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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Matheus

  1. why does lotc have guns now??????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anderssn


      technical development would be something to keep the game more interesting. Lotc is in a very stale state otherwise and have been for a very long time.

    3. Bluee


      Wait.. what? It has guns :P

    4. Slothtastic


      Well... that makes sense, without evolution LotC will be getting no where


  2. wheen the moon hits your eyes like a big piizaa pie thats amooree

  3. In honor of harambe; I support this lore. +1
  4. Contract magic? Thoughts?

    1. TwinkleStar
    2. Moochael


      @TwinkleStar Dont try to out pun me, contract puns are my signature move!

    3. Wrynn


      Wasn't it removed?

  5. thanks kowaman

  6. thanks kowaguy

  7. Server's up guys!!!!!






    In 20 minutes.

    1. Kvasir



    2. BasicDoctor


      That literally made my heart skip a beat, then fall into a pit of death and despair.

    3. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      looks likes memes are here now.


  8. Kowaman just snapchatted me. Server up in 20 minutes.

  9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wind gave no attention to the damp room, its interior dimensions carved in the midst of Vailor’s crust. A lone candle fended off the darkness’s complete conquest. Its defending light gave life to a pair of faint shadows, centered within the murky haven. An animalistic groan drawled from the left silhouette, enticing the other to draw tentatively closer. The agonized figure declined back, fearing the approaching humanoid frame. “.. I-..I did it..“ The taller entity called out in yearning for the other, his voice soft but riddled with shudders. His passive tone seeped into the frightened entity’s ears, its low-tuned melody soothing it ever-so-slightly. The candle gave a rare whip of its en-flamed tail-end, tossing briefly-penetrating light at the scenery. Viscous, nearly-hardened mixtures of thick fluid slid off the abomination’s hide; scattered pooling puddles at its sides. Above those stood the creature on all fours. Its canine muzzle tearing open and closed at disorderly intervals. Deoxygenated air expelled from its lungs in wroughted gasps. The abomination’s rough tongue spilled out atop its crooked fangs, escaping the dented wall of teeth, and looming about in famishment. The taller figure approached once more; feet guiding towards his creation. He recoiled with quaking footsteps, the wonder that flooded his vision far too abundant to firmly withhold. The darkness then curtained the scene once more, the light retreating back to its bound area. Muffled footsteps still sounded from the room’s center, its source obscured by the blanketing dark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alchemy has always appeased mankind; nature’s laws seems to bend to man’s every selfish whim. The infinite, exploitable possibilities is limited only by the concept of ethics. But those who dare traverse to what lies beyond be damned to scorn, bearing the title of inhumane. The manipulation of life, inhumed deep within its uncharted landscapes, seduced those unshackled from orthodox morals. Its foremost vowed prize being untapped knowledge and unbridled pride, which is appealing to those who have already harvested the majority of what the art has to offer. The creation of life is second to none within the rights of one’s power, presumed to being only achievable by the gods. However feeble the practitioner's grasp, one can still be intoxicated with fanatical desire to create life, if for no reason but one’s own hubris. The resulting chaos is of dreaded proportions, akin to the other fables that gifted a similar promise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creation A chimera is only one of many legends that may bring about a new creation to call your own. Smelting two different beings into one, its new forged form deriving traits from all the allotted creatures, now the same in both physique and mind, in both spirit and flesh. The recipe of disaster grants a great deal of effort on the creator’s part, allowing only those truly determined to excavate its nefarious treasure trove. The first step in its trek being obvious, one must first obtain a set of creatures, preferably beasts, to commence the grueling first attempt. Once the number of specimen tally to two, up to three if one wishes; the gathering of required supplementary regents may begin. To brew the essence of life. “The Essence of Life”, as it is quaintly dubbed, is the primary catalyst that allows for the phenomenon to take place in the first place. Composed of ingredients somewhat hard to find, both due to their required quantity, and their rarity. After the ingredients have been gathered, carefully weigh and assort each of them into equalized portions in terms of mass. In order to create a perfect balance for the final product. Gently pour them into a sturdy vat filled with lukewarm water, and stir. Await the base’s translucidity to diminish, and its hue to darken and become opaque with a concentrated purple. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, to ensure its contents stay melded. After such is done, gently place the chosen life-forms within the vat’s sides, a good distance away from each other. And once again, stir. Circle the middle so as to slowly draw the two or more living “ingredients” together... . Rules of Creation Despite the abyssal process breaching nature’s laws on its own accord, it is not without set restrictions of its own: The soon-to-be fused beings must all be of relative size, not too big nor too small in relation to each other. Failing to follow this will result in a completely faulted creation, leading the bigger creature to tip the newly formed balance in his “favor” drastically. Speaking in terms of its physical matter, the smaller body parts would be unable to hold their place within their new shell; causing the new mortal vessel to reject its placement, prosecuting its foreign, out of place, smaller-scaled features. One half of the newly created being, soon withered away. This would in turn, affect the Chimera in its initial stage; their displaced cells now without a replacement, decaying in rapid succession from its second half’s collapse. (TL;DR: The Chimera must be made with creatures of similar size, failing to do so will result in their demise. This does mean you may not fuse a house-cat and a rat together, and so on and so forth. An example of something you could do, would be to meld say.. a large spider and a bird/avian creature of sorts, provided they meet the other stated conditions.) Furthermore, differing digestive tracts may not mix and match, save for omnivores. In the case that an omnivore is brewed with a being of single-minded sustenance, either herbivore or carnivore, or any other categorization; the more diverse means of garnering nutrition will be usurped by the more exclusive digestive system. (AKA: The Chimera’s resulting digestive tract will inherit specialized consumption, rather than one of diversity. ) Once again, a single experiment may only consist of up to three creatures, no more than that. Should one stray from the rule’s decree, the sum of the experiment will be of utter failure. The poor, meek creatures forced to partake in the experimentation would clump into a roughly molded mass of disjointed flesh. A wasted attempt. (TL;DR: No more than 3 creatures may be used.) The creatures assigned for the experiment must share the same type of respiratory systems. Meaning a creature of the land would not bode well with one who resides in water, and vice-versa. Failing to comply, likely unbeknownst to the creator. Will result in a Chimera having constructed a completely conflicted, paradoxical method of breathing. Leading to its demise within a handful of minutes.. (Respiratory systems must correspond with each other, fully.) Physical Features/Traits Beastial Chimeras: The two (or three) beings whisked into one would appear far from perfect. Bald patches of fur/feathers/scales/etc, unaligned maws occupied by crooked teeth, asymmetrical features, oddly placed vestigial deformations. Are all things that may disfigure a Chimera. The distorting features they are bestowed is mostly factored from mere chance, bonafide randomness. However, several variables may come into play during the assignment of their overall visage: outside elements that may disturb the fusing process, bodily proportions of the set of creatures, and of course; fortune’s demands. Bi/tri-headed Chimeras are not as common as one would think. Normally, their facial/physical features and limbs, respectively, are all realigned into a single array that make up the new creature. (Meaning if two mammals are fused, for example. They would commonly not have more than, in this case: two legs, two arms, and one head. If the two or three creatures have body parts that do not correspond to being pre-existing in each other, the missing limbs and features may be summed together. I.E: Fusing a spider and a bird, since the bird has two legs and the spider has eight. The resulting creature will have eight legs instead of two, in addition to wings, etc.. ). Lifespan: Five to Fifteen years. Depending on the prior creatures’ life-expectancy. Descendant Chimeras: Once again, the being spawned of alchemy would be visibly astray from perfection. Their visage completely speckled with various deformities, not unlike its more feral counterpart. Aside from that, their method of locomotion varies just the same. Some of the fiends are endowed with bipedalism, while others may be reduced to quadrupedalism; treading the ground they stand upon much like a beast. This trait is mostly dependent on chance. Unlike with the creation of a beastial Chimera, which allows for an upward of three creatures to be mixed, only one creature may be mixed with the main subject (descedant). Lifespan: Disregarding of the Descedant’s prior lineage. Ten to twenty years, the fluctuating life-span’s parameters are based upon the creature’s overall health. Behavior Beasts: A Chimera’s mindset is one of outright chaos. Aside from inheriting the feral tendencies/behavioral patterns of their once pure, separated forms. The ferocity held within their soul’s core is amplified by its now distraught state. One would assume wrong to believe it to be effortless in taming/containing the ghastly creation. Of course, how aggressive in nature the summed creature becomes, is entirely dependent upon the main “regents”. If one were to cross a wolf and a dog, its base wild/domesticated behavior is derived from a rough mean of the set of creatures. In the previously stated instance, the creature’s over-all nature would hover in a static limbo between the docility of a dog and the intractable ways of a wolf, alongside its more rampant actions being slightly accentuated by the various chemical imbalances that ails the monster. Descendant: Although one’s descendancy may accommodate for some rational thought. Chemical imbalances still plague the “hybrid descendant”, more acutely than it does the Homunculi, due to the added beastly variable. Examples of possible combinations A bird and a spider. (Flying spiders, spooky ****.) A cat and a small dog. (Not to be used for a cat-dog meme.) Two, or even three animals of the same type. A Halfling and a pig? (I don’t know; Jist’s idea.) A sheep and a human. (Again, Jist’s idea.) A large dog and a little girl. Mechanical features/OOC Rules -A beastial Chimera may be roleplayed at the discretion of the creator much like a regular familiar. -Beastial Chimeras may not be roleplayed as a controllable/independent character. -Descendant Chimeras may be roleplayed with the use of a creature application. -Anything beyond the size of a wolf may not be tamed by any means. -Common creatures may be acquired without additional roleplay for ease of use. -Uncommon creatures may not, anything beyond of what you would normally find must be legitimately acquired through roleplay, be it through events or any other credible means. Pros/Advantages -Plethora of possible combinations. -Combined Strengths/Senses. (Descedant Chimeras may inherit SOME animalistic instincts/senses/boons.) Weaknesses/Vulnerabilities -Gold/Aurrum. -Holy magic. -Mundane weaponry. -Deranged, more feral than what the specimen once was. -Relatively short-lived. Red-Lines -No workarounds for the basic rules of creation: No fusing a house cat with a human, no combining a sea creature with a land creature, etc. -Adding on to the “All creatures must be of relative size”. This measure is derived from their fully matured sizes. Meaning if you fuse, say, an infant human with a house cat, It will die once the infant Chimera hits its supposed growth spurt. -Again. The creatures will remain wild in nature, even more so with the tampering of their natural lives; most of these creatures are untameable, and likely to go on a rampage, if it can. -Neither of the variants may reproduce, or engage in "procreational" activities. Credits Matheus - Writer Jistuma - Additional Assistance/Ideas Blessed by: Benbo
  10. kowaman did it again boys

  11. thanks kowaman

  12. did you guys steal the dab meme from 9gag?

  13. hello sister

    1. Remyy


      I salute you good sir.

      This meme will be remembered for all of history.

    2. Matheus
    3. Suicidium


      Please desist, goodman. 

  14. free my boy @The axeman51

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JustHighasf


      lol whats the most funny is when we actually teleported over the CNN airs and we actually landed in 2011 months before the server was made and we like did it and came back in time and while that we also came back in time to raise kids so that they could take the lead when the old kids would die so that's when availer actually died and we placed telanir, pandan, and also recently like fireheart


      its like they don't know anything about the Trump device so we can trump de stump and like I dunno but like when I ate that paper it made me funny as much as the teleportation device implemented in my mind due to the big brother actually appearing on the left side mountain ????


      anyone ???

    3. Matheus
    4. mkaxeman


      i got unbanned im p sure

  15. ooga booga my fellow compatriot

  16. stay informed, harry


    1. Chaw
    2. Harri


      already there mate dw

  17. call the pope i cant stop writing lore help

    1. SpiltMemes


      keep it up :J

    2. Space


      would be good if you wrote something worthwhile :^)

    3. Matheus
  18. Finally; RPing with clerics might become less of a bore.
  19. Would serve the server better than Bryos, imo. +1
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