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Status Updates posted by DISCOLIQUID

  1. Add a plugin that lets me remove part of my hunger bar so I can eat 

  2. Important news about TA's coming today. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. E__V__O


      Will this affect any current applying TA's?



      All applying TA's will be on hold until the announcement is made. 

    4. Kim


      i got u fam

  3. Will handle all current MA's at approx. 1 EST tomorrow. I'm busy tonight, till then. Thanks for patience.

  4. MA's updated to the best of my effort. List is still pathetically uneditable. Blech.

    1. Kim


      If you ever need an FM to edit the list for ya give us a PM!



      The issue isn't my pex, it's when I open the lists with the edit button, they either crash, or after I submit the changes, the changes revert. : / 

    3. MetaSolaray


      DIsco you're on your way to getting some overtime, sixth night already!

  5. What magics should be self-teachable?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. JEEGK


      The magic of +1's :)

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      Telekinesis. It's super simple stuff and non-combative. Usually.

    4. ski_king3


      All magic. I'm serious.


      But since that won't happen: all void magic, holy magic, necromancy, soul contract, soul puppetry, fi, shamanism and runesmithing.


      But since that still won't happen because we hate fun: void magic, necromancy and fi.

  6. Magic News! The magic user threads are very out of date. I will be taking today and tomorrow to bring them up to date. Please post on the magical list errors thread, as it's really, really out of date. Thanks!

  7. Just started play CS: GO. Any tips?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. H


      CS GO?


      heavy breathing


      Uh, work on recoil patterns, don't move while shooting unless it's a pistol, SMG, or certain shotguns, learn callouts, don't buy on eco rounds. Don't reload after every kill, which is a habit you might have if you've played other FPS games - you can easily still do work with half a mag or less, and getting caught reloading will **** you. Crosshair placement is important - always look at head level rather than at the ground, which is a habit most new players have and don't realize. Keeping your crosshair planted on a corner you think the enemy might come around is important, too - the less you have to move to fire, the better. Milliseconds can matter if you're AWPing.


      And don't do this.



    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      If you're having a bad day, buy a P90

    4. Savoyard
  8. I love you all. Everyone here should come get fish tacos with me

    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      I'm already covered in that department

    2. Parkins


      More fish smell eugh.

    3. _mkkk_


      Why didn't you invite me before these losers? 

  9. this lag hurts my soul please fix

  10. MAT Pex, still broken. Cannot edit posts. Fix, please.

  11. I am unable to edit posts, it just returns an error. Please fix this.

  12. I cannot figure out how to move threads that I should be able to. Could someone who knows how on these new forums show me?

  13. god no minecraft WHY ARE YOU RUINING MY PVP

  14. it's clearly the surprise addition of the magic plugin guise

  15. it's clearly the surprise addition of the magic plugin guise

  16. Gosh danged maintenance

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Maaaiinnntteeennnaaannncceee o(╥﹏╥)o

  17. Alright, what malarky do I need to get caught up on?

    1. mitto


      the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

    2. Mj.


      Bill Nye might have died, idk

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