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Status Updates posted by Quavinir_Twiceborn

  1. I'm curious, will the application team be recruiting any time soon?

    1. Aislin
    2. ski_king3


      Probably not, we're getting apps done quickly enough, and we've been overly full as of late.


    1. tnoy23


      Are you sure?

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Jay and Silent Bob: "I am the c**t commander!"

  3. Well, Personally I hope the MA system stays... I have always admired magic users, especially in Asulon, Where I only saw 2 (Braxis, and Kalenz) And both of them were..well, Magical! there was something special, and arcane about their characters, that still to this day has inspired me to teach Quavinir magic...Which took alot of work, (Of which has paid off) and lots of patience... Personaly, I think a removal of the magic system would take away a bit of the speciality of magic.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Eh...I'm a priest healer, Cant do a bit of combat with that.

    3. Bucky_24


      You could do Passive Combat Quavinir... Idk how it would work, probably something like healing others as they fight? Or threatening people with refusing to heal them?

    4. Mephistophelian


      Agree with u Quavinir

  4. Sorry for any excessive wait with art requests.... IRL stuff is getting really bad...

  5. Sorry for any excessive wait with art requests.... IRL stuff is getting really bad...

  6. I bet if Malinor ever had a war with the high elves, the high elves would win.

    1. Ibn Khaldun
    2. argonian


      No. Malinor would invade and lose horribly, then the High Elves would be about to return attack when the GMs would tell them the war is voided.

    3. Kaun


      You underestimate an angry alchemyst James :3

  7. I feel like there needs to be a downside to learning magics that include eternally having to rhyme all your sentences...and occassionally burst into song.

  8. I'm curious, who was the first documented albino human on LOTC?

  9. It's not easy being pale...You get persecuted, insulted, and sunburned....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun
    3. 3andD


      *le sigh* we really need 2 fite for dark elf rights, am i rite? x3

    4. Varstivus


      I am a BLUE darkie, lotta grief there.

  10. In skype, the true nature of people come out....Whether you are a scum-bag...or not a scum-bag.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Best Basileus
    3. V0idsoldier


      Yup, I found that out today

    4. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I have never used Skype, so I am under the impression that true colors show.

  11. Well, I posted an MA. Waiting for the lovely Hosper to post his approval.

  12. I'm curious, is there a ballpark figure for when my lore will be officially implemented?

    1. CommunistSpy
    2. NomadGaia


      Theres never a Designated time I believe

  13. I feel like the ET needs to make an event where a flying saucer floats into Abresi, abducts a few people, than tries to abduct Gronnk, fails, than flies away.

  14. I'm curious, do golems have any emotions?

    1. Lark


      Lago would know.

    2. Wretched


      They cry when nobody is watching. Poor souls.

    3. Samler


      There is one which claims it once had a girl friend. Amipher, my silly golem-kins. <3

  15. Would anyone be intrested if I posted my daily art, not my requests and such, on a new thread?

    1. Lym


      Sure, why not as long as it's no problem for you ^^

  16. Oh no...Drama, argueing, and expired onions... The only thing that could make this worse would be zombie-pirates invading Dallas.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Yar har... braaaiiinns.

    2. Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      I lived in Dallas (texas) until this summer and no zomb pirates ever invaded me!

    3. tnoy23


      What about if robot-pirate-island invades though!?

  17. I Think I should make a thread in the off-topic forum explaining how someone can bond with their character. To help those that dont understand how players can become one in-part with their character.

  18. If your blue and you dont know where to go to, why dont you go to where Harlem Blitz; Puttin' on the Ritz!

  19. Well, I hope someone else can make a request on my art thread. I'm itching for a new request.

  20. Well... Blundermore has yet again made a brilliant idea.

    1. Cassandra Verdottir

      Cassandra Verdottir

      what would you expect from blundermore^.^ and been a while friend!

    2. Lefty


      I hurd he's a wizurd in real lyfe

  21. Well, finally someone else is making aengul lore...

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