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Everything posted by Balthasar

  1. Drinking blood isn't essential for the Strigae, but I'm quite certain that all of them do, as it is an addiction for them, drinking also makes them stronger. Abstaining from blood does not make them devolve into a lesser being, indulging too much on blood will.
  2. Exactly why we should keep this type of lore out of LoTC.
  3. Well written, but no thank you. I like the server's base lore how it is. I don't think that any sort of gunpowder firearms work well with the lore and Minecraft mechanics
  4. RP Name: Pontius MC Name: Salier Known Arcane Arts: None Position Desired: Student When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Anytime
  5. Pontius, a recruit of the Imperial Garrison of Oren, discovers an invitation from this illustrious Society hanging on a wall somewhere in the poor-district of Lorath. He rips the parchment off the wall and crumbles it together and throws it into the dirt, as a final measure he'd spit on it "Oren's all the Freedom you need" he'd say to any onlookers and carry on with his patrol, eyes peering to the right and left now and then. (really good tho, if i had the characters for the society, i'd def join)
  6. Idk i would rather like to play as some bandit... that might just be though
  7. What's this steel sword dipped into aurum heresy? Why not just use slayer steel? It's basically stronger gold. Having a steel sword simply coated with aurum sounds lame tbh
  8. Given name: Pontius Surname: Can't exactly remember Social status: Commoner Any applicable titles: None Labor skill: Whatever my superior wishes Any prior service: None "I wish to join the Garrison so I may protect the people of Oren from harm and to keep order in the Capital. Finally my last reason to join is to begin my career with the Empire."
  9. long and informative - nice.
  10. "Strange how anyone would willingly join these abominations!" remarks Siegmeyer
  11. Gotta reserve a spot here. Those are damned good
  12. [[RP]] Given Name: Siegmeyer Obergaard Family of Origin: Commoner House of Obergaard Years of Age: I'm twenty-seven years old. Province of Origin: Valley of the Emperors. Prior Occupation: Soldier of the West. Battlefield Experience: I've fought undeath here and there. Reason for Interest: To protect the innocent and to serve the Church and God through other means. [[OOC]] Username: Salier Skype ID: Captain_falcon_2 (already in the chat)
  13. -OOC- Minecraft Name: Salier Skype (Preferred, not required): Already in the chat Nexus Professions: N/A Will this be your main?: No, but I should be pretty active -IC- Name: Name's Siegfried von Horn Race: Human! Of course Age: Should be around twenty-three winters by now Where do you live?: I tend to wander from city to city in the Kingdom of Mardon Combat skills of note, such as a former mercenary?: I served in my lords levy a while before it was disbanded after the war
  14. i was actually pretty tempted to post a picture of myself, but then I remembered this is the internet
  15. "Is there any pay?" Says Fritlev to himself, immediately penning a piece of paper and sending it to the strange man by bird.
  16. "Just sold one the other day.. Pity!" Mutters Fritlev
  17. Now I can finally go to England and pretend I have a Brit accent
  18. Fritlev of Goswin sends a letter by bird to the village Elder, the letter would simply ask if the bounty is still able to be claimed.
  19. Name: My name is Fritlev of Goswin (( MCName: Salier )) Race: As Human as they come, my friend. Gender: I'm a man, of course! (( Timezone: GMT )) Write a little about why it is you wish to serve the Aengul of Order: I heard about this Order fighting the dark of Axios, eventually I found more information on it, here I am writing this letter. I've been sitting in my 'cosy' home in the Westerlands, and these damned undead are just coming again and again at the city! I want to end that. Humanity shouldn't suffer from some dark threat.
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