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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. TrendE was just a Ghaz alt all along

  2. If this isn’t enough for LOTC to finally have GNOME LORE, I’ll just work on this for another 2 hours until it’s all gucci.

    1. Yaldabaoth


      Finally, I won’t just be playing an small goofy dwed

  3. GNOME LORE Origin/History Within the old Aegis village of Greenshire, there lived a small community of halflings who were unable to find or properly inhabit Dunwood. These halflings were like any other, loving booze and pipeweed, living in small holes in the ground, and all-around being merry. They traded with their neighbors and lived a peaceful life not unlike their Dunwood brethren. However, dark things were coming to Aegis. As the Undead started to move in from the North, Greenshire was hit hard by the Undead forces without any knights or Ascended to protect them (Unlike Dunwood, Greenshire was not an Orenian vassal). The halflings of Greenshire just barely survived by digging into the soil and hiding from the Undead, hoping that they wouldn’t be sniffed out. Only the small and cowardly halflings survived, with the rest of their kin being slain. When it was time for the Descendants to leave Aegis for Asulon, Greenshire’s population consisted of nothing but a few pipsqueaks and runts smaller than the average halfling. They were persecuted in every settlement they tried to live in, and had no luck rejoining with their old halfling kin. Thus, the runty folks from Greenshire stayed small and weak, never able to gain a proper footing in their new Asulon home. Eventually, the folks from Greenshire stopped being recognized as halflings and became known as “Gnomes” due to their small size. They lived in and around halfling villages or in solitary holes in the ground far away from others. Some gnomes managed to learn skills and live inside of human and elven cities, yet most gnomes did naught but live in holes eating worms and mushrooms, for they had no skills to speak of. As time passed on, the gnomes took on different characteristics and cultures. Those who moved to the cities and took on some sort of craft became well known for their deft, small fingers capable of producing fine works; sometimes they were even able to learn magic or even ascend to some level of authority! Those who still lived in holes in the ground were less cultured, sticking to their mushroom-eating, hole-digging ways. These ‘Forest Gnomes’ became well known for stealing crops from farmers and living in bizarre settlements of holes, mushrooms, tree stumps or fallen logs, and the occasional hut made from pebbles or stones. Description Gnomes stand at around 1’6’’ to 2’ tall. They mentally and physically mature around the age of 20 (compared to the halflings’ 32), although “mental maturity” isn’t something that even gnome adults are known for. Much like the halflings, gnomes have a higher chance to have Heterochromia Iridium (2 eyes are different colors) and usually have curly hair. Their feet are usually left bare, letting onlookers marvel at the hair that covers them. Their hair can be any color, although black hair is much rarer than other colors. Culture(s) Civilized Gnomes Civilized Gnomes are gnomes that have moved into a Descendant city and work some sort of profession there. They speak the language, follow the culture, and participate in the politics of whatever city they are in (only if they are allowed to, of course). Known for being addled in the head and quick with their fingers, gnomes are eccentric figures whenever they’re found inside of a city, drawing lots of attention with their crafts and size. From alchemy to blacksmithing, these gnomes will do whatever it takes to put food on their miniature tables. When a gnome learns magic, they are usually considered to be a Civilized Gnome, since learning magic requires the gnome to interact with non-gnomish society. These gnomish mages are the craziest gnomes of all, coming up with the wackiest of schemes and practicing their magic with reckless abandon. Forest Gnomes Forest Gnomes have not moved into a city, either living alone or with a small community of other Forest Gnomes. These Gnomes wear basic clothing made from scraps, rags, or leaves. Their diet consists of nuts, berries, and mushrooms found near their homes, occasionally through small-scale farming. Their accent is thick and hard to interpret, although it’s clear that they are speaking some form of Common. Their interactions with outsiders consists of burglary runs, crop theft, and the occasional scuffle that the Forest Gnomes are bound to lose. Forest Gnomes have a strange affinity with squirrels, often keeping them as pets or using them to collect acorns. These befriended squirrels are allowed to roam free, coming back to the Forest Gnomes of their own free will. The exact methods used by the Forest Gnomes to befriend squirrels is not well known. Some think that Forest Gnomes can talk with squirrels, but such claims are probably false. Forest Gnome Housing ~A rather Gnome-like home underneath a tree in Brandybrook~ ~A Gnomish burrow in Mellsburry! (techncally a Kobold home, but it’s exactly what a Gnome hole would look like)~ ~An example of a Forest Gnome settlement built into giant mushrooms~ Redlines Forest Gnomes Forest Gnomes, while able to befriend squirrels, cannot talk with said squirrels no matter how hard they try. Befriended squirrels will not fight for Forest Gnomes under any circumstances. They may help with theft, but won’t fight when commanded to. Cannot befriend more than 3 squirrels at a time. Cannot be taller than 2 feet. Cannot be smaller than 1 foot 6 inches. Civilized Gnomes Civilized Gnomes who learn magic do not gain any bonuses for being a Gnome. Civilized Gnomes, while better at the finer details of crafts due to their small hands, are not any better at the rest of craftsmanship. Cannot be taller than 2 feet. Cannot be smaller than 1 foot 6 inches. Purpose For Forest Gnomes, their purpose is to be used in player-run events where said Gnomes try to burgle or steal crops from farmers. As a result of this, I’m open to Forest Gnomes being an event-only race if the Story Team wills it so long as regular players can use them in events too. For Civilized Gnomes, their purpose is to allow people to play as Gnomish tinkers, wizards, craftsmen, etc. if they wish. I do not expect many people to play as Civilized Gnomes, and thus I’m open to Civilized Gnomes being a CA-only race if the Story Team wills it. (EDIT) IMPORTANT NOTICE: Players just making a Gnome character or using Gnomes in events in order to spam people with the “You’ve Been GNOMED” meme will probably be banned for poor roleplay and toxicity. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. This is serious lore, not a dumb meme you can use to troll your friends.
  4. Seems pretty high-tech but I like it regardless. Cyborgs in LOTC when?
  5. @ScreamingDingo add Gnomes to playable creatures list. If you don’t, I’ll run Gnome events anyways and get banned. It just doesn’t make sense to let us play Gremlins but not Gnomes in player events, especially since Gnomes aren’t as magical.
  6. What emotions enter your brain when watching this video? Hatred? Fear? Lust? Why is this your favorite piece of music? North Korea or South Korea? Is Despacito a good song? Is Jreg a cool youtuber or is he trying too hard? What’s your favorite anime???? test to see how high your screen brightness is Why is the halfling race cool?
  7. I wonder how hard it would be to make fireworks for this Brandybrook wedding...


    We have the gunpowder for it, but in order to make the fireworks cool it’d require some rare materials.


    I guess we’ll have to make do with what we have xD

  8. That’s a lot of decentralization. Still a really epic map though. Take my rep.
  9. 3/17 never forget.

  10. Banditry would be considered different from War raids under these new rules I think. You could still bandit people. Anyways. Lemme give a quick message to everyone who thinks that this will end all wars on LOTC and destroy the server: Just make it against the rules to turn down a war completely. It’ll be just like how it was possible to declare war for any reason back in the day, except the fate of the entire community isn’t at stake all the time unless the belligerents hate each other enough to agree on a Total War of complete destruction. Thus whenever you get bored you can declare war on some random people and negotiate for there to be War Raids or Looting warclaims between the two of you. It’s not that hard for these rules to deny people from avoiding war entirely tbh.
  11. I don’t know why I keep on doing these events, but since they always attract at least 5 people every time I’ll keep on running them ‘till the end of time.

  12. NotEvilAtAll

    Swamp Rules

    I’ve heard that a lot of the survivors of the last event got picked off by bandits, so this will be a good rule IMO.
  13. Application form: (In Character): Your name: Pervinca Applebrook The profession you seek: makin’ ye go out of business! Past experience and jobs: Being a barmaid ‘n Sutica What you wish to achieve with The Golden Harvest: Corner the international Hay market, as is the duty of all good halflings. ((Out of character information. Your minecraft name: jumperhand3 Time you have been on the server for: yes Your timezone (in GMT): UTC-12:00 Your real life age: 3 years old
  14. Pervinca Applebrook is proud to be selling the cheapest hay bales in all of Arcas.
  15. Hillsborough stronk. Best settlement confirmed because Brandybrook has an IMPROPAH navy and is next to biggun walls. ((jk, I still love Brandybrook please don’t exile me for having 3 brain cells @Tha_Mystery_Man . It’s not like the freebuild Halflings won’t visit Brandybrook all the time regardless))
  16. Why are halflings still getting 4.1% of all applications eeeeeeeee. I mean, we’re cool and all, but we’re not THAT cool.... are we?
  17. Pervinca Applebrook the halfling is technically a survivor of the event, but choses not to partake in this seeing as she was knocked out by the mist almost instantly.
  18. The infantry advanced beyond the mages and siege equipment immediately. They were only in front at first when setting up.
  19. ((next time try using a Caesar Scroll to code the message instead of using simple substitution. Using the internet you can de-code this message in seconds, but if it were a more complicated code that requires some outside information before decoding, or if it were a new code not easily available on the internet, it would be much more of a challenge to decode.)) Pervinca Applebrook looks at this message not knowing what it says “Looks loike Gnome-speak ter meh”
  20. Put screenshots from the brutal Swamp event that killed a bajillion people in the comments. I personally only got screenshots from the beginning and end of the event, but I’ll include them all regardless. Massive rally on the Spicy Shrimp ship in the docks of Brandybrook Heading out towards the swamps Swimming across a river on our way to the swamp Forming a shield-wall with Scorpions and mages in the front waiting for the infantry to advance See that circle of dwarves? They all died mere moments after we arrived The mist disabiling a good portion of the army (I forgot to emote putting on my mask) Getting dragged to safety while the brutal battle begins in the background After a while, the fighting kills half of the army and injures many more. My character’s just barely clinging to life in this screenshot ((I had to eat lunch, so I missed a lot of the battle)) Being dragged out of the swamp by retreating soldiers. We’ll get ‘em next time folks! Now we know that it’s VERY IMPORTANT to put on a mask, and we know to avoid friendly fire and have new ideas on how to fight the faceless. There’s no doubt that the next rally will face a much less grisly fate. If you guys have any more screenshots, please put them in the comments. Thank you, and have a good night!
  21. the swamp event is killing literally everyone

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mavromino


      Crossbows, longbows and javelins are always a good idea.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      We actually had a decent plan when coming into the event, it’s just that the event was incredibly difficult.

    4. Jentos
  22. Remember the quadrillion halfling drinking events I did back in Atlas? 

    Well, they’re back now I guess. If you’re one of those people who constantly complains about the halflings being a dead race with 0 players, maybe pop by during one of these events and see a few of us idk.

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