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Everything posted by Morigung-oog

  1. "Johannes-I'M GONNA BLOW IT UP!" Valindra roared from the comfort of her home, already in the process of brewing blasting potions and hunting for Thanhium.
  2. Quite simple, pal. You start sending them lines of songs and if they reply correctly they are good enough to be your friend. almost heaven…
  3. JOINING What is your name?: Valindra, the Pale Elf of Disaster What is your age?: Something, something Johannesburg was fun to watch go boom. What is your race?: Elf, just Elf. Where do you reside?: Wherever has the best food. Do you have sorcery?: Yes, hocus-pocus. Conjuration, water evocation, translocation, transformation, and being able to balance a spoon on my nose. Are you currently in a political affiliation with any nation?: Wherever feeds me the best food. In a few words, please explain what ‘fun’ means: Chaos, the good kind. Feeding a flock of messenger birds laxatives and sending them to Norland. In a few words, tell us the most ‘evil’ thing you have done: Fed a flock of messenger birds laxities and sent them to Haelunor. The silver city became the Silver Shitter.
  4. “I can’t attend this. It is vile and all kinds of unholy.” Valindra scoffed, turning to enjoy a drink at her bar. “I’m sure the bride won’t mind the groom’s inheritance once he dies, perhaps then she can buy herself a book on how not to look like a terrible mali being.”
  5. MC Name: Morbibundity Discord: Morigung-oog#8519 Image: Description of Image: A portrait of my character, Valindra. Dimensions: 2 high, 1 wide
  6. "With order comes tyranny. With the sun comes searing heats that damages even the most innocent of life. They are blinded by their own light. Quite humorous, in truth." Chuckled an elf, shaking her head. "The Paladins betrayed me. You've sown chaos and violated creeds that would have heralded disconnection back when the aengudaemons gave even the slightest of shits for descendantkind."
  7. Valindra lamented as she recalled not being born until Axios. She waited for the call to publish works on that world and onwards. “History is best told by those who witnessed it firsthand.”
  8. "Oren went downhill the moment I stepped down from leadership." Valindra stated as word reached her, a satisfied smile playing upon her blackened lips.
  9. Al’Izkuthii smiled the Black Sun’s smile as they started to carve up the corpse of the donkey they’d 360 no-scoped with their longbow. “This’ll keep the mundanes in the Queendom fed for quite some time.” They chimed, hauling off sack after sack of meat.
  10. !! Hey I got an honorable mention!
  11. Only reason I’m still here is because I don’t wanna leave my friends behind. Lotc is a cesspit but being with my friends makes it bearable. If they were to leave you bet I’d be gone to a better server where players are held in a higher regard.
  12. This is getting ridiculous. LOTC is scuffed. It always kinda has been but rn its very scuffed.

  13. "And so the veil is torn asunder once more.." Mused a watcher of the Veil, who had dropped in the middle of Celianor when this vision had struck her. She now stood at a map of Almaris, stretched across the table, a number of dice set over key points upon the map. "Such a pity. I had been hoping to enjoy dinner tonight, but now this eve and many others will be spent searching.." Valindra huffed, her reptilian pupils encased in ever shifting galaxies of irises narrowing in frustration.
  14. You’ll be missed gamer. I think people don’t talk about this shit enough. Toxicity is still very much an issue on the server, one staff should constantly be on the lookout for and seeking to amend. The fact a player has left due to this is a clear indicator that something has not been fulfilled. I hope you return one day, but I can’t say I’ll be surprised if you don’t. No upstanding player should feel unwelcome on such a level on a server yet it is something many of us have at one point felt. Take care, gamer.
  15. Valindra exhaled a sigh of relief as she noted the description mentioned did not match that of her own. The elfess adjusted her tricorn, her head cocking to the side. “What a relief… I admittedly have been cutting it a tad fine with my antics as of recent..” Though then, she trailed off, animated galaxies of irises scanning over the notice. “Arcane assault, fitting for a woman of my calibre to pursue… yet…” A lengthy sigh passed Valindra’s darkened lips, which then pulled into a frown. ”That’s a hefty sum… Seems almost too good to be true… if she is a mere mage with an atronach arm… The benefactor must have deep pockets.. or a few secrets withheld from the notice… I’d place someone as simple to butcher as a basic mage at no more than a couple hundred at most…”
  16. "I like this law." A elfess who assumed herself infertile nodded in approval.
  17. On the bloodied battlefield, Valindra walked over the corpses of various orcs, twirling her spear idly and occasionally stabbing them to ensure they were truly deceased, mostly aimed at the head and tusks, seeking to cut, carve and bash them from their skulls. “Bonk once on the head and they’ll stay dead…” The Pale Elf of Disaster sized up the handiwork of Malinorians and Mercs combined. “Now a bad elven day’s work… The future is bright for Malikind… well, except Haelun’orians but they’re ne true mali. Bastardisations of elven values… impure, one might say.” A wicked snicker passed the blackened lips of Valindra as she turned to trudge home. In silence bar the rhythmic clanging of her armor that came with each footstep.
  18. A would-be sailor hummed in thought while sizing up her coffers. "... Could be worth I trip. I like boats... I like the sea. I like an absence of shuul and voidally-tainted shuul."
  19. As the owner of a character who’s set fire to her home multiple times trying to cook, can you add a feature where if you leave the pan for way too long, it gets destroyed, perhaps leave a fire effect behind since firespread’s off. Also add in a lasagne recipe.
  20. Rest in peace the boat I was gonna give legs to sashay into next map with 😪
  21. ".. I hate weddings but a lot of people I hate are there so I'll go." Val huffed, polishing her blade.
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