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Everything posted by DahStalker

  1. Lhoris read over the research paper with a bright smile! She stored away in one of her many piles of papers, though this one was of her favorites.
  2. the whole club lookin at her 

  3. I'm: papi_pollo Discord: pollo#2635 Skin #:30
  4. Lhoris is impressed by the newfound rich culture and to-be historic pieces of Haense.
  5. [!] A poster is hung. Hate going places by yourself? Hate riding all day? Your Skygod like to afk? Fret not. For 5 mina, Lhoris will bring you anywhere.
  6. LOTC takes on aspects from different history eras, but I found that it mostly stuck to a fantasy vibe in general. As it should be- it's hard to relate LOTC to a singular history era.
  7. Silently at her desk an elfess recalled the ambitious young woman and her adventures as she found her way to Kaedrin, and through the memory she could not help but smile.
  8. A blonde haired Paladin continued her training in realms elsewhere, pausing only briefly upon feeling a disturbance lifted from the land of Almaris.
  9. Through the thunderous roars of dragonic beasts and clashing steel Yemekar's Absolution had pursued its path, armed by many dwed and a singular elfess within the confines of its guts. Through the churning cranks of metal and twisting limbs the sight of death was viewed face on; the end of a story and beginning of a legacy. She had not known the stubborn Druid but knew from experiencing firsthand the love which was held by him for others. And so that night she would mourn the fallen elf only briefly with an ounce of pity for a now destroyed path that could never intertwine, and the onslaught of pain that would be brought to others.
  10. Minecraft* 1.16.5 - Multiplayer (3rd-party Server) (gyazo.com)
  11. Use this as a medium to thank the ET For an amazing event!!!! Some of the ET include.... EventBubbles, Malaise, Victoria, Jaelon, doree, and others I might've missed. Thank you so much! Event lasted from 6pm EST to 10:14pm EST!!
  12. Lhoris entered the Lubba Keep with a nod. "I invited the Haelunorians after infiltrating them for wine." She'd inform her partner, much to his shock.
  13. Letter to the Sohaer [!] This letter could only be seen by Haelunorians and those in the Lubba Keep ____________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Sohaer, It’s not you, it’s me. I was desperate and needed to take initiative to get what I wanted, and as a result I lied to you. My name isn’t Laestella, it is Lhoris Izalith, and I am not a ‘thill. I must confess it was entertaining to act out akin to the ‘thill of Haelun’or for a moment or two; exaggerating my anguish when my poor cuff became spoiled with wine, or even when it came to seeing another race. I shall miss our brief moments together under the starlight with the other ‘aheral as we tasted wine. The dry reds were my favorite, of course. I can only hope that you find it in your heart to send me imports of said vintages so as to not deprive me of the quality wine. I know what I did was wrong, and perhaps even selfish. But I cannot help that you are perhaps slightly racist and against impurity. Additionally, I would like to invite you over to my ship at Lubba Keep for a wine tasting or two on my behalf as to repay your kindness, though I am unsure if you would care to come. Although my partner Mika Anarion has promised to ensure you safe passage. I shall miss Mister Sullas and his excellent hosting skills, I shall miss your honesty, and most of all I shall miss the wine. I hope we can at least become pen pals regarding wine or something, thank you. With warm regards, Lhoris Izalith
  14. Lhoris would like to think she'd taste delicious in some elf noodle soup. She thinks this guide is very false and no true because she is too flawless and iconic to taste like father issues, jealously, and literal shit.
  15. Bid Format: Discord: u got it Skin: Red Medieval Bid: SB
  17. Honestly I never thought I would have to make this forum post. It upsets me to such a degree I can’t even begin to start on how appalling this is. It has been brought to my attention that he certain creature does not exist anymore. This is unfathomable... bring back sky whales
  18. Lhoris sends in a bird: “Hello, I travel frequently and in my hundred some years haven’t died yet. I’d like to apply for this position. Also, I can hold my breath under water for more then thirty seconds.” @GMRO
  19. An elfess fell quiet in the comfort of a tavern as she got ahold of the missive from a traveling ‘thill. She paused and peered toward those words repeatedly with a sense of disbelief. And then-.. there was chaos. “Are you ******* kidding me! This is the only good thing to come from that ******* nation. And now I cannot attend? **** the ‘thill, **** the elves, **** you all!” Screamed the wine-obsessed woman. They were going entirely berserk as hands tossed around, smashing furniture and destroying the inn’s interior with her temper tantrum.
  20. What I find enjoyable on this server - even with my typical '**** lotc' outrages - is the quality of community. Through trials and tribulations on this server, there are always those handful of people that are truly amazing. LOTC is a chapter, it'll be a chapter in all our lives, that we will eventually flip away from. Some just get to the other chapter quicker compared to others. I did not know you personally, but you left a mark on the server somehow. Thank you for contributing to the memories and stories of everyone here, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. From the words of Carl Sagan; "Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
  21. In the icy domain of crows rested an aged icon of misery. She was positioned before an oak desk as she wrote away, ink covered quill in her careful grasp. She heard of the abrupt whispers in the morn, gossip laced with no urgency, only space to fill. The unfortunate Helvets who met her demise by her own hands, steered by the fate of their own doings. There was perhaps a time when that Kaedreni would gasp with a tear filled gaze, but the emptiness of her curse began to fill that void in its crumbling decay. She offered a moment to fill her glass with an ancient brew from the mountain of St. Thomas, and spared a prayer for that lost soul. “What a pity.” She said, personal turmoil was the killer of all.
  22. give me the wizard keep tower only if I can harvest wonk blood heyyyyy draeris so true Yes and yes
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