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Status Updates posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. If you had to play a race other than Elf or human what would it be? (Including all temp races)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zaezae


      I think living dolls, if they were allowed, could make a fun alt if the RP doesn't go too far in cringe mode. Other than that I'm not sure. I either want to play a very 'normal' character or something entirely unique. I have trouble doing the middle.

    3. Your Favorite Impure
    4. Heero
  2. In the middle of moving so instead of a birthday party my roommates and I are turning in our change jar to buy alcohol and drink in our empty house. There is just over 146$ in that jar. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      No. Vodka. I only drink vodka on my birthday. 4 years of collecting change will get us all smashed on vodka. 

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      You should drink apple juice

    4. BrandNewKitten


      Everyone should drink apple juice. Even if you are allergic.

  3. Instead of fixing my laptop to play LoTC I bought a very nice ipad during quarantine and have been teaching myself to illustrate. 

    I do miss RPing magic tho.

    1. Aislin


      That's awesome! Please send me your drawings, illustration is a far more powerful magic than whatever degenerate magic on LotC is going round right now!

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Holy **** it’s my troublemaking friend Aislin! 

    3. DahStalker


      You have to show us some of your drawings sometime!

  4. Is cactus green the only thing people smoke the server? 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CaptainSheepy


      Smoke dem Habgobsnits for a clarity high

    3. _Jandy_


      @SeventhCircle p sure it's more like tobacco 

    4. Jonificus


      Opium and ruskan cigars. Aww yiss

  5. It has been years since I was on a staff team with my main man, zarsies. Viper andShiftnative would be so proud. ; o;

  6. It is my birthday!! Yay me? Yeah. Yay me.

    1. Ivoreyy


      Happy Birthday!

    2. Areln


      Happy !! Birthday !!

  7. It should be the responsibility of the ST to take lore that is currently being used (a staple since 2013) and work to help it rather than just say “tough ****.”


    Especially when effort, real effort has been put in to create a rewrite. 

    1. lev


      i am angry! angry about kah!

  8. It's like the download stopped at 99.9% 

  9. Its only 8am and I am already out of rep points. HELP

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Maybe a tad bit trigger happy on the +1s today.

    3. - Pastry

      - Pastry

      Weren't you ever told not to spend them all in one place?

    4. BrandNewKitten
  10. just roll for war

    1. Sorcerio


      Nah. rock paper scissors.

  11. Long overdue but I have been away. In the process of re-homing myself. A bit stressed out and completely forgot to tell peeps. Send me luck. I need it. 

  12. Looking to get 3 more people involved with Celestialism by mid august. PM me on skype if interested. Must have tier5 arcanism. !!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      only if disguised as gerbil

    3. Heero


      Jokes on you, kiddo. Tiers don't exist

    4. LeoRabbit99


      When I lean arcanism I may

  13. LT: Do you have another post coming our way?

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Yeah, should be out this weekend at some point (likely Sunday).

    2. Llir


      bnk i miss u

  14. Magic question! I have an artefact that I still need to get created (I haven’t been on since last map). Do I modreq? Who can help me? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      mc item

      its an accepted mart

    3. Heero


      I think the MAT/LT/Whatever’s left does that for documentation purposes

    4. E__V__O


      Create an '/sreq' and give details, when the member claims the request give them a link to your MArt and theyll return the item.

  15. Make LOTC simple again!! 

  16. mc.lotc.co is working. Gotta direct connect, my friends



  17. Me when guns get accepted: https://imgur.com/a/B3r7GWA

    1. BrandNewKitten
    2. Ducklingator


      this is me when guns get accepted


    3. Sorcerio


      I dream of playing a Wonk Armsdealer 

  18. Member that thing I did for a single week? 

     I member. 

    Obviously I suck but the general idea would be cool for someone to start up again. So which ******* has too much time on their hands? 

  19. Mobile forums are still not working. Clicking anything just reroutes you to home page

    1. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      The ads are also ******* insane. At least make them smaller.

    2. Tigergiri


      I would make a bug report so people/ and tech can come back and look at exactly is going wrong, along with pictures from your screen.  it helps everyone out in the long run versus the one forum status that may get lost in a few hours

  20. Mobile forums seem to be bonked again. Cannot access the main forums, login, or access the side menu on mobile currently.

  21. More Celestialism!!! 


  22. My favorite person on the server currently is Freema. He is a bro no matter what. 


    Who hit is your favorite person ok the server? 

  23. My login for the wiki doesn

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      yeah mine doesn 

    2. EdgyMagey


      Ikr mine also doesn

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