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360 Incredible


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  • Character Name
    Richard Well Baruch
  • Character Race
    Human Highlander

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  1. On a scale of 1-10, what's the state of lotc right now? Is it worth coming back to?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Laeonathan


      Nothing he's just being chacmul and meming

    3. Nozgoth


      never worth

    4. Amayonnaise


      Druids are more of a culture/lifestyle magic than they are an actual active Magic. The magic itself is often reserved for combat / events, but even then Druids tend to just use weapon and armour in combat unless it's a larger, greater enemy.

      Druidism itself, as I said before, is more of a culture and lifestyle. Within the Vale, lots of characters aren't Druids at all, and don't even want the magic, but still are part of the Druidic culture. It's one of the most expanded lore pieces on the server afaik - now with Animal Gods (Mani), the Eternal Forest, the Nature Dragon, the Four Paths, the Priesthood etc. etc.

      Not to mention, as I also said in an earlier comment, the Vale is currently the most active Druidic settlement, and is incredibly friendly and welcoming and protective of its playerbase against toxicity and icky people!


      Some older players who are since banned / left of their own accord have done a few things in the past which trolls like to latch onto and milk insults out of when they have no affiliation with the current druid playerbase, so just ignore them!

  2. I remember you when you were a noob in sutica back in axios. do u remember me buddy?
  3. Why did the new crafting plugin get removed? Was gone for its duration, so I'm just curious

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      It wasn’t ever going to be finished so the best option was to get rid of it to free up devs to work on more fruitful endeavors.


      it was a pretty unpopular crafting system anyways.

  4. A man, twisted from his many years of torment in the afterlife wastelands, mourns--"My only pure creation...rest easy now, my sweet Marcella."
  5. Drinking sorrows away because chem 2 is hard. Got me there. I was going to respond but it slipped my mind. I got really invested in school and I forgot. Please don’t beat me dad. Nah she was some top quality mineman gf quality tho.
  6. Don’t see myself ever coming back. It may happen, who knows. I don’t have a crystal ball. I won’t fight it either way. In any case, if I am gone, never did a AMA in my 5+ years in this place. Alas, many of my friends are no longer with us on this server, but for those who are, ask me anything.
  7. Embarrassing administration


    Now lock this post so no1 can comment on it.

  8. Joined when I was 16 and now I’m still here 21 ½ fml... I hear ye brotha So why ya still play? By choice, or is it just the meth for your creative dopamine?
  9. You only delay the inevitable. You will be back, old friend... *Grimaces menacingly*
  10. That moment when...


    You don’t even play LotC anymore but after 5 long years, you’re so use to typing lord of the craft into ur url as soon as you open your browser you just do it out of habit.


    Good times...

    Edited by LeoRabbit99
  11. am I the only one getting the female roommate adds every time I search the forums?

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      pretty sure you’re the only person to not have ad block

    2. LeoRabbit99
  12. I can’t tell you how much I agree. I RPed my blind character out for months before he became an actual seer, which made the magic that much more interesting when I got it. I’ve been saying this for a long while, and I’m glad to see it expressed on the forums. +1
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