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Everything posted by Ark

  1. does anyone get this calculus ****??

    1. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      Get off of LOTC u ****

    2. Llir


      nope, going in blind tomorrow!

    3. Dakirennis


      This is why I'm a chef.

    1. Lita


      My mistake. I deleted another one crassly mentioning it, yours got caught up in there.

    2. Ark


      It's okay.

    3. TeaLulu


      You were purged for association....

  2. #freesocks2015

  3. any gm's that can log in?

  4. Victory in Athera day

  5. #freesocks2015

  6. #freesocks2015

  7. Nothing changes, not one bit. We used Aeldin w/o it being canon, we'll continue to use it. What's gonna happen? They can't ban us for it.
  8. This list is bad.

    1. Ford


      Get mad.

    2. Ark


      No southerners, not even Boris Carrion. It's racist.

    3. Rael


      needs more arkantos

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 501warhead


      He used creative to place massive cubes of iron for the Karovians to mine out.

    3. TeaLulu


      I am disappointed in Han but it looks like Han is disappointed in Han too.

    4. youlovesocks


      forgive me father for I hath sinned

  9. Oren used the Aesterwald skins, we had so many helmets from all the Waldenians we killed (:

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Zhulik


      the good ol days when two human playerbases bantered on the forums

      It's a good thing I like salt more than icecream

    3. Rael


      baby crow aleks carrion is infertile spread the word

    4. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      ehrik elderon gives the reach around to dwarves, spread the word

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-elyK2cnxI THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE GOLDEN CROW From the Highlands of the Old North rose the first Highlander Brotherhood, composed of the Raev and Hansetians of the Lahy, which destroyed the armies of Prince Nicholas the ‘Heathen’ and established the One True Faith, the Canonist Faith, into the hearts of the Highlanders for years to come. But now, after years of different revivals, infighting amongst the original Highlanders such as the Raevir and Hansetian peoples, and eons of cultural mish-mash with the Heartlanders, the Order that defended the Highlandic peoples as a whole is firmly re-established to safeguard and uphold the original purpose of the band: protect the Northern Peoples and their culture and do so with the fires of the Creator’s Will in their hearts. RANKS OF HIGH COMMAND -Marshal- “..what do ye mean you /retreated/? Who be these of the Hetmanate, demons in man’s skin?” Prince Nicholas of Dules, the Siege of Lahy, 780? The autocratic authority over the brotherhood’s entirety, the Marshal, called in the Hetman in centuries past, commands the order to fulfill his mission and goal: defend the Highlandic Plains at all cost. To the Lords and Men of the Northern Realm, his name is respected, to Southern Lordlings and their folk, his name is awed, and to heathens that sucumb the earth to their debauchery, his name is feared. -THE CURRENT MARSHAL REIGNING- Tarcell Othaman [Eddywilson2] -Standard-Bearer- “Lift the banner high, my men, for this be the day we have proven ourselves as a true brotherhood!” Lord Vasili Vanir, the Battle of Savoy Fields, 1456 Carrier of the Banner of the Burgundian upon the Golden Crow, the Standard-Bearer is the watchful eye of all the enlisted and March in their training and combat. It is the Standard-Bearer who leads the charge of the Burgundians against their foe, and it is the Standard-Bearer who declares victory for the band. It is also custom that the band never retreats until the Standard-Bearer has fallen, a custom which has given the Brotherhood a fierce reputation. The Standard-Bearer is situated with a seat at the table of the Lord and Marshal, along with their own private quarters within the keep. The Standard-Bearer is expected to be the figurehead of the enlisted and March, dressing properly and accordingly in arms, armor, and casual wear. He is also given leadership over the knights who have been knighted by Lord Barbanov, given the title ‘Grand Ser’. -THE CURRENT STANDARD-BEARER CHOSEN- Vacant [Vacant] -Velky-Hussar- “We [the Lahy] shall ney fall, my Hussars, for they do not carry [the Creator] in their feeble hearts.” Jan Yeremi, the Siege of the Lahy, 780? The Velky-Hussars, senior knights of the March, are known for their steadfast and long-service to the Commonwealth and the Highlandic peoples. Given the title of ‘Great Ser’, the Velky-Hussars are mainly ceremonial, carrying the tasks of the normal knights of the realm while remaining highly regarded, not just in their skill of combat but in their chivalry and actions for the betterment of the Highlanders as a whole. The Velky-Hussars are situated with a seat at the table of the Lord and Marshal, along with their own private quarters within the keep. Velky-Hussars wear the same equipment as the normal knights of the March, although some carry a ceremonial sash of Kha fur to display their status. KNIGHTS OF THE MARCH -Hussar- From years of contact and influence from the larger Heartlander culture, Hussars have evolved from their predecessors, forming the crucial role of heavy infantry and de facto role models of the Host itself. The Hussar is expected to follow the Code of Chivalry, akin to the nominal Heartlander Code of Chivalry, and is granted the title ‘Ser’. The Knight, as with the Hetman, is granted special rooming, seating, and proper arms and armor to fit their position. The Huscarl is also granted gentry within the autonomous Northern Commonwealth as well, receiving all rights, duties, and benefits that befall from it. -Esquire- Contrary to its Heartlander counterpart, an Esquire carries a quite large amount of power within the Brotherhood, being the second-in-commands of the Hussar’s Banner requires wit and intelligence. It is also the Esquire’s duty to carry out battle preparations and other tasks sent by the Hussar himself, whereas to prove the Esquire for one day becoming a Knight of the March. Esquires dine with the enlisted, while commonly invited to sit amongst the Hussars and Atamani. Esquires are granted rooming within the barracks, which depends on each situation. The Esquire also carries his Hussar’s banner, an honor which is never squandered. RANKS OF FOOT -Serjeant- “..what do ye mean you /retreated/? Who be these of the Hetmanate, demons in man’s skin?” Prince Nicholas of Dules, the Siege of Lahy, 780? The Serjeant is a grizzled soldier of the Host, proving his capabilities in and off the field countless times. It is the pool of Serjeants that new officers are pulled from, and in itself Serjeant is considered the first stage of leadership within the host. May it be known, the Serjeant is known to deal the final blow in many an occasion. Carrying the iconic pelt cap upon their heads, the Serjeant, contrary to his lower peers, wears plate and mail upon their body. Serjeants also receive better choice in weaponry and equipment, with many of the more dangerous and lethal given to their hands. It is not uncommon to see a Serjeant wielding a warhammer, mace, or even the deadly flail. - Huscarl - “We [the Lahy] shall ney fall, my Atamani, for they do not carry [the Creator] in their feeble hearts.” Jan Yeremi, the Siege of the Lahy, 780? The title attained after completing initiative trials and proving martial prowess to the Brotherhood, those known as Huscarls, or Brothers, compile the backbone bulk of the band. Brothers have been trained in sword and shield, taught in the ways of faith, and have shown undying loyalty to the mission and cause of the Brotherhood. When the thought of the Order comes to mind, it should be the thought of the host of brothers that live in piety, fight zealously, and brave the unstoppable odds. A Brother wears the full uniform of chainmail and leather, with the white-furred Hansetian Bear pelt donning their shoulders. Weapons of a Brother can range from the simple Kaedreni Longsword, to the Hansetian Zweihander, or to the ranged weaponry of the Hunting Bow or Rhosweni Arbalest. A Brother is situated in the traditional barracks with a bed and two single chests. - Initiate - “..and when I say shite, ye will shite. When I say piss, ye will piss. This ain’t yer mama’s home no more, lads, nay… Ye are the bulwark of the North, the legion of angry pricks that will castrate any nonhuman that steps on OUR soil…” Unnamed Drillmaster, 13th of the Deep Cold of 1496. Although any order or band takes great pride in their well-trained veterans and warriors, it is the fresh bloods who join that truly allow the Brotherhood to continue and prosper. From the Piscatorian Coastline to the mountain clans of Old Hanseti, boys and young men are called to Brotherhood in service of country and faith. Coming from all tracks of life, an Initiate will be trained, tempered, and groomed to become the next line of the Order’s hordes, or be cast aside and deemed as weak. Nicknamed ‘Fresh-Bloods’, Initiates are given the basic armor: leather with chainmail. A sword is commissioned to each Initiate, though all equipment is heavily regulated by the Quartermaster. Initiates bunk in a special wing of the keep, where four initiates are assigned to the same room. An Initiate goes through some of the most harsh and effective training within the Brotherhood, with lashings being the most commonly heard sound during a drill. SPECIALIZED RANKS -Quartermaster- The Quartermaster, keen in numbers and tactful in supplies, ensures the Host’s continued flow of arms, armor, and resources to fund its ever growing needs in and off the field of battle. It is the duty of the Quartermaster to ensure all men under the Burgundian Cross is equipped to the fullest, holding in their hands the tools of death and destruction, with the plates of steel and mail covering their bosom from any and all attacks by their plentiful enemies. The Quartermaster is usually taken from the ranks of the Hussars, in which they are well respected and well known throughout the host. The Quartermaster receives the arms and armor dictated by their rank, and is given their own room within the Commandery barracks. -Disciplinary- It is the Disciplinary that is the true hero behind the Brother, for it is by his whip that is the Brotherhood is formed to become a force to be reckoned with. Using the ancient tactics of drilling and training, the Disciplinary molds initiates to become bitter and fierce warriors, to teach them the values of the Highlandic Peoples and how to crush their heathen and pagan enemies. The Disciplinary is taken from the Hussars, in which their names are feared throughout the entire brotherhood. The Disciplinary receives the iconic whip upon his promotion to the rank, and is expected to always carry it wherever he goes. He also receives special rooming within the enlisted barracks, sleeping among the men themselves. TRIALS Killing of the Bear The Hansetian Bear, white of pelt and native to the Grendock Range, is a beast of both majestic and terrifying grace. For an Initiate to become a full-fledged brother of the lodge, he must slay the beast in a single-man hunt and skin its tough and bountiful hide. Making of the Cloak With the newly-skinned pelt, the Initiate must make the customary Bear Cloak that is adorned on every member’s shoulders, be them in uniform dress or in casual attire. This would include drying and tanning the fur, cutting and crafting it to appropriate length, and eventually presenting it to the Standard-Bearer. Baptism of Ashes When Saint Joren was anointed underneath the full moon in the name of the Creator, he was done so in ashes, symbolizing rebirth and renewal of his life. Following the holy legend, all Initiates must gather the wood of the Haensian Spruce and burn ‘till there is only ashes. With their cloak of bear fur, the Initiate is then fully prepared to be baptised by the ashes and fully inducted into the Brotherhood. Rewards of Service Payment Initiates are paid 100 minas a week if they are actively around and participate in training and events. Every other rank is paid 150 minas a week that they are actively around. Supplies Soldiers are given a set of chainmail armor and a sword immediately upon joining the Brotherhood. Iron is plentiful and made by the finest smiths so lost armor can be replaced. Food and ale is available as well. JOINING THE BROTHERHOOD OOC MC Name: Skype: Do you have TS? If not, are you willing to get one? IC [!] An old man, wearing the standard of the Golden Crow, looks upon you with dull eyes. Tapping the paper with the end of his quill,, he asked: “Name, boy?”: “Hrmph, so be it. Where ye be from?”: Clearing his throat, he then asked, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”: “Mhrmm.. what be yer reason for joining?”: Do ya have ah profession?”: “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”: Once finished, the old man nodded and gave a wave of dismissal to you, beckoning the next in line to follow suit. [!]
  11. Ark


    ((Yo Bobby, don't need to tell me OOCly. I'll be on in about 3 hours or so, send an emissary to Siegrad and we can discuss this in roleplay, as it should be done. I've got nothing else to say on the forums other than, Oren stop **** posting.))
  12. With the forces of Urguan forced back into their capital, the Orenian effort to end the war continues. While the stout menace has been culled time and time again, a handful of resistance fighters stubbornly hold out in isolated pockets. With the eyes of the world turned towards Eastpoint, a prominent staging ground for the ever dwindling dwarven forces, the banners of the realm are raised once more. By order of His Majesty, King Olivier, and his Lord Marshal Vasili Vanir, the forces of man begin their march. Warclaim Type of Battle: Conquest Time: Sunday. 4/26/2015 Attacking Force: Oren +allies Defending Force: Uruguan + allies. Location and Boundaries: East Point and the surrounding territory. Terms of Victory Victory for Attacker: Defenders are killed or driven from the battle area Victory for Defenders: Attackers are killed or driven from the battle area Rewards If the Attackers wins: They shall immediately take over the nexus pillar of East point If the Defenders wins: The area will be non-war claimable for such an extent of time as chosen by a non-affiliated GM. Rules Server Rules No fake statuses No returning to battle No metagaming Tnt enabled No one day alts No underground fort modifications prior to this post. All additional fortifications must be on ground level or above.
  13. Thank you ET members for that event, I can honestly say that is the first time i've had a good time at an event. I look forward to see more stuff like this in the future (:

    1. DelaneyG


      It was fun to do!

    2. Achilles
    3. Tirenas


      Yeah, fun to help in.

  14. merry Christmas everyone

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