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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by excited

  1. The Drachen "All hail House Horen" What're we? The defenders of Dragon's Peak, the Drachen are the servants of House Horen and endure rigorous training to earn their place as a guard of the Horens. Long have we served, and long shall we serve, all in the name of being the hand of the patriarch or matriarch of House Horen. We will defend the holdings of man, and foremost of all, Godfrey the III. Ranks: Captain Drachen Senior Lineman Lineman Initiate Oath: I, your name, abandon my life as common man. I accept the burden of bettering humanity. Of being it’s hand, it’s head and it’s heart. I cast away my cowardice, my doubt and my fear. In their place, I take in the fire of ambition, courage and duty. I shall be the blade of my master and the shield of his people. I will act without question, I will strike without hesitation and creator willing, I will die whilst the fire still burns within. I stand now as Drache, shunning the weakness I have left behind. Should I falter or break, I demand the fury of my brothers and accept the shame of becoming nothing more than a common whelp. I shall be the blade of my master and the shield of his people. I will act without question, I will strike without hesitation and creator willing, I will die whilst the fire still burns within. Holdouts: Dragon's Peak Gainings: As you ascend the ranks of the Drachen, you gain more responsibilities as well as boons. You may get a free house or room of boarding within Dragon's Peak, and once you serve for four years (one irl month) you are given a significant tax decrease, once you serve for eight years (two months) you will not be taxed at all. You are given food provisions and provided armor, however there are massive consequences for any action committed against a senior member or Captain's orders. Punishments: - Losing armor: You are fined 700 minas for losing provisional ferrum armor, 350 for chain. - Abuse of privilege leads to a court martial or execution at the hands of the Captain. - Breaking orders leads to a court martial. - Being a turncoat leads to imprisonment or execution. - Only a Captain or person granted permission by the Captain or Liege-Lord may take the money from taxes and fines. Thievery of this money by anybody with a lower ranking will lead to dismemberment or execution depending on severity. Five Pillars: *You mayn't harass or attack a civilian without just cause. *Follow the Drachen Guide Book. *You may not ignore or disobey orders from an official or Captain. *You may not fight with another Drachen. *Do not break laws. Application: Name: Race: Age: Gender: Skills/proficiencies: Reasoning for joining: Do you swear by the rule book, the laws of Oren, and the laws of Dragon's Peak to uphold order?
  2. Asul now knows about her impurity, having stocked the young impure for several months, scribbling notes. Kalenz will like this. The troll things to himself.
  3. Illusion works if it's logical and believable, if it isn't.. how does it work at all?
  4. [[ You're a fan of Rift War, I see :D ]]
  5. Mithras' lips move into a humorless smile, "They will burn."
  6. Greetings friend, my name is Aegor, and I am a battle-mage. I am interested in joining your ranks merely as an aid in whichever of your endeavors that I agree with and fit with my personal morales, I'd be very gratified to join you. Irfan and Xan guide your hands, and either decision is fine with me. Aegor
  7. It's a good reason, but the intentions behind the lore should to rather be the actions of providing a more subtle antagonistic force, to me it sounds like you Necromancers get another new toy while a lot of us other folk coyly watch, and kind of veer off to try and find a true antagonist. I've no doubt it's good lore, but I don't feel it'll create more role-play. It could certainly make RP interesting, though. Mhmn, for now a +1 but, I don't want it to be another of those clique things that are kept away from those who wish to try and play as one, that'd be rather cheap.
  8. I'm unsure, tell me why you think this would be a good idea for the server and I will think on it myself.
  9. Mithras claps slowly, "Finally, real clerics."
  10. I'd hardly call this a race, it's more of a state of being such as Ascended, Shade, Dread, or Undead. I'm up for it personally. +1
  12. This reminds me of the Conclave Pug created in the Magician series, really chill. Looks great +1
  13. Explain clearly what the magic is, and how the Aengul works.
  14. Aenguls and Daemons don't have typings, the typings are a mortal/descendant way of comprehension, so truly he has no reason to provide things to the "virtued". His "goals" which are? Why would he give it in the first place? It is not from your perspective for lore purposes, you want special powers for your own character, I recommend you make this lore more unique and give the Aengul some depth.
  15. -1 This seems to be an OOC power play for abilities, but there's also the fact- why is Wyvrun giving this magic to you? Why would he give it to Arayon, a person who was a member of the Iblees Cult? Why is Wyvrun interfering in mortal affairs? What does he gain by this?
  16. Give it a more unique way to achieve it, rather than an orb like the shade stuff was
  17. +1 Wonderfully written, and no OOC gain to be had. Interesting creature in on itself and could provide some interesting event encounters!
  18. To counter your previous argument: 1. LoTCs in a whole different time period. 2. I could use conjuration and holy magic to make a magic horse that heals people who sit on- wait, somethings wrong here... Priest-Healing is not just clerical, it is priest based as well, and some tribes in the past have had shamans that used it (not an orcish shaman, mind you.) Also, if such is true, what you claim to be possible with conjuration is null, because of two things. 1. You must see and inspect closely what you will create with the void. 2. It would be immensely tough using void magic to control so many small things, near impossible. Imagine summoning smoke or mist a thousand folds smaller, not really.. possible. Iirn acts as a godly figure whom you can draw power from, and with your logic I could say clerics shouldn't have holy fire because fire-evocation exists. Iirn through granting power to her disciple would only do such should the disciple know what germs are, and how they work/are used/manipulated with magic. This idea needs refinement, but it is entirely possible. Valter took up Iirn from some old lore I was writing that I scrapped, Iirn was apart of the Aephes pantheon originally, before I changed it over to the Cynii one since the Aephes had no use for such a disease manipulating group of heretics!
  19. Hell yes, you've amazed me with this my friend! +1
  20. Assuming the story regarding that is true, ascension to the heavens is able to occur to those who are holy enough? (Lore stand point, it can't happen ig, I know)
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