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Status Updates posted by Dtrik

  1. I am waiting silently to see mod approved fidget spinners in the auctions.

    1. GloriaPreussens


      Blame Xarkly, they're called Arcane Spinners.

    2. Dtrik
  2. I feel by next year the GKoU is going to crumble as most of the vet players will be in their senior years or digging deeper into college/work.

  3. I love the fact that British English is so horrible, because everyone there speaks cockney, that reporter networks like Vice have to provide subtext in videos for people to understand them.

    1. ITossLs


      Weak shitpost if I’m honest.

  4. I need more boats

    1. Burnsy


      I know where you can find some.

    2. HortonHeardAWho
  5. I only rp with halflings because they are the only ones that respect thi$ bread.

  6. I wish we did not have an ultra sensitive community so we could down vote people again.

  7. If I screenshot named items, I get them in 5.0? /Transfers money to 25 minae tax notes/

  8. If Oren is Ramsay then Urguan is Rickon and Dunamis is Jon trying to save the sinking ship.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Malgonious


      ^ You are literally the biggest ******* shitposter I've experienced on LoTC.  

    3. Dreek


      what does that even mean dtrik


    4. Dtrik


      It means Allah is rightous

  9. Imagine when we get to the point where LOTC switches to naming maps with the first letter as ‘B’.

  10. Lima was the best High Prophet

  11. Malus cogito. Non amant. Non laudant.

    1. James


      Hoc autem non est ex Deo

    2. Dtrik


      Quid sunt vocos. 

    3. James


      Deus Vult


  12. My boy Pete should have got her pregnant and locked her down like how they do it in the hood.

    1. Raomir


      I was really rooting for him too

  13. My life is only that of toxic memes

    1. SimplySeo


      Toxic memes are temporary, the Starbreakers are eternal.

    2. Dtrik


      GOTREK IS KING!!!! 

  14. Only on the internet will you see grown children laughing about others losing pixels but then will turn around and be mad when they have the possibility to lose their pixels.

    1. Hiebe


      Not my made up magic stuff

    2. WuHanXianShi14


      you say internet like its a niche place instead of something like 60% of teenagers in the world have access to


      this is peak humanity

    3. J
  15. Orcs, since I am doing spirit events, if you wish to do some spirit rituals including these 

    please message @Divinejustice or I, and we will be happy to help in an event!

  16. People on here like: 


  17. Players) "ET never do events for me"

    Me) "Have you messaged any ET about an idea"

    Players) "Yea, I messaged [player not on event team anymore]"

    Me) "Come up with a concept and the event team will help in creating an event line for it"

    Player) Ends up writing copy paste undead/hunt/magic event with lore breaking items

    Me) "Wut"

    |Time Jump Event Is Occuring|

    Player) Tries to be the main focus since he knows what is going to happen

    ET) Has to tell people to stop talking in looc about memes

    |Event is over|

    Players talking in looc) "So I also cut a horn off of that demon lich dragon halfling, can I get a rename item too?" Then begins to spam the message

    ET) Logs off after the event, having enough of the playerbase for the next day and a half.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MangoArt


      I hope this isn't about the Ork event... 

    3. Bangi


      being upset about meme's is understandle but I find your, and most et's attitude towards 'event's' to be horrid. Players shouldn't have to ask for events, you should just make them and try to involve people who haven't necessarily been in one before or recently. It's not that difficult.

    4. J


      Welcome to the et bud. Been like that for years. I made a small memey ms paint comic a while ago about it

       Id find it but on my phone

  18. The best way to play an antagonist is to fight by the same rules as the players have to abide by. Siege them as they would siege you. Be their opposite yet their mirror image. Also allow the possibility of winning, if you demand blood off the bat in an event, the group loses ooc moral to continue. (



      Lmao? Yeah the best way to play the antag outnumbered 8 to 1 is to abide by the same rules everyone else does 



    2. Dtrik


      Only if you do not take volunteers. People will turn coat on a separate persona to fight for the antag. Not everyone wants to constantly play the good guys against the antag. I allow volunteers in my undead raids and both sides have loved it. Besides staff have mobs to fill in areas where antag bodies need to be shot at. People dislike the  theme of an overpowered staff antag, players can help in ending that idea by temporarily being the antag. 

  19. The Struggle

    1. ShameJax


      Don't spam shoot me please.

  20. Triggered they changed ET app process

  21. Tythus's name is Karl

    1. Kvasir


      we've known this for a long time


    2. Llir


      wow ur gonna get banned for doxxxxing

    3. Dtrik


      I do not have any ships to dock kowaman.

  22. What if Jamie kills Cersei and as his sword plunges into the one he loves the most after seeing her fall mentally and emotionally that his valyrian sword ends up being infused with magic and he becomes azorahi. Tin foillllll

    1. Space


      that's not 'tin foil'


      that's a reasonable guess

  23. When the fart turns out to not be a fart but the harbinger of a greater evil escaping your holy body. #ClanToiletbreaker

  24. When the preworkout you took at 18:30 is still keeping you up. Well time to create Starbreaker Traditions and Trials.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Hurray for 400+ mg of caffeine!

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