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Status Updates posted by Kardel

  1. Can a GM re-whitelist me? I feel ready to tackle anthos again, but this time as a normal player and not an ET.

    1. Dizzy771


      Welcome back bby

    2. Dreek


      i welcome u back with open arms friend

  2. Crash server. . .crash. . .yes, crash on the only day i have plenty of free time to RP!

    1. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      crash crash crash ? YOU ARE A CRASH #myboy #letsmeet #1v1?

    2. Chikachu


      This is how I feel.

  3. dat moment when you fail a quiz and blame it on lotc

    1. Helvetius


      LOTC YOUR A SON OF A F*CKING B*TCH! YOU TOOK AWAY ALL MY TIME, MY MONEY, MY LIFFFEEEEEEEEE! lol First thoughts that come to mind when I Saw your status.

    2. The Fact Core
  4. Dedicated server is being bought people, thank Harold!

    1. Mouse


      Youre buying a server. Lotc will be up in a few hours..

    2. monalisa


      No, LotC will be up on Monday, possibly longer.

  5. Did the server die?

  6. Garablargh! I need this app to be reviewed now! The wait. . .its killing me!

  7. Give me art to make, im bored

    1. Kim


      make me art \ u 7

  8. GMT is the worst timezone to be in in LOTC. No staff, no events, no RP. . . makes you feel like you want to quite LOTC at times.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      My teacher application for RL Evocation got denied :^) but you can find the tome quite easily if you go outside

    3. Trouvo


      Give link Bael, to this...outside

    4. Tefzors


      Many people come on at 7PM GMT and many events happen 11PM which is quite late (On a school night)

  9. God damn it!I'm in the middle of doing an event and i've crashed about 4 times now!

  10. Horse walks into a bar. Bartender sees him. He asks "Why the long face?". And the horse says. . .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ark


      that came off mean.. but that was supposed to be the joke :/

    3. Kardel


      well. . .he can also say that "My wife just died of terminal cancer, left me with 5 kids, I dont qualify for welfare and I'm an overly qualified high school physics teacher who lives in the Bronx. I'm also considering dying of alchohol poisoning tonight."

    4. Lark
  11. I can't believe almost nobody has seen my alchemical transmutation lore, I mean, come on! I though people liked this stuff: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/103331-the-complete-lore-on-alchemical-transmutation-as-devised-by-kardel-irongut/

  12. I decided to try and rejoin the ET. If you liked my events in the past, you know what to do: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/119771-kardels-re-re-application-to-the-event-team-ziko99/

  13. I formatted my computer, now its running pretty smooth. . .though i lost kaspersky and microsoft office and will have to buy them again :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      why would you use MSOffice

    3. Kardel


      Professional reasons

    4. Neri


      You dont need to buy them again

  14. I have officially lost my mind. I have played lotc all afternoon from 4 to 10 and i have multiple tests tomorrow, along with a couple dozen pages of reading due, an essay i havent really done anything on due after tomorrow, a project after that, and 3 bi tests on friday. I have just brought down my gpa by, like, a full point. Learn from this lesson kids; homework over fun.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AGiantPie


      Ouity calm down. We don't need to find excuses to ban people.

    3. James


      LOL, Kardel LOTC b4 skool, remember.

    4. Telanir


      Lol AGiantPie, Ouity must be dying for some good bans for his record right? ;)

  15. I just died but i cant respawn. . .whats up with that?

  16. I love the staff. I always follow the rules. I just donated 5 million dollars to LotC and am buying them megaservers to run the server on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kardel


      In response to Tpaesuce's post if nobody got that. . .

    3. Guest


      You are safe for now, my sweet summer child.

    4. Heff
  17. I need to be promoted to ET on the forums, I got promoted IG, but not here :)

  18. I need to be promoted to ET on the forums, I got promoted IG, but not here :)

  19. I thought I'd never make this post but since life is crap and has forced me to do this, I am now. I request for my ET status to be removed. I won't make a public leaving post as i made one once, and I returned. I feel like a total **** for not finishing the alice in wonderland dungeon, and I can't anymore as I plan on not returning.I thought I'd never make this post but since life is crap and has forced me to do this, I am now. I request for my ET status to be removed. I won...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)
    3. Demotheus


      Why won't it let me see all the comments. I press "Show all comments" and it just takes them all away...

    4. The Fact Core
  20. Is mining in the wilds the same as mining in vanilla? Or is it that you cant go beyond a certain depth

    1. Lark


      There is no ore in the wilds.

  21. Is that big stone monstrosity of a tower still being used in the Embermoor? Its blight upon already blighted land. . .I think a GM has to remove it or something, because its a land scar. Plus, it makes no sense for a giant stone tower to be built on the uneven, weak ground of a swamp!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. excited
    3. Naj


      Mica Schist is a crystal formed in metamorphic rock that is quite rare and occurs in small quantities. None of these quantities are linked to swamps at all. In fact, as it states in the article you linked, Mica was quite rare until larger portions were discovered in Africa and America. Even so the largest crystal ever found was only about 40 meters cubed across one surface which isn't large enough to support such structure as the tower.

    4. BrandNewKitten


      If we are going to get technical about the build the unappealing qualities are teh obtrusive add-ons to the top and the square bordering wall that don't quite shape or accentuate the tower. The fact that it is a large tower is a cool concept but it's overall place in Embermoor isn't clarified by the build. Maybe exchange the square walls for some rigid-tall rocks.

  22. Is there a possibility that we can get some sort of mc generated temp map? Totally alternate storyline? Or cant the server handle it? Heck, i could even provide an already made map!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      We could go back in time again, someone has saves from Aegis, Anthos, probably Asulon.

    3. Leetles


      Yeah, I agree.

    4. KarmaDelta


      Time to get into the Druid Grove and take back all of my books.

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