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Everything posted by Morigung-oog

  1. Damn, beat me to it. My own amendment piece is still in the works but this certainly makes it easier for me- ty!
  2. Valindra grinned, using a dagger to pick some food out of her teeth. “Members on both sides call me a kinslayer. On one hand, I do enjoy putting a fenn in the ground, on the other, Haelun’orians cause more of a scene and are also satisfying to slay… Alas, Celia’nor is not fenn and the boss lets me make funny beastmelding orc parts… so…” The elf paused, rubbing her own hands together. “Haelunor is already Failun’or… Time to add to my ears and brains collection.”
  3. I am satisfied. My work here is done. Back to the void I go.
  4. HOW DO YOU HAVE SO MUCH MONEY 😔 Discord: Morigung-oog#8519 Bid: 26 USD Skin: Blinded
  5. Free build imo is a hard no without explicit approval and evaluation of builds and buildstyles beforehand. Arcas produced some lovely free builds but also some Goddarn hideous ones that looked like they were pulled straight from a vanilla survival/factions server. don’t let bad builders build freely. Find a balance between Atlas and Almaris. I can’t go back I can’t No more landscape, I beg.
  6. I’m looking forward to the redoing of heist rules and I hope they incorporate player opinion into this on both sides. Rules seem to be going in the right direction and while I may still be gradually withdrawing from the community I am thankful changes are being made.
  7. Morigung-oog#8519 Blinded 8 USD and a thumbs up.
  8. "Lubba Lubba dub-dubs!" The elfess cheered from her tower, drumming a little tune on her mace. She'd decided knighthood and any form of honor wasn't for her, but the trial still intrigued her. Perhaps she'd undergo one purely for fun.
  9. “Killed who?” A highly confused mali queried, adjusting the new piece of beastmelding equipment she’d crafted from a dead orc’s jaw. Swinging the mace-like attachment on the end of her spear over her shoulder, she turned to it. “Ready for some- what was it?- oh, klomping and flatting, Bonk-Bonk? Time to crush some more unworthy Uruk skulls.”
  10. Almaris is thicc~

  11. My questions: 1. Ungoth bung-ooggoth? 2. What do you see in lotc that hasn't made you want to leave? 3. Can I get a Lhindirburger, Squak Shake and a Kunuk Kebab please?
  12. Don't like my character? Go to the druids so they can summon some grass for u to touch. Why does every Caelria post have to just be solid facts? Stop being Caelria, Caelria.
  13. "You attacked us. And for every empty orcish skull I rend from its body, I feel an satisfaction only comparable with hindering the snow elves." The scion mused, the very moment at which the nation of twiggies claimed victory over the so-called war-nation resonating within her patchwork soul.
  14. My only suggestion is more events for the general population of the server. I've heard of events for druids, Azdrazi and spooks everywhere but nothing for the average player. Dingo did a good job with the dragon but I'd love to see that also on a smaller (but more frequent) scale with event team actively reaching out to nation leaders and playerbases to discuss eventline. Oh and event sits, the ones I used to stumble upon all the time in Atlas with a sign that said [PM [Insert ET name here] to interact with].
  15. "... Can't this just be overruled by whoever next decides to become High Prince or Princess?" A very confused Valindra asked, as she drunkenly danced atop the counter in her 'totally legal' tavern. "I wouldn't put this mug's bloodline in charge of running a bath after the dominion literally decided to roll over like Fenn did, let alone an entire potential nation." Then, karma seemed to make its opportune entrance, the elf slipped on a serviette, toppling and landing in a heap on the wooden floor of the Cloak and stagger. "Ouch." ... OOC: For though well done for staying in charge as long as you have. Leadership is tricky and stressful shiz. Enjoy the retirement and the freedom of players not asking for shit every thirty seconds.
  16. The player Morigung has been granted official permission to receive all TAs, MAs, and CAs which this lore entails. (I also win). Thank you for your cooperation.
  17. As the player of a character who has lived through multiple voidal crises, I love this flavourful addition to voidal lore and allows further RP for flavourful RP characters who wish to not only embrace the void, but fight it. Concepts like this often fun additions to lore and I encourage that lore team look into this as it will provide a great narratives to voidal mages like myself who struggle to enjoy the magic to due to struggling to locate storylines that are often more common in other magical areas or are left behind from valuable experiences and fun Roleplay.
  18. "Mika may grant you safe passage..." Valindra began, the Pale Elf of Diaster polishing her brand new spear while donning thick fur gloves... "But that doesn't mean that I have to. I wonder if you'll make the same hog-like squeals the snow elven woman I rendered a kebab made when I ran her through." A low, rumbling chuckle left the mali as she made a stab towards the air with her speed. "Mm... Man-kebab... Sounds like a frost witch's dream."
  19. "Let us see how long this so-called 'Silver' endures in permafrost." A figure muses wickedly, caressing the third eyeslot 'pon her mask. "Even the strongest of steels grow brittle in cold and the 'Silver State' nowadays more resembles a cheap and worthless tin at best." And so she did wander the soon-to be frozen wasteland of the Silver State, reminiscing of times both good and bad. The harsh nip of the cold brought about a feeling of sorrow at first from an overwhelming sense of nostalgia, then anger, then... Contentment; they had brought this upon themselves. She vowed they would know her wrath one way or another, and know they would- and it felt good, not unlike the most irritating of itches at long last being scratched.
  20. IGN: Morigung Skin #: 1 Bid: $15 Previous Bidder: Nobody yet!
  21. Discord: Morigung-oog#8519 Skins!: All for One and One for All! ANNNNND Grey Gothic Bids: 11 USD for each, totally to 22 USD PS: These is a based collection of mineman pixels you be selling! <3 PPS: They may be outlined as male but these are gonna look pog on my female char <33
  22. "Might have to stop by." Mused an elf, looking at her woefully underinked skin. "Perhaps I'll go for something non-religious this time..."
  23. "I dare say I'm looking forward to this." Mused a pale, tricorn-wearing elf, checking over her anti-druidic weaponry.
  24. "Only good druid is a dead druid." Snarled an elf in her home after she was turned down while trying to deliver some gifts to thank them. "Stupid ass-pectist shits, so blinded by their own false hubris. I should burn down their grove despite their clearing of the veil. That'll teach 'em for being so needlessly entitled. They're the blight upon society now. If they love animals so much, I'm sure they'll love being hunted down akin to such." A quiet giggle came from the 'aheral as she now went about setting up a 'no druids' sign in her tavern and adjusted the severed heads mounted on pikes in her new secret area.
  25. ”AH, SA’VI!” From the depths of Elysium’s undercity came an almighty roar of what was undeniably Valindra very poorly mimicking a Kha…
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