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Everything posted by CelestialBoba

  1. What is your favorite Christmas song? 

  2. What is your warm favorite drink you like to enjoy when it gets super cold? I like a strong cup of coffee with hot chocolate powder mix.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      @Owl No I'm a level 7 blood mage. Who needs mana when you have edge

    3. Jtit


      Hot chocolate, or peppermint mocha 

    4. CelestialBoba
  3. Need female skins? PM me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CelestialBoba


      Um, no I won't be doing that. Her forehead would be too big.

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      dizpanda you're a sniveling coward, you leave heidi the hell out of this!

    4. CelestialBoba


      Sniveling coward for talking about her forehead? Hm, well then I don't want to make her skin since it isn't very LOTC-ish.

  4. Katherine de Savoie read the fine penmanship and places the letter down only to burst into laughter. Holding her sides she couldn't help herself as it died down into a fit of giggles and ends with a sigh. "A fine jester this person should be, a very fine jester at that." Wiping away a tear she gives the letter to a maid who swoons over and walks away with her head shaking.
  5. One week down...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CelestialBoba


      *Stuffs a marshmallow in @SuperDuckyGamer's mouth.*  Sleep.

    3. Ducklingator


      You dare talk about marshmallows when I don't have a marshmallow.

      That's just marshmalow.

    4. CelestialBoba

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CelestialBoba
    3. EdgyMagey


      Overused meme.

    4. CelestialBoba


      Wasn't really going for a meme, BUT thanks for the negative input as always. c:

  7. When you are shy of just 800 minas...

    1. Textarea


      Yeah. Sometimes I have under 20k minas and I hate it :(

  8. Well now it is just finding someone to play as the female child. PM for details!

  9. Uh, looking for two people to play as twins...PM me for details.

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Sent you a skype PM.

    2. Killmatronix


      High elf? I'd like to try this, wanted to try a helf. But, yeah, some info wil have to be said in pms. But I don't want a second spot snatched from me, see, so I'm posting here first.

    3. CelestialBoba
  10. ...Right when things were going to get interesting...

  11. Woo~!

    1. Vaynth



      What are we excited about?

  12. @BathRugMan Thanks for the event!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      did i hear u played a vodnik wrong bath i am v sad at this ....

    3. BathRugMan


      pls dont tell papi

    4. CelestialBoba



      still had fun though

  13. I wish custom heads were back. :/

  14. Wisps in clinic tents...lol

  15. "Or just one in general?" The elfess walked up behind and stopped in her tracks to gaze over the stables.
  16. [!] A new note would appear by the many other notes. [!] "I would like to meet up with you, Lyaera to discuss further knowledge on medical practices. We can build a team if possible and if you are interested in this. Send a bird to me when you have the chance. -Azuline"
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