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Status Updates posted by Minea

  1. Question lads and lasses. Is the removel of genitila IC allowed if it is faded to black?? The same goes for rape, I thought I was aware until recent occurences.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ConnorMagill


      What if the rape is faded to black and approved by the other player, it isn't cybering, and might enforce some more evil rp. Even though I would never do it, it might better some characters rp.

    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      Rape is against the rules regardless of precautions or tense.

    4. ConnorMagill


      I'm just gonna go ahead and apologize if anyone was offended by me asking those questions. Just thinking about it disgusts me.

  2. A question guys, what is the rules concerning /20, can anyone ever be forced to kill themselves if said forcer has a VA? Someone told me this in game and I dont believe it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 5678


      I don't think anyone can force you to /d20 unless its a battle. If he kills your char. he can loot the body though I think.

    3. Thrym


      I mean force as in force you to /damage 20

    4. K00l


      Nobody can force you to /20. Not staff, people with VA's. It's purely your descision.

  3. How long do these server crashes last??

  4. LOL! When some noob bandit try's to buy your gold outside of safety! Not going to take 20 blocks to you mate :L

    1. Show previous comments  3 more


      m-muh jew gold



      and no that wasn't witty im 100$ mad

    4. darth sithlord

      darth sithlord


  5. Hey just a question, whats the plug in that allows the server to create basiclly new items, like a long bow and battle axe? So changes the attributes of a normal bow and then changes the name?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alec


      "Custom Items" is currently a branch of the Professions Plugin (Which is incomplete)

      What actually Identifies the item as that kind of weapon is it's name.

      I also made an item renamer the day Bukkit supported it. So we've had custom item names before other servers. :D

      Why do you ask, anyway?

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda would know if she wasn't a horse

    4. Minea


      Thanks guys, and it's pure curiosity, I'm so stoked about it.

  6. Just a question fellow RP'ers. Axlrose4078, is he still active? His RP name last I was on was Torrhen Elendil, our char's were pretty close and after a long break i'm back and keen to RP but haven't noticed any sign of my bud Axl, any info?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KiiNg


      Sadly, he's left..

    3. Minea


      Oh man well that stinks, another question guys (thanks for the answers) is there still and Adunian city/population, I mean subject to Oren but like winterhall? Before me and 12 other guys left we had a little city north of WInterhall, i'd like to go back and RP with some adunians, even though the old map is gonskis?

    4. lemontide331


      he's gone to africa for 5weeks

  7. QUESTION! Does the brother to a baron have any title, or is he simply [insert name here] the barons brother?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aron.


      No, they don't have any rank simply by association. Though, contrary to what many people in Oren seem to think, you actually have to HAVE land to be a Baron. So many people without the smallest amount of land calling themselves barons.

    3. Steampunk Alchemist

      Steampunk Alchemist

      On the other hand, it is nearly a tradition having a ton of fake titles so go ahead and claim that you are a Lord!

    4. Minea


      Aron completely agree! Nothing dodgier than Barons without land, my RP brother actiually is a BAron without land, but thats only cause of the move we lost our barony when we moved from Asulon. So he doesn't call himself a baron anymore, whats a baron without a barony?? Annnyway thanks guys just curiosity.

  8. Are enchanted weapons ILLEGAL, I know enchanting itself is disabled, but ENCHANTED WEPS, like in our possession is fine?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nobody


      I think, if a mob dropped it, it is fine. Usually those things are taken care of and if it is still there, it is probably just a very rare drop

    3. Raptorious


      If you get anything enchanted from mobs, you are asked by the GM and Admin team to dispose of and destroy them.

    4. Cappy


      Exactly what Raptor said.

      Make a modreq if you want to be completely safe.

  9. Haha LoTC has too many chiefs and not enough indians! XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
    3. SortedJarhead


      That too. As a Canadian, I am offended. I expect a written and formal apology!

    4. Minea


      Mate we're Australian, this politically correct crap just gets in the way down under XD

  10. Have the mods decided on a recipe for horse armour?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aislin
    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      6 iron blocks and some wool.

      6 gold blocks and some wool.

      6 diamond blocks and some wool.

      Done. It's not like it does anything anyway.

    4. Minea


      NO BAEL! Keep the snap shot, thats way to expenisve :L it doesnt even do much so it should be cheap, snap shot Recipe!

  11. Holy hell this server is crack jack full of game of thrones references, Lol why can't people create their own mottos, their own characters instead ofcopying them straight out of a book, ((Even though the books are awesome!))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Braxis


      That can be debated xP

    3. Lym


      Nairog Stark - Lord of Winterfell, Protector of the Nort

      He even was GM ^^

    4. Lym


      Tyrion Lannister AKA Tyrion

      Admin today ^^

  12. Hey another question peeps, for those of you who know! Does House Elendil still exist?? Axlrose4078 was the leader, his char name was Torrhen Elendil, he also player Artorus Elendil. Do they still have the status of nobles, my house was pledged to them, so i'd like to know.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Avacyn


      As of now, the Adunians' place in Oren really isn't much. The only well-respected Adunians now are the Stafyrs. All other Adunians have no claim to nobility anymore I believe

    3. IrishPerson


      ^ Royal House Valkrae too.

    4. Gemmylou


      I'M HERE. I'M ALIVE. Elendil is still noble... kind of... Not much is happening with them though at this time.

  13. Whats the MC name of the grand marshal of the White Roses, I saw him today but completely forgot it,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stevie



    3. ScreamingDingo


      xXusmcsoldier8Xx His name ain't exactly the most friendly to remember

    4. Minea


      Thanks guys I knew it was something hard like that.

  14. Is chainmail disabled? Making it I mean.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThanksChris
    3. Minea


      Thanks man just realised I tried making it in the mining world! So thats why its been lame.



      du einzig lebst einst


  15. I'm personally disappointed in a staff decision tonight, I feel that players should have a chance to say their side before a ban is given. Banning someone before giving them a chance to say their side on a thread is just rediculous, its the type of stuff that makes people leave the server. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86354-ban-report-on-radferrari-for-using-disgusting-emotes/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Statuses kind of make matters worse. But again, I'm guessing matters such as this depends on the GM. I'm sure another may have handled the situation differently.

    3. Minea


      I am simply stating my opinion, I want the word to spread so this isn't swept under the carpet, I can't see the rules Rad broke?? Unless the person asked which from the evidence he didn't Leon should not be banned. Its common sense to hear both side of the story first, any body here who has fought with a sibling should know the run down of explaining the events in turns.

    4. Silevon


      You're kidding, right? You expect that someone that emotes TAKING a CRAP in a dead mans neck would even be given defense? That's disgusting. Good riddance.

  16. Man kind of disappointed, I always read status' saying stuff like "Oh man no one RP's anymore LoTC is going lame" but I always thought it was lack of trying. I travelled to dwarven cities, Elven cities, the Adunian kingdom, salvus everywhere and I made the effort for everyone. Apart from one rare occasion people just talked to each other LOOC?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smithers


      Odd. I experienced exactly the opposite.

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Join me and the Tunnelsmashers my Australian brother as well overthrow the bastard US men and create an Aussie RP haven. [for dwarves]

    4. Minea


      Bael that sounds epic, do I have to create a dwarven char? Or can I use my own one?

  17. Man... kinda disapointed. Smashed in PVP by some lad using a strength potion, who didn't want to RP. Not a bad guy just didn't want to RP fight, 2 hits I was in full iron and absolutely smashed. That's really disapointing, *drinks lucky whiskey* and suddenly OP??? I like PVP but... far out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ryno2


      buffs are pretty belly-to-the-ground

    3. Minea


      Either way kinda sad :L drinking a shot of whiskey BEFORE a fight IRL wouldn't do much at all, maybe snap you up a little. Not turn you into a fricken captain america super soldier.

    4. CommunistSpy


      Do you want to RM without brews?

  18. C-c-c-c-c-coords for the diamond mine! I dont wanna go to all the different locations XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorious


      Multiple entrances. One mine. One hero.

    3. Casey7070707


      Next to meta-village!

    4. Minea
  19. Sooooo someone pugsied all 22 of the wolvengard horses, goooooood times, gooooood times :L

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bloodnight


      I just deal with it. People are assholes, I mean unless you AFK in a tree, with fraps running /hidden all night long and catch someone, tough luck ;-;

    3. Rhia


      The person responsible has been banned.

    4. Minea


      Bawsssss!^ thanks Rhia.

  20. YUSS just finished the concept art of my blade. With a special thanks to sokka's space sword as an inspirational weapon! My signature looks mighty fine now :D

    1. Twiddlepop



    2. Minea


      Lol yep, I think it looks pretty close but hey thats just me, take a look if ye want :D

    3. Fourthbrook


      oh lemme see. please please please!

  21. Im a little confused, i've been inactive for a bit. With this new map are previous characters still alive? Chars from Asulon? Also one final question are Adunians still considered a sub race??

    1. Kickstarted and Running
    2. everblue2er101


      Adunians aren't an official sub-race, they're technically a Human culture. In-game they're essentially treated as one, though.

    3. Redbaron™


      No silly ^ They're treated as dogs

  22. Can someone who actually witnessed the events tell me RP'ly what happend to the Elendils?

    1. Galendar


      A good person to ask about this would be redbaron, maybe u should send him a PM

    2. Gemmylou


      what's happened now...

    3. Dukester


      redbaron? what would he have to do with the Elendils I ask?

  23. A question peeps. Its possible for anyone to make a guild/order correct? So does that mean if a noble house was to make an order of knights, would these knights be recognised in game as knights? Or would they say have to get royal approval if they were apart of the kingdom of Oren?

    1. Mirtok


      If ya want to be under the "Knights" of Oren you will most likely have to join under one of the two chapters. But, if you have a noble house I think you can just run around with your house mates in a way that is like the Oren Knights. But to be recognized as knights would more than likely require Imperial approval.

    2. Aiden


      (You should make a non-oren human guild :D)

    3. everblue2er101


      Non... Oren... Hu... *Brain explodes*

  24. Is there actually a place to mine CURRENTLY, I know that there are plans to create an ore world, linking servers but is there a place at the moment?

    1. Cappy
    2. Esterlen


      Cappy most helpful GM 2013

    3. Gunner


      Big CC m8

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