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Status Updates posted by Lubbie

  1. Why did everyone hate the Storm Swords so much? Like damn. We didn't do nothing to nobody

    1. Cloakedsphere


      thats the problem.

    2. Lubbie


      We helped the orcs with the dwarves. The we got attacked by the North, and people said we attacked Oren. But like, we were just in our fort ;-;

  2. Thinking of starting a high elf. Is anyone looking for a specific member of their family? Will be happy to oblige :)

    1. Samler


      Sly_F0x is always looking to my knowledge.

    2. Guy d'Yood of Mann
  3. So its 12:20 am, and I have 7 tabs of youtube songs all about white power, how black people are racist, and the south. God Bless Hillsand

    1. Your Favorite Impure
    2. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      You're makin' Dixiestan proud son.

  4. Will be in Mexico from Wednesday for a week. See you guys later :)

    1. Jygg



    2. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Have fun m80. Use that week well. :P

  5. "I type my ERP with one hand" Sythan

    1. Sythan


      I. . .  I've go nothing

    2. K00l


      You know where that other hand is. In the chip bowl.

  6. Could anyone help me with taking off the helmet from my current skin? Would be greatly appreciated!

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      the skin I see doesn't have a helm, did you get it all sorted out?

    2. Lubbie


      I did. Thank you so much though!

  7. The Commander of Fort Vanguard has saved the day once again

    1. Lubbie
    2. AlternateKy


      I really hope that gets warclaimed one day and just 50 guys stand in the 1x1 space inside it.

  8. *Gives up app to be nice*

    inb4 strike

    1. tilly


      Nick, this was honestly the last straw. Management has decided to remove you from the AT immediately, no questions asked. Please turn in your name tag before Friday.

    2. Lubbie


      Rip to my rise to power 

  9. Where is my two rows of hearts Question Mark?!!?!

    1. Crowbill


      Do /me, there's an option to bring those hearts up to former glory.

    2. tilly


      But if it's one row, it's just the two rows condensed. 

  10. So what’s new guys?

    1. Zacho


      We joined the forums on the exact same day, just realized.

    2. Chorale__


      hi nick, good to see you around

  11. Could I get some help from you guys? I'm trying to use the blacksmith table with a stone hammer but it says I'm not skilled enough. Any help?


    EDIT: Problem solved, used my big boy brain

    1. Lubbie


      Update, tried using a copper hammer and still getting the same error message. 

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Ur based gamer

  12. What happens when LoTC catches up to the modern era? Will halflings be running drug rings? Will the orcs be working the railway?

    1. Space


      We won't, basically.

  13. So where's Ker'nor?

    1. Cyndikate


      Behind Haelun'or.

  14. That moment when you get killed by 4 people you had no rp with

  15. So um.. What's a meme?

  16. Just because I'm a merc doesn't mean I don't like regular rp combat ;-;

    1. oblivionsbane


      Shut up and hate RP you dirty PVPer.

  17. The story of Polaris was the highlight of the transition period

    1. Lark


      Polaris was super spooky

  18. Tomorrow belongs to me

    1. Textarea


      can you prove it?

  19. Big thank you to Moot for keeping us informed about the new map :)

    1. Altiak



  20. Server is kill, am forced to go into the real world.

    1. Matheus


      But what if server is not kill?

  21. One day I was typing just fine, the next my fingers just fumbling all over the place and hitting many different keys. Has this happened to any of you guys before?

    1. Pinochet



      happens to me all the time

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