we need one that is bigger like Asulon...

    4. Pinsir99


      This one is too crowded...

  18. Wow guys - from #390 to #102 on Minestatus in 15 minutes, this is amazing! :o

    1. Aiden
    2. Thrym


      Having that vote button there is helping us remember.

  19. Wow, been a busy day - things are getting back on track though. Let's drive forward LOTC!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skippy


      I hope you consider mine :)

    3. Wizard


      Hmm, I also have a build application up that could be reviewed. It is from long ago however.

    4. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      And how much longer shall we be on the temp map? Until 2.5 or are we returning to Asulon one last time before we leave for 2.5 and then 3.0?

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