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Everything posted by Ark

  1. guys neopets is sick

    1. Galendar


      they're worth a lot of money now, ark. They don't sell them anymore

  2. Taking a break

  3. rip epix.. afking at the big pearly gates above..

    1. epix37


      sorry, I was taking a shower

  4. everyone should play a peasant, at least once best type of rp tbh

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. IrishPerson


      It is true...

    3. christian2142


      Sounds like Ark needs more peasants for his town. ;P

    4. Ark


      i got plenty of peasants, i just enjoy them more. guess its the strelt in me . .

  5. realism rp is best rp

  6. L-lost all my stuff.

  7. nexus menu thing broke again, can we reset the server so I can access my stuff..

    1. Tirenas
    2. Ark


      doesnt work man5791. happened to cruzazul8 only way to fix it is a server reset.

    3. Space
  8. tbh I really miss Eyad wonder how he doing, hope he ok.

  9. Karl Barbanov nods his head a thin smile appearing across his face. "Hrm, Robert is doing a good job."
  10. Hey Kowaman, I could use your help. My friend keeps getting this error. : http://gyazo.com/00b53f913ae64ae84ff9bea0385d90fb

    1. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Log out log back in. -

  11. done w/ finals m8s

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Agith


      Just finish in her. They'll not forget that.

    3. Pureimp10


      You're breaking his right to privacy. You need to censor his name!!!

    4. Maur


      Why do you bother my friend org.

  12. Lord Karl Barbanov nods his head, as he watches Ecth and a row of archers fire at targets. "They will do good."
    1. Porko


      eyy that's me covered by the chat

    2. DrakeHaze.


      marry a horen and you're legit retarded

  13. http://i.imgur.com/meVXeKe.jpg how to deal with byrophites
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lawnmowerman


      and physical illness!

    3. nordicg_d



      [15:35:23] Ark: is those plant edgies!

    4. TeaLulu


      I'll fund this

  14. raise your hand if you enjoy paul ryan's witty rhetoric

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space
    3. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      Hello ark how are you

    4. Ark


      I skipped school because I was afraid of a calculus test. I've been studying and finally figured it out!

  15. anyone wanna teach me disk / washer method??

    1. Llir


      **** man, thats complicated to explain. try youtube maybe

    2. Ark
    3. Acornlad


      its easy. You take a line, take the area underneath it and then rotate it 360 degrees around the axis.

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