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Status Updates posted by Panashea

  1. Gonna be writing lots of narrative, characterization, and cultural posts on the nature of orcish people, their history, and their practices beyond just the scope of worshipping the spirits or killing people. 


    Is there anything you want to see written/discussed? 

    Edited by Panashea
    1. Ofrider


      This is highly needed in my opinion, I'm not exactly sure, but perhaps something pertaining to daily orc life, or clan politics/history I would think is a good start

  2. New Magic Orc Wand:

    If you've ever wondered  (or worried) about making an orc, this post or the ones on the way may change your mind!

    Edited by Panashea
    1. Nug


      me not that kind of orc

  3. If you're interested in wiseman/storyteller RP keep your eyes peeled for the feat magic I'm finishing up and its subsequent cultural posts.

  4. Since the last map I've constantly been getting booted from LOTC with the :

    "Existing connection has been closed by the remote host"


    I haven't been able to stay on for more than 5-10 minutes. What's going on?

  5. What happened to event broadcasts(or events as a whole)? It was done for years and now I rarely rarely see it, even for world/story events. Wouldn’t make sense to have player-driven events broadcasted again so people actually know whats going on, rather than spamming in OOC?

    1. squakhawk


      the current inferi event was heralded with a week straight of global emotes

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Staff have ligma now, that’s what changed.

    3. Panashea


      Thats cool, but i was moreso talking about player-run events, I don’t really think one eventline is reflective of the state of the events on the server. In the times I’ve been on the server for this map(and to some extent the map before) I’ve never really seen any eventlines to the same extent. I get staff reforming, drama, and the cycling out of a lot of crucial members, but I think if there’s a void in the quality and variety of events, it’d be really easy to give players the ability to communicate to the server about the events they’re running. Just a thought.       

  6. Imagine being so bored you copypasta a new player, this server dead

  7. What are people looking for in Orc RP or in new groups from the server? I feel like there’s not much going on from the server as a whole and a lot of people are bored.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Urahra


      i mean I could give my input as an old orc if you want it (I’m talking like way old tho I was an orc in aegis)

    3. Panashea


      I’m an aegis baby too, although I haven’t seen you around till recently. I’m curious to see what anyone will say, including you.

    4. Urahra


      Well, what I loved about the orcs in Aegis was that we had a very tight-knit family feeling to the RP. There maybe weren’t a lot of us, but we were always hanging together and doing fun, wacky stuff like building obstacles courses, giant cacti, setting up toll booths along the roads, and just hanging out and having a good time. 


      Idk what the orcs are like now, but that feeling of closeness is what kept me with the orcs for a long time. 

  8. I never got a reason to why my olog amendment was denied 😞

    1. AlphaMoist


      Try joining the lore discord and asking about it there; you may be able to get someone to talk to you about it https://discord.gg/nd4SN6

  9. I plan on writing a bunch of submissions about orcish lore and quality of life improvements to the race try and make it more inviting for players, and engaging for the players who are here now. I’ m starting with the olog amendment, but if you’d like anything written or would like insight on what I plan on doing, shoot me a message on here or on discord!

    1. Pieman


      *thumbs up*

  10. How do i stop from just timing out? I’ve tried switching between 1.14 and 1.13

    1. Tigergiri


      server is cureently on 1.15.2 

      if all else fails try loggin in from the lobby first then doing ./server main. 

      if that fails people who are having big big connection issue say that a vpn works 

    2. squakhawk


      vpn works

      for me i just log in 3 or 4 times if people stop moving or commands dont work i just relog, usually works 3rd or 4th try


  11. What makes you apprehensive about making an orc? What aspects of Orc RP interests you, and if there were events/things to do, what would you like to see?

  12. Are people looking for new rp groups, or are they looking for new forms/areas RP within their current groups?

    1. Ankan


      Come on over to Haelun’or for some really good and active High Elven cultural roleplay! Add Ankan#7215 for guidance!

    2. Panashea


      I wasn’t asking to be recruited, and none of my characters can get into haelun’or. Just asking about the state of the server and its community.

  13. so orcs really dead huh

    1. _Jandy_
    2. Kanadensare


      if u mean the pvp side of the orcs yeah they’re dead as ****


      but the rp side isn’t too bad ig if ur into that

  14. should i come back to lotc

    1. monkeypoacher


      i can’t say i’d recommend it

    2. AlphaMoist


      sure, just go on to have fun and don’t focus on the retarded ooc ****

  15. still waiting for /auth bug to befixed

    1. Wrynn


      What issue are you having with it?

    2. Panashea


      on login i have to /auth but nothing happens. I disabled auth a long time ago and for some reason its back

    3. Wrynn


      If you PM an admin to disable your auth for you it should fix the issue ?

  16. when i type /auth nothing happens.

    what do

    1. Panashea


      i cant talk in the discord either whats happenin

    2. saint swag
  17. Should I wait till 7.0 to make a good orc clan or post all of the lore now and have people stream in to claim a solid footing in 7.0?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Panashea


      What about all the new orcs joining currently? Just let em join other clans?


    3. GavinTheViking


      I’d wait until 7.0 because you’ll have a lot of players new and old join back, and some will look into the orcs. At that time, if you are active on the forums and in-game, you can attract a lot more people than you could right now.

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      get elven support to do a coup!

  18. Orc event in at 4pm est! Hope to see you there.

  19. I look every now and then at the forums to remind me not to come back. Are orcs dead again or is Pond'Rex just a meme

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HortonHeardAWho


      We are in war rn and Pond is currently rex, ya. The Pond’Rex thing is a meme, his character’s name is Gurukk’Lak.


      Reform the Horde and me flat lat tho.

    3. Inferno_Ougi


      orcs are dead don’t come back

    4. ScreamingDingo


      a legacy devestated

  20. are orcs alive?

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      not as much as they were during the summer but theyre still pretty decent rn

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Same applies to halflings. Also, it looks like the Helves might be making a comeback 

  21. lotc sucks, if you dont like it, just leave.

  22. I like applications 

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      come back to me daddy

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