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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Temp

  1. To those that fail to understand, nobility is the only group allowed entry in the Rose hall. The rest of you, have fun in the rest of the keep. Socialize amongst yourselves. There is literally no need to follow the entire group.

    1. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      Yes, you dirty peasants.

  2. The rice has been spilled. I repeat, the rice has been spilled.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raptorious


      Code white! Need a med evac Sgt Hui is down!

    3. House Horen

      House Horen

      Slantys incoming

    4. Abeam


      Ricemaster Status: Online Kai ODSTs: Deploying

  3. Steady Siege and hold for two hours. Ave orenia.

  4. Could we get a GM ona nd near the Human War camps? Thanks

  5. Are Validation E-mails down?

    1. Temp


      Got someone applying. They've failed to get their e-mail and can't post their app.

    2. hjgklmn0ajuvxc


      Yeah I couldnt, like 2 months ago

  6. It's not good to kick the sleeping giant. Just a fair warning.

  7. Just waitin' on that coronation.

  8. Mog ISN'T fat. Oddly enough,

  9. Well! Time to sit in place and await retaliation upon myself for the actions of others... Game of cards, anyone?

  10. Apperantly Mog paid GMs to support his views, on this minecraft roleplay fantasy server. Actually read this out loud to yourself. Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Temp


      LOL! Because anyone on the face of the planet would be petty enough to gain favor in a Minecraft fantasy roleplay server? You do realize this is just a game, right?

    3. Draeris


      Was mog a lead developer or something?

    4. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      nah, he was an admin

  11. It's always something.

  12. The jew's gold has been sapped! The end is nigh, THE END IS NIGH!

  13. Pepperidge farm remembers.

  14. Someone, have a GM kick Sheumgal. He's fallen asleep on his keyboard in the TS.

  15. "Orc Plougher."

  16. A small note is neatly folded and lain across the Decurions desk, various bits and pieces of paperwork or report consuming the rest of the desks's surface. Should one take the time to walk around the desk, a neatly folded tabard would be found placed atop the seat's makeshift cushion. Should the other Marked come across the note it would read as follows: "My time has come, I've matters of family to tend to. Where I go, I shall not speak on. The time of my return is unseen. Should it be seen as denial of service or abandoning the cause, so be it. Should I return, I accept my punishment with open arm. I ask not for understanding, nor do I ask for tear. I leave the Marked in Adeon's capable hands. See to it that 'Dagga' comes to. I expect him to excede my talents by far and should he fail, creator protect. Temp Thersist - White Rose Decurion An age has come and gone, all without every truly coming into grasp."
  17. Go for it. Major structures sure receive some form of preemptive warning or approval, due to warclaims and such.
  18. With the current layout, you depicted a "Dark One," being able to teleport behind 2 men and kill them before they'd had chance to react. Then there's the direct quote, "The Dark One’s mastery of teleportation could hold answers to why there are here as well." Anyway, if the creatures are literally just Endermen mobs, there is no need for real clarification. The current headings, they would be considered mages due to their abilities, correct?
  19. I don't have any real issue with this. I am a bit curious as to how far you see the lore effecting monsters though. Just to get a feel for effect scale. For example, tiny gecko going Godzilla. I doubt it's on that scale, but a range might be a good thing to expand on.
  20. If the idea persists as is, I don't have any major issue. However, a sword adjusting to the user's preference wouldn't grant a massive advantage over the opponent. I do have another question, how long does it actually take the blade to alter to the user's preference?
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