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Everything posted by π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–

  1. the mad man actually did it... i was actually suggesting the Spirit of Developing to be on the Immortal Spirit list since it’d likely be overlooked and accepted because there are an unlimited variety apparently.
  2. Does evil belong on LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yaldabaoth
    3. Sorcerio


      1 hour ago, CaptainHaense said:

      LOTC is inherently evil

      Evil is inherently LOTC.

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Inherently evil is LOTC

  3. GGT is one of the only enthusiastic spirits left around during these dark days...

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      honestly dont see the problem of copy pasting emotes i used to do it in wow with macros all the time

    2. π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–


      our soldiers are professional top tier combat RPers with a 80-90 WPM rating. That? That was just an emote guide for any new squires joining in.

  4. Arcas deserves to be sunk into the Nether

    1. ibraheemc2000


      I agree, new map and pk all people


    2. MarkFoundGOD
    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Full map and semi-lore reset. Have us roleplay an alternative history where Aegis never fell or where the descendants moved to somewhere other than Asulon when Aegis fell.Β Go back to 4 racial nations with a small village for halflings and something for the Kha/Hou-Zi (if we’d still have something like them in the new lore, that is). Downgrade the version to 1.12.2 orΒ update to 1.15.1 for performance reasons. Stop purging the staff into oblivion and actually let them have the quantity of staff required to run enough events/modreqs for the server. Bring back Atlas-style Freebuild with more frequent activity checks. Remove quartz, it’s a terrible block. Fix the hoo-kah plugin. Bring back the hunting plugin if possible. Add Gnomes.

  5. I’m confused how one can expect a β€˜quality’ Combat RP experience if an opposed side throws a fit instead or have no means of defending themselves, but then for it to be regarded as bandit role-play during an ongoing war. Bandits are not the same thing as Soldiers, and not all forms of conflicts are solely banditry. I think it might have been fair if RP was simply voided, but during a big war bans always seem to be the go to instead of a better answer. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing the higher staff provide a visual example of what good bandit or combat RP is on the server especially by their own experience. It might be helpful to show so it might enhance RP rather than letting them learn the ropes as they go.
  6. A high peaked Cloud Temple would be pretty good sitting among the clouds. It’d be cool to see more monk sanctuary vibes from it rather than just a diverse RP hub/market. Also bring back the Blessings of the Triumvirate so Monk Magic can exist... cause if it doesn’t then what does that suggest? As for Dragur Library it is convenient having it there, and honestly it’s probably best keeping it there because its not like we can ever steal from it anyway.
  7. Magic CRP shouldn’t even exist if the plans of a dynamic counterpart were cancelled. Its too easilyΒ power gamed whether accident or not, whether one is a novice or master. It should just be left at rituals and spells to make people work together to use magic in greater demonstrations.

    1. Demotheus


      What do you mean dynamic counterpart?

  8. Keep the Cloud Temple, keep it as a place of sanctuary and generosities of basic things. It has potential to grow, but only if Monks actually created Monk RP and interested ppl in existing with Monks.
  9. I vote Billy Bob for runner up of the Arch-Aengul position that Aerial once held.

    1. argonian


      archmage slayerΒ 

  10. I think it’d be nice to see the aspects of an Aengul or Daemon to be more specific and set on some kind of standard on what they represent and the powers they give. Some are pretty out there for example, a Daemon of Time is acceptable for a group but it would cause trouble for a shaman if they meddled with a Elemental of Time. As for the axing of Aerial and Iblees I find to be a bit discouraging. I have always seen them as a balance of the Aengu-daemons with Aerial as Arch-Aengul and Iblees as Arch-Daemon and everything good/evil falls between the two. I’m not exactly sure how one could kill/remove a top tier Deity, but i’m also not sure what would be worth replacing with and still make sense. I understand why people might jump on a end-of-an-era bandwagon, but these are immortal deities made by the Creator that are meant to last centuries over. New generations and characters give rise, but learn the ancient teachings of their ancestors.
  11. I wonder.. were Steve and Alex the parents of the four descendant brothers?

  12. Hit’Lur was such a martyr.. he was just an orc representation of evil!

    1. Travista


      Yes ,yes, thank you

  13. It amazes me how many people would rather watch mindlessly than take action.

    1. Trenchist
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      what do you mean

      like when some dude getting stabbed and idc because idc crp?

  14. Progress was all right. Only it went on too long. ?️

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