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Status Replies posted by Archbishop

  1. If you hate censorship, vote Smawton for LM!

  2. why smawtons status updated deleted?

  3. Hm... I want to say either Leo Banned Wud because "Muh **** you, community!", or the actual staff did it to 'even the grounds'. Either way, Free Wud

  4. why is wud banned?

  5. prince artimec has some really good scouts, not even the NSA can compare to them :^)

  6. Can we get the old mine system back? Tired of finding empty caverns all the time and getting 1 Stack of Iron per Diamond Pick

  7. why do et dont like doing events on requests

  8. It's a shame LM reasons for denial aren't public. Would be far easier to write new lore if one could look at why previous lore was denied.

  9. Is there any place that you miss from Athera?

  10. Pro tip: If someone stabs you in the back repeatedly, don't welcome them into your country and give them weapons and authority.

    1. Archbishop


      if thats what they wanna do in rp thats what they wanna do *shrug*

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  11. So uh. I think I'm gonna be done with the server for now. Might pop in onto the forums every now and then but uh... Bye!

  12. "The loyalist forces of the nation the rebellion originates from will be permitted to raid in constant retaliation, making their parties capped at 16 players." (End)

  13. this server is so absolutely corrupt and disgusting ran by this pathetic vile hierarchy excluding Ever that actually does stuff (pbuh), how about you literally do something with your ******* life instead of spending countless of hours on mineman roleplay, as if you ***** don't ******* offer **** OOCly or make OOC promises for RP ****. this server is an absolute joke and needs to ******* die for all the degeneracy it harbors.

  14. Warclaims should be halted until lag is fixed, as evidence by the many videos being posted, you did it once, why not do it again? c;

  15. I think I know why I've lost interest in Lotc, The fact that I can never find any roleplay around any of the maps is veryy sad in fact. I am usually very busy and rest in a time zone that many others do not have, So I think I'll leave and wait till next summer after school has stopped again and see if I can catch an event or two as a whole new character and person. (Keep in mind that if there are any spelling errors in this that I am typing this at 7 in the morning before school on a cellphone.) See ya friends of Lord of the craft, I will occasionally get on the forums and check how things are. It's a shame that my laptop broke.

  16. I think I know why I've lost interest in Lotc, The fact that I can never find any roleplay around any of the maps is veryy sad in fact. I am usually very busy and rest in a time zone that many others do not have, So I think I'll leave and wait till next summer after school has stopped again and see if I can catch an event or two as a whole new character and person. (Keep in mind that if there are any spelling errors in this that I am typing this at 7 in the morning before school on a cellphone.) See ya friends of Lord of the craft, I will occasionally get on the forums and check how things are. It's a shame that my laptop broke.

  17. What are some events you haven't seen and would like to? Rule: It has to be active for everyone. 

  18. someone got a taste of the food of the PK gods it would seem...

  19. Can you rejoin ET please

  20. Go check out the race art on the subrace wiki pages! Murdervish has been working on them for quite a while and they are finally uploaded!

  21. No need to remove this fm, it ain't breaking any rules. I can't find anywhere where it states chat bombing, trolling and memeing in skype is bannable or even against the rules.

  22. Voting on the latest loremag has finished, 3 lores were accepted, and others were denied. Please take a look if you had a lore submited.

  23. Mattyz don't let them silence you. you're the hero lotc needs

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