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About Panashea

  • Birthday August 20

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  1. do not enjoy living in a world where self teach altars are broken, important lore is in infinite hiatus, orcs still have no ST or eventline. I applied before the first ST event drive and even with a second one there are still "too many cooks"


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    2. squakhawk


      selfteach altars still work its just voidal ones are down rn while we figure out a more engaging system since before they (the voidal ones) were rarely done and had a 40-60 chance of the user coming to accrue infractions in the future for not knowing anything about the magic

      et has the issue rn of being under half the size of the LT given how it's manpower has severely drained over the last month or two, but you weren't denied because of so

    3. ScreamingDingo



      I knew you were going to get NL from Wolfkite and that's our policy lmfao. Wanted you to actually take it instead of just disregarding it for the ST. "Important" lore being on infinite hiatus because majority of the concepts that are embargo'd are stuff that can be used as backdrops for massive story event narratives and that's it.


    4. Smaw


      Tfw staff don’t actively recruit people from different nations so as to ensure balanced events across the server.

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