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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. if we got a magic plugin what kind of players do you think would suddenly show interest in magic and why do you think they'd be interested
  2. does this mean we can finally give builders, lore, and event ST different colors on the in-game tab
  3. Young Galahad's eyes light up to the prospect of exploring the motherland of magic.
  4. mr bright you need to put up a formal seer application as a follow-up to this RP post, which can be found here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forms/53-feat-application/ the LT can't do anything for you or approve you as a seer without it. for the "teacher's MC/RP name" part, just write "Vaasek"
  5. “Hchh!” The icy gales of the mountain suffocated every breath Castiel took, coupled with the thick sludge of trepidation that seemed to weigh him down like bricks. He hauls himself through the crags of a steep ridgeline, and though he tries to step with precision, his heel keeps randomly catching on a rock. It sends him staggering every few meters, which only seemed to contribute to the all-encompassing pit in his stomach. When he falls, he can’t hold back last night’s offal. He sputters and hacks into the ground, breath coming and going in little more than fleeting gasps. Here, at least, he won’t suffer the shame of being seen in such a pathetic condition. Though his mind unrelentingly raced, the whistling wind reminds him how truly alone he is up here. The ridgeline is a desolate place, and so he allows himself the moment of composure he desperately needed. Shakily, Castiel lifts his head, realizing he’s reached the crest of the mountain on a long plane of scratchy grass. Any semblance of the forest below is shrouded by a veil of thick fog, the canopy just barely seen poking through the blanket. He begins to slowly walk. The acolyte's words rattled in his head like a church bell, and he stifled the instinct to mull them and the pain that they brought. But some part of him knew better than to so readily believe this was a problem worth fleeing from, that it was a problem that could be snuffed beneath the heel of pleas and mercy. “When you said you wished to run away, young Prince,” a venomous voice coos. “Is this what you had meant?” The question inspires the memory of an ebony-haired witch in a drooping cowl, who stared with a devastating mix of betrayal and disbelief that made Castiel wish he had never spoken. Since then, he had tried to convince himself that the idea was a mere delusion. That it was never truly viable. But the possibility lingered like the aftertaste of a foul meal. Now, it was even more tempting than ever. “Not like this.” he replies. “Not in a way that’s humiliating to confess to.” "Is it any less humiliating otherwise?" "No." “Then it’s a macabre ending to what were highs of your prowess. That you now walk the crest of utter despondence, with little promise of rebound.” “We have friends and allies.” he protests, as though clawing for what little hope he could strangle from the situation. “We can find help.” “And why, Castiel, would they so quickly flock to the aid of a runaway Prince? You know better than that. And I know that when the world is dead and dark, they would have you buried beneath the rubble of it all if it meant one less craven bastard for them to cater to.” The serpent always had a way of lacing his words with riddle and prose, but he says it’s because Castiel has a habit of taking things at face value. That he needed to learn to look past the words themselves and instead focus on the merit of them and who they came from. It’s this notion that leads Castiel to a terrible, wretched idea that sends a shiver down his spine, that this serpent very well may seek to coax him right into the arms of inhumanity. This one time, he decides not to jump to conclusions, but he wished he had when the words were spoken. “What are you saying?” “That there is a sacrifice to be made, Castiel. A macabre, inhumane metamorphosis calls to you...” A pang of dread clamped his throat like barbed wire. “... And if you see fit to deny the end of all things infernal, then what is it that truly hunts you other than fate itself?” To most people, the word “King” means a life of luxury and wealth. It means succession and adoration, something a child fantasizes for himself in play-pretend. To Castiel, this word means something much different. Kinghood is not a mere ascribed status or titleship, but instead inspires a deep, core-churning fear in him. It’s the embodiment of all things immoral, cruel, and selfish, and it’s these very concepts that beget things of nightmares. The reality was, he had a choice between the jaws of something corrupt and the zeal of something bloodthirsty, and he didn’t want to have to pick between either of them. As foreboding his options are, Castiel reminds himself the consequence of choosing neither at all and what would happen to everything and everyone he had. He loathed the idea of being cornered like a rabbit, and if truly mustering the gut to do something about it was not viable, then his refusal to have his legacy die in cowardice would be. “Perhaps, young Prince, this is your opportunity to squander that wretched abomination Siegmund. Seize his vie for glory. He is undeserving of it. And once the hounds on your tail have lost the scent, sic them on him.” Castiel knew the serpent knew how to pick his mind, but it didn't make the idea any less desirable. Like something fulfilling, something powerful sat on the tip of his tongue for years, but he could never speak it aloud. To confess that, deep down, Kinghood is a status to hunger for would relinquish any semblance of trust his peers had for him — a trust they did not have for Siegmund. That's what made them different . When everything logical and sensible would put Siegmund at the top of the hierarchy, Castiel's reluctance to acquire his status kept him ahead of the game. Perhaps he could have convinced himself of this before, but this is a different timeline. Now is not the time to consider the perception of his peers or Siegmund's standing. Now is a time to consider what is tangible and real, and right now, what is tangible and real will not show mercy in the face of deliberation. The thought sent a shudder down his spine. "Pick your poison, Castiel."
  6. 1. yes absolutely, you can just off-screen kill her or have her disappear, its totally up to you in that regard 2/2a: /menu is how you view your persona overview. this is where you can switch and PK personas. to switch personas, just click on whichever player-head, and to PK, you want to shift + right click on the player-head of the persona 3. lurin is the closest descendant of sutica on aevos currently. the path there is a bit unclear so you may need to either ask staff or another player for help getting there 4. can't say I know of many merchant groups at the moment :( 5. if you need in-game help, you can make tickets for either of the following staff teams: /sreq (story team, for lore or world questions), /creq (community team, usually for navigating places, knowing which places have players, or help with commands), /modreq (mods, also for commands or general server questions) 6. N/A I dont play a halfling hope this helped
  7. if that's all you're gathering from this conversation you need to re-read the thread and everything that's been said on here. maybe even reconsider your perception of RP as a whole while you're at it because "wuh vampires are being treated as second class citizens :(" isn't the issue being pointed out
  8. chilly down with fire gang!

  9. this is a not great mentality to have by virtue of implying that the average non-magic-non-creature player shouldn't have to pursue a story or engaging RP the way CA creatures are expected to. CAs and magics might have more unique flavorful tools at their disposal but not having them should never exempt players from the expectation of pursuing an engaging story. also reinforces this elitism mentality of darkspawn only being shitty plot devices meant to give MY ooc nation community RP and I don't WANT them in my community OOCly and I wish they'd just not be allowed to interact with the rest of the server because I don't WANT them here OOCly so I'll just filter them so I never have the chance of interacting with one for more than 5 minutes
  10. i ask that people approach this conversation in good-faith because this topic has a tendency of being perceived as some petty darkspawn cope (i dont play a corcitura). also as a disclaimer I'm speaking in general of personal encounters I've witnessed and accounts I've heard of and not the posts linked on this thread at face value it's really easy to look at an amendment like this and immediately interpret that the only purpose it serves is to let corcitura hide away perpetually undetected, but this is a a conversation I feel is long overdue for the quality of RP. recently it's become a rising "go-to" solution in multiple communities to filter corcitura through gates by salt-testing them, wherein this immediately exposes them as being a dark creature. in past conversations I've had with people about this, the main argument seems to be: "it's the logical thing to do RPly," and while that might be true, we need to consider that what is most realistic is not always the most RP-friendly. we should be encouraging avenues of RP that drive exploration and player interaction, something that these one-off darkspawn gate test interactions actively subtract from. what this accomplishes is the 2 minute IC-gloating of a vampire's killing vs the much more prolonged barring of possible interaction before it even has the chance of happening consider back in 2016 when holy mages had the ability to darkspawn test with holy flame that only harmed darkspawn. consider people being forced to stick their hands in holy braziers when going through the gates in cities. consider why this was removed and consider now how we've come full circle to the repetition of corcitura being filtered through every eternally closed-gate in an attempt to completely prevent them from interweaving with communities in the first place and how it makes even trying to be creative in how you meet your feeding quota a drag I dont exactly think this amendment is a good solution, but another potential solution I had in mind would be for the corcitura salt-weakness only being applicable while they're transformed, denoting them as a revealed dark creature. this allows them to retain salt as a tangible weakness while removing the possibility of egregious gate-testing or impromptu patrols who just "happen" to approach you asking to cut your palm. this could even be coupled with an amendment stating that one corcitura cannot feed on the same person within x time as to encourage them to interact with new faces instead of the same player over and over again in the case this amendment is made
  11. Hello Mordhaunt,
    I write to you today with a sincere request.
    I see you currently play a  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast  and would like to express my greatest interest in playing a Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast.

    please write back to me if you are willing to bestow me with a  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast. thank you

    1. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter


  12. "What is that? What are you chewing on now?!" a pale gentleman storms towards the fetid imp before snatching that parchment from its mouth. In an attempt to discern the tattered paper, he squints, soon realizing the contents of the missive. Darkspawn Filth "... Nevermind. You can keep it." only after crunching it into a crinkled ball, he lazily tosses the paper back towards the creature.
  13. be the edgelord you were always meant to be

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    3. Java17


      Thanks unwillingly 

    4. Morigung-oog


      Conceal those feels

      Don't let them show

      Edgelord go!

      Edgelord go!

      Can't hold back the cringe anymooooore

      Edgelord go!

      Edgelord go!

      Channel angst and slam the door!

      I must care

      My parents the orcs did slaaaay

      Let the goons rage on.


      The lore never bothered me anyway.

  14. qotd: what kind of moral compass does your character have? this could include their general perception of the world, other people, moral dilemmas, etc

    1. ColonelKuehl1


      Netseth: His morality shifted constantly having probably done more with his life than most Elves even beyond his age. He started out being far more upstanding, though his rule made him jaded if not a hint more ruthless. Overall though he has a pretty simple world view, often finds people fight over stupid things and goes more by a mentality of "Hey dude, you disagree with me I disagree with you and thats cool, but if your disagreement is to obnoxious ill beat the shit outta you and it wont be a close fight." So more laid back, not afraid to bite back when needed XD


      As for Zavar my Goblin um um... pancakes. 

    2. Morigung-oog


      Valindra: Originally a gremlin who wanted nothing more than to live a fulfilling life, she has become jaded, warped and selfish. Set in motion when she joined a group of mercs on Axios, she slowly became less lawful, more chaotic and resorted to petty banditry. This only worsened on the side of respect for people when she became an Izkuthii, as she no longer carried any sort of compass when it came to non-lethal villainy, though was kept on a short leash with the lethal side due to the PK Clause. Upon losing Izkuthii, Valindra joined up with Haelun'or and became used to the concept of taking lives, though always saw what she was doing as selfishly necessary, using reasonings of 'Because they were a threat' to 'because I needed to set a precedent'. Celia'nor encouraged her chaotic behaviour until she returned to Haelun'or, where she is once again kept on a tight leash. 


      Right now, Valindra views herself as little more than a tool in the hand of those who command her, and uses this excuse to get away with her string of crimes with little to no remorse. Due to the way she has been treated in the past [countless betrayals of her trust], she tends to view everyone as fair game, believing that they will all one day betray her on account of matters she considers trivial.


      Tl;dr, Alignment wise, Valindra varies from Lawful Evil to Chaotic Evil at the best of times, though when she is grounded, she can drift into Neutral and [very rarely] good tendencies.

    3. Mannamannaa


      ...For Kor'garr? Find Out IRP.


  15. qotd: who is a player/character that's helped mold or influence the development of your own character, for better or worse?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. amongus


      gamerdude09's duncan is actually the reason my character's a bard >:) i was a lil noob looking for something to do and his book club RP had me writing poems as a joke and it just kinda stuck with the character.

    3. Air


      Lhindir's character Khroll shaped my current main Ante'ahern to be a proper alchemist from a young age and molded a lot of his views. The rp build up was great and some of the most fun I have had on this character.


      And an honorable mention is Diogen's fw, when he instilled a deep fear of frost witches onto the aforementioned character due to keeping him prisoner in Serheim for a few irl days and forcing him to eat people. Wasn't as impactful but the mental scarring it gave him became a reoccurring problem for him in roleplay which I had fun with.

    4. Acostrob


      MCVDK's Demitryus. He met Ifan at one of his lowest points in life, and set him on a straight path. Of course this path did not include anything good, but it served a great deal in how Ifan grew as a character, and ultimately it has led him to where he is now

  16. qotd: how does your character cope with trauma, grief, or their overall mental wellbeing? do they dissociate? resort to alcohol or drug abuse? project it on others? etc

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TheDrHedgehog


      Samuel bottles it up and works a lot in the hopes of forgetting about it completely

    3. Adelemphii


      My snow elf fishes all day, every day.

    4. Amayonnaise


      Avyn writes. She is a big scholar, and finds writing her thoughts helps her process and heal.


      Noruiwyn is an ex chaos demon, and thus has lingering instabilities. She has a large pool of patience despite this, but certain things can tick her off and then she just explodes. Following any angered bout, she tends to struggle with returning to her more reserved 'patient' self, and generally needs a few days before she feels 'normal' again. She tends to linger around specific people who help her calm down and feel normal :)

  17. qotd: what's your character's perception on the concept of "family?" maybe they only believe in family by blood, vice versa. or maybe they come from a very torn origin, and cherish the people close to them now, etc

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. UnBaed
    3. HobbitForHire


      Malii'evarir: If you pick a child up out of a bush, it is yours. Finders keepers. Family is a loose term, and having grown up in a nomadic tribe people entered and left the 'family' all the time


      Einar: Blood and vows make a family. He's a simple man, not a lot going on upstairs

    4. Amayonnaise


      Avyn is a member of one of the original Seeds from when 'Ame Seeds were first implemented - Calithil (now Acaele'thil). Unlike the other seeds that gained new members through trials etc, Calithil was very strictly bloodline with the extremely rare honourary title gifted (maybe 2 in existence). As a result, she only considers her family to be those who are blood, or those related via marriage who make an active effort to be in her life. This helps cut out the ridiculous amount of "family" gained through marriages into other seeds etc.


      Noruiwyn has forged her own family with a daughter she adopted over two centuries ago. As a mortal, prior to her original ascension, her family was of marriage and legitimate children. After ascending and having her soul warped, she abandoned this family and instead developed a 'found family' through the form of very close connections. It is interesting to see her perspective on family adjust the more she reflects on her path and comes to new realisations!

  18. qotd: what's your character's primary weapon when faced with combat? does it have any sentimental significance, or is it simply convenient to have? it could be a magic, transformation, animal companion, weapon, etc

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Traveller


      my words.


      irene (my homunculi) uses a bigass bone sword that sprawls from her arm after tearing her skin apart in combat


      ardromiath (my azdrazi) uses a draanbound ashen cutlass, a remnant from the pirate which he was before


      otton (my siliti, rip) used two daggers, one themed around the sun and one around the moon, ensorcelled with light and dark ensorcellments respectively, these were looted from him after being chased and temporarily slain


      bane (my merchant) uses a spyglass and shovel stored on his backpack, not really a weapon but it's just what he has on hand

    3. Greehn


      my character (wolfgang) used to use a bo staff that he handmade himself until he received a very cool bokken courtesy of @Benleft , so now i use that :3

    4. Morigung-oog


      Valindra's primary weapon is a spear which seems to be crafted from ice with a chain at the end so she can pull it back into her grasp. It was gifted to her by a very old and dear friend.


      Second are probably her Azhl daggers. These were the equivalent of hers and her ex husband's wedding rings. Hers was named 'Affliction of the Chosen', and his was named 'Afflicted of the Trusted', which feeds into the irony that came with the storyline, as her husband cheated on her and broke her trust, so she was not chosen and he was not trusted.

  19. qotd: what's your character's favorite weather, and why? what kind of feelings does it inspire? nostalgia? memories? etc?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mannamannaa


      The scorching, gritty winds of a desert sandstorm. It reminds Kor'garr of the long travel of pilgrimage after he gave up the Rexdom, and his eventual near death experiences that caused him to meet the great spirit Kor. Memories of that meeting are the main drive for his goals in both life and after death. 

    3. Morigung-oog


      Valindra enjoys the cold. It reminds her of who she once was and how far she has come. After abandoning Wyrvun as her patron deity due to his inactivity, she spent a lot time stood out in the snow, cursing and taunting, desecrating shrines and assaulting his followers while knowing he'd do nothing in response. As a rebelling former snelf, she still does this, seeing the act as one of defiance and mockery.

    4. PrimnyaQuorum


      A clear night sky. Haus practically grew up reading under the moonlight, and gazing up at the stars when there wasn't enough to continue reading. It's been a constant in the chaos of life - always there, always the same, giving him a time where he could just relax. The Mori invasion was quite a disruptive event to him as the Night Sky vanishing, as it took that time from him.


      Otherwise, the rain. It's a soothing sound and feeling, as long as your out of the mud and your belongings have a waterproof cover. He's been under a bit since he started wandering place to place, so he learned to enjoy it.

  20. qotd: what was the most memorable, authentic, story-driven, good-faith narrative or even one-time RP encounter you've ever participated in?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jihnyny


      A large crp battle which resulted in Ixli just showing up casually, fought with necros and undead, very fun shit. Seen my orc homie be ripped to shreds

    3. Morigung-oog


      Getting given a reanimated corpse as a gift. 10/10

    4. Amayonnaise


      My Paladin getting kidnapped by Azdrazi and spending 3 hours talking her way out of death @kindEmperor

  21. qotd: what's something that strikes true, raw fear into your character? it could be a person, a concept, a magic, etc. you could also talk about an RP interaction relating to a time they were afraid of something, somewhere

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. NightcastorKitty
    3. Morigung-oog


      This is late, but for Valindra, it is voidal horrors, most notably when invading her mind, and tears in turn. Knowing the power of the void, and that of the creatures that it spawns, Valindra has fallen victim to their wrath of several occasions. During Arcas, she was tortured by horrors after infiltrating the ranks of the cultists during the tear crisis. On Almaris, both of her closest friends were force-PKed in the hollow. Considering deific magics cannot reach the hollow, she can't even assume where their souls have ended up, if they still exist at all. It all plays into an additional fear of hers, which is her own mortality (ironic for an elf, I know).

    4. Tea_Guzzler


      I forgot to reply to this earlier on, but my one persona Aiyeis is terrified of watching someone age. She made the mistake of befriending a human in her youth and watched them grow old and weak. 

  22. welcome to the server :) if you need any in-game help or have questions, you can use the following: /sreq (story team request), usually to ask about lore-related stuff such as magic, magic rules, creatures, notable areas, event sites, etc /modreq (mod team request) to ask about rules, report players, general non-lore related questions, etc /creq (community team request) best for helping with learning commands, basic server mechanics and plug-ins, teleporting you out of random holes, or telling you which RP hubs have the most players if you're ever interested in some one-on-one RP, I have a pretty flexible schedule and you can PM me whenever :)
  23. qotd: when you first created your character, what was the goal you had in mind for them, if any? has it been accomplished yet? has RP generated any new goals for them as a character?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Panashea


      Skaatchnak was to be born of Mor'Ghuun and essentially a different generation of orcs around 6.0. With a different section of clans and identities the main theme of the orcs in question were that they had never actually practiced Shamanism in the way Krug's direct descendants did, but still understood the importance of the Spirits- which is why ritual and action was more important to them then just magic. The goal was moreso to get people to take orcs and the faith more seriously in a time when orcs were very memey.


      They eventually find their footing and after Krug loses its land the two separate groups had a minor civil war until being swallowed by Krugmar and reforming. During this conflict Ram (the dark shaman clan) ends up joining the Horde and rather then accepting the dark shamans who had recently turned to Leyd rather then Ixli, he killed them off and refused the offer given to him. I end up leaving the server for a while, and return toward the middle end of the character's life, returning to a pretty dead nation of Krugmar with no understanding of Krug and the legacy that he left behind or the paths and identity of different orcs. 


       I restored a bunch of different practices like haruspexy, orcish xionism, helped a bunch of shamans practice better, and eventually led up to the Freygoth v Gentharuz conflict and Azdromoth/the azdrazi branding my character and nuking some of the land outside of Krugmar. One thing despite how messy the land actually looked was how much active conflict went on during the tile between Spirits or different practioners of Shamans on the server.


      Despite my clan initially being "cursed" to never practice Shamanism, I end up having it taught to me by my enemies, which kind of ended the cycles of violence between my character and Krugmar and ended that arc of wandering the world.

      There's more involved with what happened to them towards the end of their life but that's a brief chunk of their goals from Arcas to Almaris, but that stuff has arguably more generated from interactions then any direct intention to live a specific way or have more broad goals.

    3. TeawithFrisket


      Depends for me my first character was gonna be a mix of Fighter class and mage from dnd then I found out LOTC true power REDLINES!

    4. z3m0s


      I just wanted to be a blacksmith. . . Then I found out about the Dwarven Curse. . .

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