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Everything posted by justDEWit

  1. RP Name: Ravondir MC Username: AerielsVanguard Discord: funnay981#8612 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: N/A Why Do You Wish To Come?: Visiting my birthland is of great importance to me, and I aim to aid the Paladins. What Skills Can You Bring?: Navigation of the land, and previous battle experience.
  2. A young farfolk came across the flier, stopping immediately to read it. He rubbed his chin in thought and snatched the paper from its resting place, saying, “Looks interesting. I wonder what it’ll be like...” Name: Quincy Race: Farfolk Age: 17 Discord#: funnay981#8612
  3. aye hmu Trinn I want that good good art Quincy - dark skinned - 18/19 years old - bard (always has an instrument with him) - black afro - 5'10" - usually in a happy mood - brown eyes - average body frame - wears whatever a traveler/bard wears (EX: Dandelion from Witcher)
  4. Name: Maeduil ((MC Name)): AerielsVanguard Age: I've lost track. Race: Mali'thill Are you interested in becoming Scribe, or a Sentinel?: A scribe would best suit me. Published Works (Scribe Only): I would like to send my work personally. Perhaps when we meet. (Hit me up on Discord.) Combat Experience(Sentinel Only): Allegiance: Haelun'or. Enchantry. Did Someone Recruit you to the Guild? If so, please state their name: Not applicable. What amount of time can you dedicate to the Remembrance Guild? ((How active are you, on a scale from 1-10? Please state timezone as well)): ((Hard to say, with school rolling in.)) A decent amount. Discord: funnay981#8612
  5. MC-Name: AerielsVanguard Character Name: Ravondir Torena Age: ??? Race: Ascended Hometown: ??? Possible Goals to achieve: To go back to my roots as a seafarer and explore the seas of Atlas and lands beyond. Wanted Role/Job: Sailor Discord: funnay981#8612
  6. Yeah, can this glowing effect be utilized by other magic users or will it just be limited to the Druids?
  7. A certain Easterner finds himself nodding in agreement with the sign.
  8. >gets into serious RP
    >finishes intricate emote
    >server dies and removes all progess

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wyvernbane


      yeah dude pVP is OBVioSLy the MAstERraCe

    3. devvy


      "serious RP" .. never heard of her??

    4. justDEWit


      legit RP*******

  9. >casually makes Yultharan character
  10. Just for when you're doing skins again.
  11. shiiiiiiiiiiiiid i was finna hit you up until i saw that real life money had to be paid. i'm broke as hell
  12. +1 if you want links in character descriptions to work again

  13. "Sounds like ******* heresy to me," stated Ravondir.
  14. my eyes and head hurt from reADING SO MUCH
  15. thank you for understanding sir, i just had my holy man concerns and had to type them out thanks for taking the time out of your day to respond
  16. sorry sir, i just found it slightly silly because this voidal man that was 'touched' and transformed by the Void can be corrupted by some random necromancer/shade out in some dark city alleyway i mean i know some archons are on the spoopy side so they're not really neutral but i simply think that the mental instability was enough without the DA corruption also i'm just a biased holy man so y'know
  17. why you follOWING MY POSTS FORD

    1. Ford




      which post




  19. Admit it, you're reading this status update!

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