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Everything posted by bumblefina

  1. This is a great topic, thank you for bringing it up for discussion. LotC has traditionally lacked in the department of fear and NVL rules and enforcements. Fear RP is almost always not enforced, as there are no rules specifically relating to it. The amount of times I’ve seen people quite literally laugh in the face of death physically pains me. The administration could really benefit from looking into NVL (Not Valuing Life) rules, because they encompass more than just suicide. In addition to covering something like your examples, they would cover people running into extreme danger without proper protections, performing extremely risky tasks or stunts, or just outright stupidity. I understand why the server doesn’t enforce PK on every death, but that doesn’t mean I agree with it or that it’s a good thing. Death has little meaning on LotC when you can just choose not to die, creating unrealistic and ultimately bad roleplay
  2. would it be so bad if it stayed down?

  3. when the heck are we moving to almaris. i wanna go NOW

    1. snoopie12


      "Fall 2020" 😉

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Some of the plugin stuff intended to launch at the start of 8.0 ain’t finished yet.


      I doubt we’ll have an October release unless development goes really smoothly.

  4. gang gang or whatever

  5. Wow! What a beautiful build! Makes me want to play a helf
  6. @Telanir If you insist on taking up the Community Admin role, it should be exclusively to fill the gap in the interim where the Admin team finds someone more suited to the role. You are incredibly disconnected from the server on a community level, have little to no experience in recent years handling community issues, and when you have tried to handle things, it turned into a huge disaster. You even admitted to that. You are way too focused on good PR to make good, beneficial decisions for the community. I will be extremely disappointed if you continue to hold this position any longer than necessary until someone else is found.
  7. Skin Name: Lavender Bid: 5k Discord: shannon#0199
  8. Lol they hid my statuses. Pedophilia is historically a problem on this server and the minors who are part of our community deserve to know that so that they can protect themselves and avoid becoming victims

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VonAulus


      Very well said, Crevel. 

    3. Kvasir


      This server should be shutdown for how many pedophiles we have had. This is the sole reason they do not want you to talk about it.

    4. Kvasir


      There is constant mention of LOTC having pedophiles and little to no actual reports. We ask that instead of talking about how there are pedophiles, you report the people who you know are. How can staff be ‘protecting’ someone when they have no idea who you’re referencing?”


      Imagine thinking this, lol, you’re a mod, you’re not important enough or allowed to get pedophelia reports reported to you. Pedophelia has been historically covered up which is not up for debate. You can submit a pedophelia report, it will take months to be even responded to MEANINGFULLY. Covering it up is above your paygrade. @devvy

  9. The Lore Team is the strongest it’s been in years. I am patiently waiting for the hostile takeover of the Admin team.
  10. among us is just okay

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bumblefina


      dont get me wrong, I don’t hate the game and I accept that it’s really popular for a reason but it’s a formula that’s been done a million times. It’s literally just garrys mod murder, or murder mystery, or whatever else has done it before. I just personally don’t see the appeal that has hundreds of thousands of people playing it lmao

    3. Wyrvun


      that’s kinda sus voting you next meeting

    4. Stump


      I think the most interesting factor is the voting. I mean I expect more innovation than that for me to play a game but, I have to admit that it does give people stuff to do besides yell at or shoot each other like in gmod TTT. The added mechanics seem to bring a little depth, actual plotting can happen while civs are busy instead of just sitting around until a murder. You also have a lot more to talk about in terms of your alibi. Minigames seem kinda fun.

  11. Herb Gathering – 11k Sash and Wig – 6k
  12. Herb Gathering – 10k Sash and Wig – 5k Total 15k Discord shannon#0199
  13. PLEASE recount us youngins with the original tale of Pugsy

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Wasn’t there also the time that a disgruntled Undead player fireball’d Dawn’s Bakery? I remember Dalek348 showing me a video of that.


      Video doesn’t work anymore, sadly. But this used to be the link.

    3. Urahra


      Dawn’s Bakery was always poppin

    4. NotEvilAtAll
  14. goon (for legal reasons this is a joke)
  15. scott pilgrim vs the world sucks

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. UnBaed


      scott pilgrim vs the world has made every gamer want an egirl that dyes her hair like ramen flour 

    3. Ainulindalen


      Honestly, graphic novels are considered pretty good, they’ve got good reviews and it can be weirdly emotional and nostalgic.


      The movie sucked balls.

    4. InkGolem3k


      someone finally said it

  16. Correct. The intention behind both of these was to ensure that an antidote would not be readily available for an ill prepared medic or apothecary. There’s no point in a poison that can be easily cured. The Goblin’s Ivy taking four counts is meant as an assurance of a total system purge, rather than just inducing a singular purge by vomiting. As for Desert Berry Bush and Frost Vine, the thought process was based on both herbs not being easily obtainable within the narrative hour, unless a medic or alchemist has them on hand. The use of this poison starts a clock, where time is of the essence to find a cure. If I receive more negative feedback on the antidotes, I will gladly make changes as needed, but I wanted the poison to be curable by many means, and not by writing out a very specific counter antidote, and chose to offer up a few options within the lore itself. I hope this makes my choices more clear.
  17. Name of Potion: Widow’s Water Brief Description: A poison that induces intense flu-like symptoms over the course of a narrative hour, which will become lethal if the person is unable to find an antidote or cure. Recipe: Base: Distilled Water Death x6 Swiftness x2 Weakness x2 Poison x4 Burning x1 Effects: Within minutes after consumption, one will begin to grow ill. Nausea, body aches, chills, and most prominently, intense fever that will rapidly begin to break down the body's functions. A person will become extremely lethargic as their body puts all its energy into fighting off the fever, and the victim will be unable to walk very far, and will struggle just to remain upright. As time continues to pass, an intense headache will begin to overwhelm the victim, and after 1 narrative hour, internal organs will cease to function, the body will succumb to the illness, and the victim will perish. The poison itself has a slightly salty flavor to it, and can easily be mixed into food or drink without being apparent or obvious. The liquid is as fluid as water and faintly green tinted. There are three prominent ways to counter this poison: One is by crushing and boiling 4 measures of Goblin’s Ivy and consuming it to induce intense purging of the bodies’ systems via vomiting. The second counter is a mix of Frost Vine and Desert Berry, which will stop the process and allow the victim to begin to slowly recover over the course of the next 3 narrative days. The third counter, which is considered a last resort, is bloodletting by leeches or other methods, in which 1/4th of the victim’s blood is drained from their body. This method of cure will result in the victim being incapacitated and bedridden for 1 IC month or 1 OOC day. Redlines: - The poison takes 1 narrative hour or 1 OOC hour (whichever comes last) to become lethal. - A victim of the poison is under no obligation to Permakill their character. - The antidotes listed are not the only cure, but in order to purge the poison, you MUST use a lore approved manner, such as alchemical or magical. Inducing simple vomiting is not enough. - Unless the victim is in the biome in which the herbs which are used to counter the poison are grown, the herbs must be collected prior to their use. - Tier Three - Rare Recipe - Requires ST signing. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Potion: Kholidav’s Frenzy Brief Description: A brew that, when applied to land, will cause the flora in a wide radius to wither and die. Recipe: Base: Distilled Water Poison x4 Death x2 Reduction x3 Curtailment x1 Effects: This potion when applied to land of any kind, be it grasslands, farmlands, forest, or anything else that is capable of growing flora, will cause the land to wither and become barren, it’s plant life dying off within a narrative day and leaving nothing but lifeless soil, rock, and sand. Trees and large shrubs will lose their leaves and their trunks will shrink and shrivel, losing all their internal water. Grasses, flowers, crops, and smaller shrubs and plants will wither away completely, their lifeless bodies crumbling away into dust and debris. Each measure of the potion can affect a radius of 20 blocks in each direction from where it is applied. The land, once turned to barren soil, will remain touched for at least 10 narrative years, unless it is treated with Land’s Nurture, in which case it will regain its ability to regrow life, though it should be noted trees will not magically pop up in one day, and will need time to regrow. Redlines: - The potion will take one narrative day or one OOC hour to take effect. - The land may naturally repair itself after 10 IC years, or 10 OOC weeks have passed. - The potion requires the consent of a region owner or the oversight of an ST or GM to apply. - Consumption of the potion will induce intense nausea and profuse sweating and is not lethal. - Tier Two - Requires ST signing.
  18. Basket is an absolutely excellent choice for admin, so well done to the team on the pick.
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