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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. I agree with jumperhand, CAs are one of the most difficult pieces of lore to account for and you'd be significantly more likely to have something like this accepted as an event/monster lore creature. I recommend looking at other accepted CA lore to get an idea of the level of depth you'd need to match when it comes to abilities, behavior, history, etc good luck otherwise!
  2. I will hunt you for sport but I'm glad to hear ur doing well and the craft had been good to u
  3. Unwillingly


    back in august I took an extended indefinite leave after hitting heavy burnout with lotc. I think I was just absorbing way too much of it at once and it made my interest with the server plummet to a point where logging on for the simplest RP was a chore and it felt like nothing I was doing in RP or OOC had any influence, that I wasn't making progress with things I wanted to succeed, and I didn't want to keep making false promises to my local circle of RPers that I'd be able to devote time to them when I couldn't. a lot of it was because of magic and creature rewrites that made me increasingly frustrated and argumentative until it felt like my creative ability wasn't being facilitated, but suffocated. so I tried to leave things off in the best spot I could before checking out while I was away I tried to explore other creative outlets, such as RPGs, writing communities, and personal passion projects. they were fun, but these experiences were unfulfilling and could never scratch the creative itch many of us have. it's a recycled opinion, but lotc is unmatched. nothing comes close. you cannot find any other platform out there that matches the level of authenticity and depth this server offers, and it's made it a little easier for me to appreciate the server for what it is instead of what it isn't. your characters and storytelling abilities don't start or end with lotc, and what happens on the server has no bearing on your personal creative liberty. separate it from the server and it'll not only help you enjoy the server more, but it'll teach you to be more independent and self-sustaining when it comes to writing. not that lotc shouldn't compliment your creativity or vice versa, but having that distinction is much more beneficial for yourself and those around you a couple days ago I had heard that the community I cared about was on the uptick which gave me some spirit to poke my head around again. I feel like a bit of an outsider to it coming back after so long, but it's in a better state than I left it in at the end of the day. as for lotc itself it doesn't really feel like I even left. but I've gotten some nice welcome-back messages from friends. since then I've had some pleasant RP on my high elf Galahad in places like petra and celia'nor, as well as fun confrontations on my naztherak Castiel. but I feel very rusty and I'm definitely struggling to get back into the groove of RP it feels like. I want to get invested and have the hype for the story and RP interactions like I used to, which I haven't really felt since prior to quitting and its kind of a bummer. not sure if I'm just growing out of that, if I need something fresh, if I'm just looking in the wrong spots or what the problem is while I was away I completed my second semester of college and am on break right now, got some nice christmas presents, and visited some family for the weekend. I also have a friend coming to visit from across the state in january, so I'm excited for that. I'll be 21 in february which is crazy to think about. I think this is my 7th or 8th year on lotc - I joined when I was about 12 or 13. its wild how have yall been
  4. merry belated christmas

    1. satinkira


      merry christmas boss

  5. place block break block place block break block place blo

  6. i dont want it to be dark by 5pm :(

    1. Tabby64


      HUH thats until way later in the year. . . bro is in the arctic


    2. Unwillingly


      im in wisconsin and in the winters its pitch black by 5pm

    3. Tabby64


      oh yeah but not yet. . .

  7. if I enjoyed the server like I used to I'd be down to RP with you, but otherwise hope u find the community ur looking for friend
  8. they ******* killed satinkira

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yagi_Kamisama


      i can't see this post what does it say

    3. Neviah


      AGAIN? no way!!

    4. M1919


      they hit the satinkira, turn on the news it doesn't matter which channel

  9. hello I'll be opening 3 skin slots over the course of the next few days comment or reach out for q's Portfolio PRICES • Dresses: 16 USD • Non-dress outfits: 18 USD • Armor (gambeson, leather, etc): 22 USD TERMS • PayPal only • Must have a reference to provide (please use a not shit reference) • Only one reference, don't send multiple plz • Will not be doing hair/base skins/heads • Wait time of 1-4 days (I will communicate if I'm unable to do such) • If I attempt to contact you and do not receive a response within 4 days your skin will be sold • Although I will be prioritizing my 3 initial slots, you may further comment to be put on a waitlist/reservation • I will always show you an unshaded-flat before shading. Changes cannot be made once the skin has been shaded • I accept bribes, pay +10 USD to be bumped to the top of the list regardless of slots or waitlist (this might seem like a lot but im just trying to be thorough) FORMAT Discord: Visual Ref: (picture of the skin you want) Skin Description: (written description. the more thorough the better, please be as specific as possible even if it might not seem important or if the ref shows everything that you want. the more specific, the less chance I'll reach out for questions and the quicker you'll get your skin.) Is this a bribe skin?: (y/n) thank you
  10. this guy will never bowl another strike lol

    1. Nectorist


      just bowled another strike

  11. This is a mistake I'm yet to change :) likely they will be reduced to peak race strength
  12. We wrote it in a way that prevents bullshitting your way through it by just putting on gloves or sweeping it away, meaning that in order to pass one you'd need to use another actual player instead of NPCs or the like. Salt as a weakness im hearing people aren't a fan of, so there's a chance we'll be replacing it with something else more unique before it hits lore reviews. Okay, I see what you mean now. I'll go ahead and add this to our feedback notes and try to get a changelog out within a couple days. Ty!
  13. I'm not opposed to being held to the same standards as other CAs - I'll go ahead and jot this down among the other critiques and discuss nerfing their strength to peak-race instead of peak-orc, ty Can you elaborate on this part? I'm not quite following how being unable to cast for 3 emotes following a Thanhium attack is a resistance. Is there a specific area of Thanhium lore you refer to that I'm missing?
  14. this is fair, deific corruption was written in a way that was meant to sort of be antithesis to the "niche" of each magic. "courageous templar turned craven > druid attuned to nature's balance hears corruption itself > paladin emboldened by xan's light temporarily thwarted of his warmth" were mostly the visions I had. I'm not as familiar with holy magic as I wish I was while writing these, so tried to reach out the best I could for paladin and templarism especially. however I'm definitely open to reworking this to something more appropriate for lore and request of templar players and can explore more ideas before this makes it into review not to be like "erm ackshually" but after we received feedback for the original write, we were advised to consider more unique holy interactions. so this mostly comes from the suggestion of management and my own favor towards unique lore interaction in general. I was partially around for this era of lore arms race in maybe 2017-2019 but my memory of what the sphere of lore/lore criteria was like at the time is fuzzy at best admittedly
  15. LT Note: “The weak are meat and the strong do eat.” Through a dark and unnatural rite, Naztherak may surrender the last of their blasphemous soul to the powers of Moz Strimoza, and in doing so, shed their mortality. They take up the mantle of Twisted King, Zar’akal, and serve their patron Zar’rokul as a harbinger upon the mortal plane. The ‘akal walks amidst mortal kind as a wolf amongst sheep, luring potential Princes from the flock, and preparing the rest for slaughter. A Naztherak who has dedicated four slots to their devilish arts may take the final leap to become a Zar’akal. There is no going back from this path, typically only undertaken by those Princes who have truly lost themselves to the powers of the Pentacle. They are often distinguished above other Inferi as a commander or general is over footmen, wreathed in embers and ash, crowned with horns, and some even cloaked in great wings. - Acquiring Zar’akal requires a T5 Naztherak to have dedicated four slots to Naztherak; this includes Malflame, Demonology, Curses and Pacting - Although the creation of a Zar’akal does not require one’s RP consent, OOC consent is required. - The transformation into Zar’akal is irreversible. - The emote counts for combative casting are unchanged from normal Naztherak. Compatibility - Zar’akal are incompatible with all other CAs. - Zar’akal are incapable of using Tawkin mutations. - Zar’akal are unable to learn any additional deific magic with the exception of Seer. - Zar’akal cannot be combined with the Sycophant, Corcitura, or Haruspex FA. As homage to the Pentacle, it’s not uncommon that a Prince may devote an area to the lords using a litany of candles, blood-altars, and scrawlings, tainting the periphery with devout worship of ra’Urdol. Some might perform a sacreligious prayer to Kholidav, while others might drain a goat of its blood to Velkuzat. A T5 Prince leading the rite will bleed out the subject of transformation. With the aid of 2 other Naztherak, they will infuse the subject’s body with 50 counts of maleus and spur the process of turning the bloodstream entirely to such. To the subject, this is an utterly agonizing, torturous experience, as their mortal ichor is surrendered to the pure essence of all things Infernal. Only when the full body is infused with five counts of Rakir does the leading Prince, using a blade of Rokodra, stab the subject through the heart, marking the death of the Prince and the birth of a King. Now a mere corpse, the character is unplayable for 1 OOC day as the metamorphosis of mind, body, and soul takes place. The subject will later awaken as a Zar’akal. - The creation of Zar’akal must be taught in RP. This ability is not required for a TA, but one must have a TA in order to lead the ritual. Learning Zar’akal creation must be logged on one’s MA, denoting who it’s been learned from (RP name and IGN included) and when. - Two T5 Princes are required to help a T5 Prince lead the ritual. - The Princes will not automatically gain knowledge of the ritual by means of simply participating, and must instead be told the process step by step. This must be logged on one’s MA. "Aden (Kiiztria) has been taught the Creation Rite by Castiel (Unwillingly)." - Although there are no rigid emote-counts for this ritual, a minimum of 5 quality emotes are required. - Although one may learn of Zar’akal creation at a lesser tier, they cannot circumvent the former redline by pooling together maleus from other Princes or Inferi, for example. - The Rokodra used for this rite, as with all lore items, must be ST-signed. - The character undergoes a temporary shelving period in which they may not be played for 1 OOC day once the ritual concludes. - Flavor and aesthetics are encouraged, so long as the general premise of the ritual is to be adhered to. - Although a character may be turned into a Zar’akal against their will, OOC consent is required regardless. - Should this ritual go unfinished or interrupted post-maleus infusion, the subject falls into a state of great sickness, leaving them weakened and frail for 1 OOC day. If not completed within this time, the ritual will need to begin from the start in order to be performed again. - Additionally, requiring managerial approval, a Naztherak may be ascended via event lines deemed appropriate by the overseeing ST, be it to encourage healthy longevity of the CA or other reasoning. With their last vestiges of mortal mundanity cast away, a Zar’akal is consumed almost entirely by their Malice. A newfound form brings with it the catalyst to their mental undoing, wherein the will to walk this accursed path has trumped their humanity. They are selfish to a fault, shedding the moral laws of man that once hindered their dark ambitions and dreams. The primary malice is further emphasized, dominating the Zar’akal’s fractured mind, as well as their secondary malice to a lesser degree. The whispers and nightmares bestowed upon them by their patron do not fade, but such a wretched thing might find comfort in them. The Twisted King may find they hear their Zar’rokul more readily now, or are merely broken and delirious enough to believe they do. In any case, the mastery of their dark powers culminates with the ability to cast their abilities without the need for a Grimoire, their demonic mind able to comprehend, remember, and recall Ilzakarn, speaking incantations without aid. However, when these creatures use their Facade, the onslaught of these attacks return to that which they experienced as a mortal False Prince. This entails that they may again experience things such as moral dilemma, uncertainty, self-doubt, emotional turmoil, regret, et cetera in conjunction with their default malice and striith interactions. - All memories, skills, knowledge, etc all remain intact at the player's discretion. - A Grimoire is no longer required to use Naztherak abilities, but they may choose to keep one. - Connection to the magic for a Zar’akal is instead denoted by constant embers, small flames emitting from them, or other aesthetic emotes. This takes the place of the grimoire emote as the connection. - The implication of emotions and mental dispositions such as moral dilemma, uncertainty, etc., are restricted to only their Facade form, and not their revealed Inferis form. - As such, this is not a total erasure of the effects of one’s malices or striith influence, and should be treated no differently than when one was a mortal T5 False Prince. Artist Artist Artist Examples above of the extent with which Zar’akal may appear humanoid. Their cheeks are sunken, horns jagged, skin discolored, and eyes striking. Although humanoid in stature and appearance, this does not entail beauty nor an ability to simply “pass” as non-Zar’akal. Artist Artist Artist Examples of the more monstrous Zar’akal. Their faces are nigh unrecognizable, snouted or beaklike, while their flesh may be scaled, feathered, skinless, leatherlike, furred, etc. They may possess multiple limbs or a lack thereof, and otherworldly, unimaginable traits foreign to descendant anatomy. Zar’akal are no longer bound by the constraints of their descendant-flesh; they are indistinguishable from other Zezimar, their Naztherak mutations heightened and their image hideously warped. This new flesh of theirs would be impervious to the effects of malflame. The Zar’akal can take a wide range of stature and appearance. Some may emerge as horned humanoids, while others are born as monstrous amalgams of their former selves in respect to the patron who has chosen them. Kings claimed by Kiiztria, for example, may emerge as serpentine hybrids, while Kings claimed by Kholidav may appear a hideous, rotting winged creature. They may emerge taller or shorter after their transformation, reaching a maximum of 9 ft and a minimum of 4 ft. Zar’akal possess a deeper pool of 65 maleus and lose the weakness obtained from the connection as a Naztherak, matching the peak strength of their original descendant race, but no more agile or quick than before.. As well, the Zar’akal is capable of casting without a grimoire should they choose, wherein the emote of grabbing one is substituted for some other optional tell, such as a glow in the chest, a colored aura, wisps of smoke, etc. Regardless of form, physical contact with these creatures, be it as mundane as a handshake or a hug, will inspire a great sense of dread in those unfortunate enough, as though doom looms over their head for a split moment until touch is relinquished, as though a sense of goodness within themselves has been withered. These beasts will come to realize their appetites have also changed, reliant on a meat-based diet to remain at their peak strength, and such waning should they be forced to subsist only upon plant-based foods. A zar’akal made to rely on vegetation would fall into a weakened state but will live. They may consume descendant races, without risk of negative side effects and disease. As with any gift from the Hells, there is a cost to such a mighty form. The King would find that materials and phenomena that may have once been obsolete to them as False Prince now cut deep and burn hot. These weaknesses are only effective when the King has abandoned his Facade and is considered a “revealed dark creature.” Holy Magics Like all darkspawn, the Zar’akal will find that their corrupted soul is greatly susceptible to holy spells. Flame or physical attack spells cause agonizing burns wherever it touches, as well as other non-direct (such as AOE or other) spells and weapons capable of hindering the King as per their redlines and mechanics. - Adheres to all redlines and mechanics of the respective holy magics. - As stated, a Zar’akal, when not using their Facade, is considered a Revealed Dark Creature for the purposes of holy magics. Mundane Weaponry Zar’akal are capable of being slain as any unaltered “normal” descendant would be. They may be suffocated, hanged, bled out, beheaded, shot, starved, et cetera. - Poisons, toxins, heat, cold, enchantments, etc. affect the Zar’akal as they would any other member of their prior race. Salt A common deterrent against darkspawn, salt may prove a formidable weapon against the Zar’akal — but not in the form of sizzling, boiling blood and biting open wounds. Rather, the Zar’akal finds himself incapable of crossing lines of salt upon the ground, as though there lay a phantom barrier between him and the opposite side. This is often laid out either in the form of a line in windows, gates, hallways, doors, or in a complete circle around an unsuspecting Zar’akal to trap him. Saltwalls represented by a tangible, in-game build (such as iron blocks, wool carpet, pressure plates, etc) cannot be passed under any circumstances. However, a third-party, such as an ally of the Zar’akal or simple bystander deceived into aiding him may break the saltwall on his behalf. If broken, a sign should be placed to denote such. An example of what this may look like in-game. - As with all weaknesses lore, this is not common knowledge and should be discovered through RP. - NPCs such as Imps cannot break saltwalls. - Saltwalls may only be made using mundane, non-magical salt. This means that in order to utilize this weakness against a Zar’akal, a player must possess player-signed salt represented by the minecraft item “Sugar.” - Saltwalls that are, for example, strewn in front of a portcullis or path must have an in-game representation (such as using iron pressure plates, quarts, wool carpet, etc.). A sign alone does not suffice. - Saltwalls do not create an actual, tangible barrier, only a mental one. This means that spells and ranged attacks may pass through as normal. Should a zar’akal be forced onto or over a saltwall, the demon will be overwhelmed with agonizing pain for [1] emote, interrupting any casting. - Salt must be in a purified, granular form to be effective, meaning that it cannot be applied to weapons to enhance its ability to harm, be combined with saltwater, be combined with food, etc. - Saltwalls are non-effective against a Zar’akal unless considered a “revealed dark creature.” They may still find them discomforting or frightening in their facade. Metals & Resources Lunarite, the heavenly substance from above, is an effective tool for protection against the Hells below. Should Lunarite make direct contact with a revealed zar’akal, the beast will feel as if their flesh is boiling, but such is only in their mind. This feeling can be so overwhelming, that simply seeing an object of Lunarite could throw a Zar’akal into sudden disgust or panic. It is said Canonist priests of old would hang lunarite crosses outside their homes to repel these devils. Additionally, its properties allow it to more easily harm and cut through the skin of the Zar’akal. Wounds will be more profound, jagged, gaping, deeper, and shall bleed profusely. This is not a means to instantly bleed-out a King, but if untreated during battle, he very well may. Aurum, such a thing that now brings terrible burn to this creature, will easily slice flesh and bring about a long forgotten pain to the Twisted King, one of fire against their unholy flesh. The best weapon against this King, however, is the elusive substance known as Thanhium. Should the Zar'akal suffer [2] strikes or more, weapons wrought from Thanhium can render a Zar’akal’s casting inert for [3] emotes, and prevent them from shifting between their Facade and their true form. - Lunarite will not instantly make a Zar’akal bleed out in combat. However, the consequence of not treating his wounds if great enough will force him to flee the scene for aid. - Aurum has the full effects listed within the Aurum lore against creatures with altered souls, causing an increased level of pain upon cutting the skin. It does not burn on physical contact with the skin alone, but aurum blades, and to a lesser extent slayersteel, will cut flesh easier and with more pain to the Zar’akal. - Cuts made with thanhic steel, or thanhium within the bloodstream, locks the Zar’akal out of all casting, up to and including shifting in and out of their Facade. This prevention lasts for four [4] emotes post-exposure. Other Weaknesses The player may additionally choose weaknesses unique to their Zar'akal. This could range from an array of holy symbols such as crucifixes, prayers, holy water, or even manifest in the form of allusions to their pacted patron. Zar'akal pacted to Kiiztria, for example, may experience an innate fear of animals that prey on snakes such as hawks, cats, foxes, etc. This is very freeform and can manifest in whatever fashion the player desires, but can never provide an advantage, as this is best utilized for flavor RP. REBIRTH The ascension to Zar’akal breaks the shackles binding a False Prince to the standard cycles of life and death. Now bound to the pentacle and their whims, a Zar’akal will be banished to Moz’Strimoza upon their demise. In these hellish planes the wretched soul thrives, mending itself of wounds sustained. Zar’akal recover within the following timeframes: -When bled out or suffocated, the Zar’akal will recover after 2 IRL days. -When disemboweled, stabbed through the heart, organ failure, etc. The Zar’akal will recover after 3 IRL days. -When beheaded or dismembered, the Zar’akal will recover after 5 IRL days. -When burnt alive, the Zar’akal will recover after 2 IRL weeks. -When eaten, either dead or alive, by another Zar’akal, the Zar’akal may only be resurrected via Rite of Revival. A Zar’akal who is killed via any of the aforementioned must be eaten within the same RP encounter. Good-faith RP is encouraged between both participants. Though immortality becomes these Kings, death is no less a feared ending. The souls of these creatures are manifested in Moz’Strimoza upon death — a plane of eternal bloodlust, carnage, and torment to all that is infernal. Here, the saying “the weak are meat and the strong do eat” becomes law, even to a Twisted King. On the material plane, these creatures retain vivid and powerful memories and phantom pains of their time in such a domain. These creatures are burdened with this dread from birth. DEIFIC CORRUPTION [3] Emotes | [20 ] Maleus | [10] Blocks of range with line of Sight | Combative, Non-Combative Over the course of [3] Emotes, the King may will into a deific target a sliver of his corruptive Maleus, therein briefly the mind with a range of afflictions that may serve to sow doubt, panic, or fear into these otherwise devout warriors. Once afflicted, all effects last for a minimum [3] emotes, though may be extended at the target’s discretion, see below. Should the mage be actively casting, this spell will sever their connection and necessitate a reconnection. Mentally, this corruption may affect each individual differently. While those of great mental fortitude may readily recover from such an attack, a mage who is more susceptible to insecurity and influence may find themselves easier succumbing to the corrosive maleus of the King. Templars The raw antithesis to the Aengul Malchaediel, the Templar is wracked by an unprecedented swell of anxiety and terror in the face of combat. What they would have once faced with valor and honor becomes a surmountable obstacle that warps their lens of bravery. A foe may appear more imposing or deadly than they truly are, or they may come to suddenly doubt their ability with a sword. - This is not enough to force a Templar to flee from any and all combat. Instead, this will instill a mere apprehension of it or even their own ability, something uncanny to the nature of their deity. Like the Paladin, this may be interpreted flavorfully and unique to the player. Druids The King may weave his nature into that of a druid, therein warping their druidic connection into the hideous amalgam that is Moz’strimoza. While it does not affect the Druid's ability to connect or cast, the melody of the balance morphs into the wicked, churning sounds of the High Hells, including but not limited to: the bloody carnage of warring inferi, howling hellhounds, churning brimstone plates and crackling, ignited trees. The sacrilegious sounds of Moz’strimoza would primarily counter the flora and fauna of the mortal plane, a mockery to the very idea of bountiful nature. - The druid does not actually, tangibly hear Moz’strimoza, only a mockery of it. While the melody of nature is wracked by such hellish sounds, their visual perception of it remains unaltered. Paladins As true beacons of Light, oppression is exactly what a Paladin of Xan briefly feels alongside the twisted powers of Moz’Strimoza. The warmth of Xan’s Light fades, albeit temporarily, leaving the Paladin yearning for comfort and familiarity. The brief absence of Light takes a strong mind and will to overcome, a task not all may be prepared for. - The “Absence of light” may be interpreted in whatever way the Paladin desires. Perhaps it’s a literal interpretation, that they fear Xan himself has abandoned them, or are weighed by a sudden, unexplained apathy and lack of willpower without such holy warmth. FACADE [4] Emotes | [20] Maleus | [Non-Combative] A means to lull descendants into false feelings of safety, the Zar’akal can temporarily take mortal shape by siphoning soul essence untainted by maleus. This form is not permanent, however. A reminder that true humanity is no longer theirs, nor will it ever be. A Zar’akal saps a descendant over the course of [4] emotes, or [2] if the target is willing. This occurs in a 2 block radius around the Zar’akal, the aesthetics left to the player so long as clear tells are conveyed; such as tendrils of malflame wrapping around a restrained target, or a shimmering pentacle beneath as a warlock conducts an elaborate ritual. Once complete, the victim is left in a lethargic state for 1 OOC hour, too weak for combat but able to attempt escape and recover their energy. A side effect of intermingling with the corruption of a Zar’akal leaves the victim’s complexion withered and wrinkled, as if they had suddenly aged decades (or centuries, for elves). This can be remedied with sprog’s elixir. A Twisted King bargains with a mortal. A Zar’akal experiences the adverse. Over the course of [2] emotes, they revert into a seemingly mundane descendant for 10 OOC days. Their chosen appearance cannot be altered unless they siphon the purity from another. It is not unusual for a zar’akal to behave differently in this form, for donning the flesh of the past can be conflicting for some. For example, a Zar’akal might become overwhelmed with despair over failures of their time as a mortal, disgusted by those they once considered friends, doubt the truth of their reality, or even have their mind shatter completely. Unable to cast their own hellfire while using their Facade, the Zar'akal will seek to avoid being within the proximity of holy spells while disguised. This is defined as a range of [20] blocks with line of sight. This aversion can come as vehement disgust, profound fear, or whatever else might reason him to slip away from the company holy casting. Should he linger for more than [4] emotes, he will be seized by gradually increasing migraines, cold-sweats, and other forms of unwellness until he abandons the scene. POSSESSION [4] emotes | [20] Maleus | [Non-Combative] Manipulation and deception are among token tactics of the Zar’akal in their eternal pursuit of power. A newly uncovered ability, a Zar’akal may will their presence into another vessel, effectively seizing control of them not unlike a marionette, or muddying the mind with falsities, insecurity, and paranoia alike. A character who is possessed remains mentally conscious and aware within this state despite having lost almost all autonomy of their body, only retaining however much the Zar’akal sees fit .They may see, hear, and experience their surroundings from their natural POV. Now sharing one mind, the two souls may internally communicate with one another via telepathy while the body is puppeteered by the Zar’akal. It is only within this state that the victim may cast out the Zar’akal unless he is banished sooner by external forces. Any injury the possessed individual experiences, be it a stab, slash, burn, or other magic, will be felt equally by the Zar’akal so long as they remain within this vessel. Some may choose to reflexively abandon their possessed vessel to avoid these pains, while others may require a greater deal of effort to cast out. Interaction with Holy magic, Lunarite, Aurum, and Thanhium will forcibly cast out a Zar’akal, regardless if the intent is to spur a “combat” encounter or not. While this ability does not require RP consent, OOC consent is required. Requiring line of sight, this ability takes [4] emotes to perform and costs [20] maleus. One for the standard casting tell, two for concentration, and one for a verbal Ilzakarn incantation (freeform). The Zar’akal must be within 10 blocks of their desired target in order to enter the vessel, though may then freely travel beyond this range upon a successful possession. The Zar’akal must place an interaction sign at the location of their body should they leave its general proximity (which is defined as the same room/corridor, or 20 blocks) while within the vessel. Telepathy during this state may be done either through /msg or #w between the mind of the Zar’akal and the victim. This ability lasts for [1] OOC hour, where at that point the victim may roleplay forcibly casting out the Zar’akal in whatever fashion they please, or Zar’akal sooner leaves of their own volition. As stated previously, Holy magic, Lunarite, Aurum, and Thanhium will instantly and forcibly cast out a Zar’akal should substantial contact or injury be made for 2 emotes or more. Simply poking or grazing does not suffice. The Zar’akal may additionally possess the striith, requiring a standard [4] emotes and [20] maleus to perform. However, the Zar’akal and striith will continue to share the single mind, if not to a greater degree, resulting in a maximum threshold for this type of possession to be [3] OOC hours at which point the mental torture and closeness of the striith is no longer tolerable. Should the Zar'akal attempt to possess a holy mage, the holy player must roll out of 20 to determine success, for the minds of these divine knights do not so readily succumb to the dark. Rolling goes as follows. 1-10: Possession takes full effect. 11-15: Possession is weakened. The holy mage is temporarily stunned for [1] emote as the Zar'akal attempts to weave its way into their mind, and the two may telepathically commune so long as they have line of sight. This lasts for [3] emotes. Though he has not totally seized control of the target, he's still allowed the opportunity to sow delusions and whispers in whatever form they may come. Telepathy is otherwise harmless. 16-20: Possession fails and causes the Zara’kal to be stunned for [2] emotes. Upon successful possession, the Zar’akal is at their most vulnerable. With their presence now in another vessel, their true body is rendered unconscious and inert while the eyes gloss over to a solid foggy white. Attempts to interact with his form will be fruitless so long as his consciousness remains in another vessel. He may, however, be equally slain. Should such happen, standard death mechanics are to be followed. THE GIFTS OF RA’URDOL Primary Spells — [4] Emotes | [30] Maleus | [4] Emotes of Duration | Combative Secondary Spells — [2] Emotes | [5] Maleus | [2] Emotes of Duration (or longer if the target desires) | Combative An attempt to coax forth the devotion of prospective Kings, the lords of the Pentacle have bestowed unto them a unique gift that might be used to garner favor and retain what little shackles remain upon their proxies. Each Zar’akal is gifted with an ability respective to the patron they’ve pacted with, each with a primary and secondary spell. All primary abilities require [4] emotes to perform. The Zar’akal must be within [15] blocks of their target and have line of sight. Maintaining focus of the target, he will utter a personalized Ilzakarn incantation devoted to their patron (left to the player’s creative liberty, although it must contain the Lord’s name as part of a tell), and may connect to the target on the 4th emote. Crow Queen, Daria Rashev A Zar’akal summoning a murder of crows using Kholidav’s bastardized gift. Once connection is made, the target experiences a shiver down the spine, a sense of looming unease as this King weaves his way into their psyche. If line of sight is broken at any point for the duration of casting, the spell will falter and must be started from the first emote. While the primary Lord abilities will serve to impede and hold tangible harm during combat in accordance to their description, secondary abilities are akin to aesthetics. These will not induce any real harm, be it physical or mental. Kholidav Primary The target will gradually begin to uncontrollably vomit and cough a variety of entities and objects that lodge their way up from the trachea. At the peak of this spell, the victim may feel tremendous, discomforted scratching, slicing, crawling, itching, etc., respective to the determined effects that may serve to impede any actions or objective they previously pursued, as such an occult phenomenon may wrack the mind with fear. There is no rigid list of objects that may or may not be expunged, meaning the appearance is mostly aesthetic. The effects/harm imposed, however, is restricted to the following list and may not cause extensive damage beyond what’s written. For example, just because a character bleeds from the mouth doesn’t imply they may begin choking on their own blood or may have their tongue or trachea shredded by glass. Bugs may not be venomous nor controlled, etc. - Small bleeding cuts and fleshwounds in the cheeks and mouth. For example: glass, sewing needles, metal nails, etc. - Minor suffocation that may impede speech and restrict (but not totally prevent) breathing. For example: water, sand, blood, etc. - Disorienting squirming/crawling of living creatures. For example: bugs, spiders, worms, etc. Secondary The target is seized by a sudden but brief nausea. A violent stomach ache may accompany such, perhaps inspiring a moment of weakness and vertigo. Drazhana Primary The victim will experience sensory hallucinations and the earnest belief that they are being hunted by hellhounds. In their ears, the devilish cackling and howling of devildogs become prominent, and in their eyes, shadows dart in the corner of their vision. At the peak of this spell, the victim will perceive a full manifestation of a gnarled, bloody pack of hellhounds stalking them in the distance, encircling them, etc. Perhaps the true terror of this spell is borne that the victim’s allies cannot perceive these creatures, no matter how tangible or “real” they may appear. The victim is left to their own devices, fearful of that which none other can see, hear, or touch. Secondary The victim is stricken with a pang of terror throughout their body and mind. The heart may flutter, anxiety may swell in the chest, the hands may grow unsteady, etc. Kiiztria Primary The victim is seized by the sensation of snakes constricting or biting the body, as though they are being eaten alive. They will grow short of breath enough to induce lightheadedness. Deep within them does a chronic terror of serpents and snakes embed itself, leading them to become fearful of any such themes or creatures for a minimum of 1 OOC week. This may include symbology, depictions, real snakes, etc. After the week has passed, the victim may either overcome this fear by whatever flavorful means the player desires, or it may linger with them for a longer duration. Secondary The target experiences a swift slithering sensation down the spine or up the arms, as though a snake has weaved its way onto their person, which may instill paranoia and discomfort that such a serpentine creature stalks them. Velkuzat Primary This target, led by the malevolent force, has an insatiable need to steal and amass the most peculiar of objects. Wretched carcasses, cursed accessories, and even soiled food all fell victim to their relentless clutches. Each stolen oddity became a testament to the curse's dark whims, added to their ever-growing, grotesque hoard. Secondary A harsh curse instills the target, reducing their once-radiant complexion to an appearance of malnourished disheveledness, as if the essence of life had been sucked from their veins, or they hadn't eaten in many, many days. Zathairn Primary The target is instilled with the overwhelming feeling of paranoia, haunting their every thought and action. These intrusive thoughts can manifest themselves in whatever nature the Zar’akal sees fit. It can be anything from the crippling fear that something tragic has befallen a loved one to that one of the many Aenguldaemons of the realm will suddenly appear and strike them down where they stand. Whatever the case, the paranoia they experience is crippling and causes the target to lose all focus. Secondary The target is once again instilled with thoughts of paranoia and fear, though far less crippling in nature. Instead of tragic, over the top fears, the images running through the targets mind are far more mundane in nature. Perhaps they get the feeling that a piano is about to fall on their head and they feel the need to look up and ensure the coast is truly clear. Or perhaps they have the fleeting thought that they forgot to lock their door this morning and have to take a moment to recollect their memories from that morn. Ra’Ilkgarokk - The Infernal Sickness The Ra’Ilkgarokk is a powerful ritual that turns a lush environment into one that imitates the realm of Moz Strimoza, so that the semblance of disorder and chaos may flourish instead. The landscape transforms into a desolate, barren wasteland with harsh and unforgiving terrain. Now littered with lava pools, dead-bushes replace the colorful lively flowers, jagged rocks with sorrowful faces, trees made of flesh and licked by malflame scatter throughout the terrain. Additionally, the sky would remain in perpetual darkness within this afflicted region, with only lightning strikes illuminating its landscape. The air grows thick with smoke and the smell of sulfur lingers, burdening any non-Inferi with a slight tightness in their chest. Despair is all a Descendant would feel when stepping into the area. The area becomes the Zar’akal’s sinister canvas, allowing the region to appear however they desire. The ritual requires the Zar’akal to draw a pentagram in the center of their chosen land, and willing [5] units of their rakir onto it. This should occur over the course of [5] emotes, and the player may have the creative liberty to add whatever other aesthetic flare to the process in order to describe the full corruption of the land. This region does not span more than [75x75] blocks unless approval is given by the ST or RO. Otherwise if created as a lair, the land may be as large as the lair if the Zar‘akal wishes. It may be smaller if one wishes. Here, Infernal Blood Magic rites & rituals are given an automatic +3 modifier if cast within the area. Despite being a testament and replica to Moz Strimoza itself, the ritual is still relatively weak during formation. Should the ritual be interrupted, those with adequate power have a brief chance to banish its presence from the region and return things to normal before it can be completed. After its completion, it may be purged using ‘Holy’ magics. Zar’Kazlirt — Ritual of Twisted Rebirth Moz’strimoza is a twisted, cruel hellscape that seeks to consume or control all that dares enter it. The same goes for any Zar’Akal who is unlucky enough to find their soul trapped there for some time should their body meet an end. The process to ‘heal’ the ‘soul’ can be a long and arduous task, taking upwards of 2 Elven weeks to restore to its former glory in mundane causes of death, and indefinitely should the Zar’akal be eaten by another. It is not typically in the nature of the False Princes and Twisted Kings to take pity upon each other and throw each other a bone, but Zar’akal who see fit to summon the fallen Kings, be it for political gain, unfinished business, or other zealous justification have but one sacred rite at their disposal to do so: The Ritual of Twisted Rebirth. With the help of at least two living Zar’akal, a Zar’akal who has been eaten may return to the mortal plane. Symbolic to the foundation from which all descendant life originates, the two living Zar’akal must collect the lifeblood of a pure Elf, Orc, Dwarf, and Human, each possessing untainted souls, be it a mere vial’s worth or a whole basin. Once collected, it will be mixed in with a wicked mix of rakir before encircling a pit of bloodridden corpse to form a series of Ilzakarn tongue. They will then calling upon the Pentacle to return their fallen brethren over the course of [6] emotes. When the chant is complete the fallen Zar’akal shall be reborn, consuming and rising from the remnants of the corpse, but at the cost of their own strength. When reborn through Zar’Kazlirt one is able to return to the mortal plane despite having been eaten by another Zar’akal, but they will find their soul weakened and frail during this recuperation period until the soul has replenished itself upon the mortal plane. This process to reacquaint the soul with the body takes 4 OOC days. Credits @Bonito @Unwillingly@VanAtreides/Sykotic— Lead writers @BobBox @TimberBuff @Witchring@RMW01 @Benleft— Feedback & Idea spitballing @Luciloo - Previous write. Changelog as of 8/24/23 Added the following redline under Revival, "-In the case a Zar'akal suffers multiple "killing-blow" injuries, the death timer will be applied to whichever came first. For example, a Zar'akal who is bleeding out may not then be burnt alive to increase the death timer." Removed the requirement for a flavorful RP post in order to create a CA, as well as implication of Moz'strimoza honoring the creation of a "new King" Nerfed peak orc strength to peak strength of original race
  16. tonight.

    1. Traveller



    2. Unwillingly
  17. the last player retention report we had was in 2021. id be curious to see what those stats look like now in 2023, its a shame we no longer get community team stat reports for new players, always looked forward to seeing those

    1. Nug


      no shade but i cant imagine its much better,,, map hype was nice for a moment 

    2. Laeonathan


      what'd you expect, 50 % doesnt even log in once. If I look at all these steam games, where 90 % dont even have the basic achievements I am not suprised... regardless it would be fun to see, you're right

  18. agree, personally I have /showrpnames on quite frequently. if I need to see someone's MC name, I just do a quick toggle because I just prefer to see RP names before I see a username in most cases. I think it'd be nice to simply keep the /showrpnames toggle, but also add the /showextra command for people who want to see the extra info
  19. 1.18 texture pack recommendations pls

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      painterly pack 



    3. Islamadon


      vanilla tweaks (customize ur vanilla experience and clean it up)

    4. Milenkhov


      x32 faithful sharp (milen edit)
      x64 faithful sharp (milen edit)
      default sharp (milen edit)
      headlesshorses 1.18.2 port

  20. for every positive experience a new player has I drop a penny in my restored-optimism jar
  21. simplest way imo would be to simply add a disclaimer below the initial rule such as something along the lines of: "Being involved in combat entails that both parties are actively attacking one another, including magical spells of any type. Simply spectating combat does not count towards combative involvement." that way it covers the ground of whether or not being within range of combat or spectating or even being caught in the crossfire counts as involvement. but yes I do recall this being an extensive issue. I can't speak on how frequently it happens now, but I do know players who did this those few years ago still actively play the server (feel free to DM) not sure how strong of an opinion other people have on this so it's not like I'll throw a fit if it doesn't make it into the rules but I just thought it's worth at least mentioning
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