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Status Updates posted by LPT

  1. Woke up to find out I got accepted to the school I wanted. :D


    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      That's always a nice thing to wake up to. Congrats man

    2. Space


      Good job buddy.

    3. LPT


      Thanks family. :)

  2. LPT

    Do you think you did good m8y?

    1. Space


      it went okay

    2. LPT


      Well that's not too bad. A 71 would still give you a 75% Iirc?

    3. Space


      Yeah I needed like 72%+ on it which I think I got.


      **** trig.

  3. If I donate 5000 dollars does my donation cancel out the god package? I need to know for the future.

    1. Heero


      You positive you don't want to ask and make sure first if your acceptance onto the board of directors of Tythus LTD. is guaranteed in the 'God package'?

    2. Tythus


      IDK Looks like 8008135 to me

    3. LPT


      Heero has a point, how much for the vote power to get CEO?

  4. I've decided today Chernobyl is on the top of places I want to visit.

    1. Ambduscias


      It seems like a pretty cool place despite all the media bullshit that surrounds it. Look into what things would be like after Humanity is gone.

    2. the 1 bow
    3. Ambduscias


      Yeah, I think I slit my wrists by accident on my space bar.

  5. Really hate having to spend time making a feedback post instead of RP innovations for my community because of a rule that directly affects the way Halflings live.


    1. NotEvilAtAll




      It's alright buddy, we've bounced back already for the most part 

    2. Demotheus


      Feedback post for what/ What's going on? 


      Well I guess I'll see it soon. 

    3. LPT


      already posted @Demotheus

  6. It’s day 9 of informing the people of LoTC that the front page graphic hasn’t been updated in 7 years. More and more support is coming from this movement, keep pushing! 

    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      I still laugh every time I see the Teamspeak IP

    2. _Jandy_


      You're right, return it to the old one.,

  7. Hoping that he will be let on the server soon, why am I still not on?

    1. mmat


      You'll be implemented soon, just try to be patient for a little longer and we'll get you implemented RPing in no time!

    2. LPT


      Okay, thanks :3

  8. You forgot the GM item approved technician in your economy post... 

    1. Arctic_Guard


      " the auction house is where the more valued items of LotC’s economy can be found, such as caskets, skill tomes, powerful gear, and the likes. " --The part "and the likes," would include said items. I did not specify those items exactly, because they are mostly irrelevant and their quantity can be extorted greatly, thus, if anything I would exclude them entirely from the analysis. Good point though, I'll have to possibly make them as an addition. I did not include them initially, because of the fact that this post is directed toward the average player who seeks to use professions to get mina. Serving as an understand or outline of the works of LotC's economy, because I've seen a lot of people complaining that the staff needs to fix the economy. This is entirely untrue as it's functioning as it should and is healthy. These complaints derive from the players who are trying to use other roles in the economy which proves inefficient at certain times in the economy's life. Eventually, as I stated, a map change is due and would then reset the life of the economy giving a fresh start. It's almost time for a map change though, much as what will be discussed heavily in the next community meeting. Not trying to argue or flame or anything, just help out those that don't understand the economy fo the server.

    2. Arctic_Guard
  9. Can I buy gold right now, or is it temporally unavailable.

    1. Jistuma


      you can buy gold

    2. Areon



  10. The only time my internet does not suck, and the server is down :/

    1. LPT


      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    2. Javelberg


      *agrees* Really annoying.

  11. This update in the forums is going to take some getting used to...

    1. Garret Baretta (preston19)
    2. LPT


      I don't mind it, just... different. *is not sure what to think yet.

  12. Well, I have posted my A-team app, just gotta hope for the best.

    1. gingernut97


      I heard Hannibal Smith is very particular about who joins his team, you might have a chance if Mr. T likes you.

    2. LPT


      I petty the foo who don't like me!

  13. I'm quite happy today, and I have no reason why :3.

    1. Patrick.
    2. LPT


      :D, Don't you just love dem times.

  14. I was not slapped hard enough

    1. Steampunk Alchemist

      Steampunk Alchemist

      -slaps him even harder and then does it once more- "You have had enough?"

    2. LPT


      Sadly you were to late with your second one...

  15. I just spent a whole class reading applications... I"m going to fail.

    1. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Resist the temptation!

    2. LPT


      I can't, it's just so... FUN!

  16. I got tired of my Rant status so this is my new one. ":3"

    1. Ben-Powell


      Rah rah rah blah blah blah! Meh! [ my rant.. ]

    2. LPT


      Epic rant brosef.

  17. So my Orc donated "Ground beef" to the pontiff. (The beef was really ground Elf >:3)

    1. Agnub


      I'll be sure to buy some for elf burgers.

    2. Dun_Irongut


      :O (Good job)

  18. -Inset helpful status here-

    1. LPT


      Take that nordlord fully helpful. :3

    2. Bashar al-Assad
  19. First day of my bakery in Salvus being open. -Gets almost killed by an Orc-

    1. Purple Llama

      Purple Llama


    2. LPT


      It's not a business in Salvus without you almost getting killed.

  20. Where do I find some Info/lore on Earth evocation.



      Best place to find out info Is The_Blind_Seer, the only Earth Evocation master I know of.

    2. E__V__O


      You could talk to the MAT also.

  21. Top 15 guys! it only takes a few moments to vote.

    1. N/A


      Man, if I could double vote, I could xD

    2. N/A


      Man, if I could double vote, I would xD

  22. -God Jaden568 pushes wanna-be god Soresan into a pit ((Off status bar))-

    1. LPT


      Nooo! it did not work!!! -Melts-

    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
  23. A new rule for pugsying just after Chivay takes Oren. I see a great future boys. Oren will truly rise.

    1. Sporadic


      That's very unfortunately worded....

    2. Raptorious


      This change has been a long time coming.

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