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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Chorale__

  1. Chorale__


    Changed Status to Pending
  2. Thou shalt nae make any more halfling RP posts.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chorale__


      I am the all-mighty FM, kiss my boots 

    3. ___


      Death to the halfmen my brothers

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      You can’t stop me from making my halfling RP posts!  I will convert the universe to Knoxism muahahahahaha!

      (We have cake)

      (We also have booze, which is FREE, just like all things in Dunshire)

  3. You guys should definitely watch "Reign" on Netflix. It's really good, and it's based in medeival times back in what I'd imagine is the 1600's, when Scotland and England were fueding. The main character is Mary, Queen of Scots, who was sent off to marry the crown-prince, the next King of France, Francis, to assure her protection and her countries protection under an alliance. I also recommend "The Crown" if you're into he British, and the current Queen of England when she was in her younger years. They're both really superb!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thesaintjaleel


      I watched the whole thing already, the ending is really really really sad :(

    3. Chorale__


      Oh wow, I'm on s1e7, heh. I can't stop watching it though! 

    4. thesaintjaleel


      Yea, its an AMAZING SHOW I started watching it back in 2014.

  4. Do I honestly need to tell you guys to not post innapropriate content as a status update, or on a status update? Seriously, stop it please. 

  5. His ban was an hour. Calm down. 

  6. This shop is inactive, should you believe it to be active please message the forum moderator who made this post.
  7. This shop is inactive, should you believe it to be active please message the forum moderator who made this post.
  8. This shop is inactive, should you believe it to be active please message the forum moderator who made this post.
  9. How are y'all spending your monday night? I'm doing biology homework. :eyeroll:


    1. TinyBiceps


      How are you so basic but also play LOTC

  10. Renatus =/= Oren. Renatus is its own thing, Oren was a thing of the past. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      thanks for the clarification IDIOT

    3. Guest


      @mitch dharma 5 months left, you counting down the days with excitement?

    4. rukio


      Norland = a nation, but y'know, I've seen it be wrong on the wiki too.....feels bad man.

  11. How 'bout them dawgs?

  12. You can contribute to the Wiki without being a WT member. Ask one of us to create you an account and you can start writing. The only difference between WT and contributors is that the WT have increased permissions and they oversee what the contributors do.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Huh, I’ll have to do that

    2. ___


       I want a wiki account yeye

    3. Chorale__


      If you want one, PM me or any other WT member and we'll set you up. ^^

  13. Good morning everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful day.

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